On August 9, about 2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to have what I call a "career" or "professional" experience. One of my suppliers was having a customer appreciation day in Denver, and I wanted to go. When I first say the invite my first thought was "life is boring right now, I could do this." So, I began by talking it over with Gaupo and making sure it was okay with him if I took a couple of hours to go have lunch and talk with people. He, of course, was super supportive; so I began to work my stuff.
First I contacted work to see if mileage reimbursement was applicable to this, and also if I could have child care expenses covered. Luckily, they didn't laugh me out of the building or off the email server. Instead they granted my requests for both reimbursements. I was really excited. So, I then proceeded to fret about if I was neglecting my child and being a bad mother. After convincing myself that one day would be just fine, I called up our babysitter. She was more than happy to watch Little One, so every thing was set.
Friday, I got all dressed-up. I wore my new-to-me maternity top, slacks, and even heels (it sounded fun). I even did my make-up and of course my hair. It was really fun to look so professional. I real enjoy getting fancy when I have a purpose and want too. This confuses Gaupo to no end, but he willingly supports whatever. Anyway, after getting all fancy I went to pick up our babysitter. Once we were back home, I gave her a run-down on mid-day babysitting instructions and left.
That is when I made my first ever drive to Denver. I have ridden to Denver plenty of times, but I have never actually driven. Actually, I have gone to the airport, but that is completely different. Anyway, when I got there they handed me a goodie bag. The guy before me asked something about drinks (as in alcohol). The gentleman said, "Yes, we have them." Then he looked at me and said "not that you can drink." I replied, "your right I can't." I should have proceeded to explain, but I didn't I just left it at that. By the way, the goodie bag contained a beer mug. It was pretty cool. Once inside, I visited with all the suppliers suppliers. I got comments from the ladies like, "Looks like your going to be a Mama. Is this your first?" However, the best comments was from a guy you told me that I wouldn't need anything at Cabela's. That I was probably like "Cabela's, big Whoop." I informed him there were plenty of things I could use from Cabela's, so he let me enter their drawing. I took his comments to me that I looked to girly and professional to possibly need or know how to use outdoors stuff. Well, the fact is I can, but I can also look very put together. Anyway, I then had lunch and visited with a few people who were seated close to me. It was fun to make, small talk. I mean like talking about the weather, and hobbies and stuff. Like sort of professional small talk. After that, I met with my sales reps, and headed home.
The Point: Now the whole point of that story is that I had a great time at this event. I loved socializing, dressing-up, talking with people I don't know, learning knew things, talking to adults, etc. However, as I was driving home I kept thinking, wow that was fun. I think that it would be kind of fun to have a career. But then I thought of Little One. I thought of her smiles, the fun we have at the park, the way she makes me laugh, and all the tiny moments I get to witness everyday as her mom. As I remembered this, I couldn't help feeling completely full of joy. When I thought about how fun the day was, I could reflect on a good day, but it felt kind of shallow; whereas, when I thought about what I do everyday as a mom it was full, deep and meaningful. I love being a mom. One day, I may choose to make a career, but right now I have the best profession and title ever it is this--MOM. I love being a mom and all the great food, people, and stuff of the world could never compensate for being a mom. That does not mean that every day I have the perfect time with Kylee. It doesn't mean that I am not frazzled, and breakdown for no reason what so ever. What it means is that even though being a mom is WAY harder for me than working, I love it and I will take it good and bad over having all of the other stuff that working would bring.
I just wanted to right that down right now, before I forgot. Just in case you were wondering, what Little One could possibly do to make me think this, here are some videos and pictures of her at her best.
Me as a professional lifeguard. |
Isn't this a great face? |
This one is our own little game. She looks at me like this and then I copy her. Then... |
We both start doing this. |