The last time I went home, was a little over a year ago. That is a long time. Luckily I have seen my family since then, but it was still nice to visit my home in Pima, AZ. I think it is always fun to play where you grew-up, see your Young Women leader and have them ooh and ahhh over your children, play and work with your dad, and just enjoy being at home. So, here is my adventures in Pima.
Like I said in the previous post, Monday the Merrill's took me to Ogden airport where we met my mom and grandparents. Everyone helped us up to the desk (literally like all 8 of us are standing there with only 4 flying.) Anyway, we got our tickets and said goodbye to everyone and then went through security. I love these little airports because it is so much less stressful. For example, the security lady complemented me on my cute toes, and when Kylee didn't want to go through security they pulled out kitty and had her walk to it. It was just cool. Then because we were early (which was a good thing because it still is tricky to get everyone through security) we were able to find a nice open spot to let the kids play around in until it was time to go. We boarded the plane, I fed Tia, and put her to sleep while my mom entertained Kylee. Then we switched and it worked out really great. It was nice to have someone that knows and loves Kylee sit with us because then I just didn't even have to worry if she was bugging them or not. We got into Mesa around 8 and my dad was there to pick us up. It was great to see him. Then we started the drive home. It seemed to take longer than normal, but I think that was because it was dark, and I was ready to be done traveling. Oh well, we made it and by the time everything and everybody was done for the night it was like 1:00AM Colorado time.
Tuesday morning arrived, and true to my girls habits they didn't sleep in much, so needless to say I was really tired. Mainly that first day I just went with the flow. I really had a hard time adjusting to the time. I don't have any idea why, because usually I am not that bad with just an hour, but boy howdy did I struggle. That day my mom had to work at the temple, so while she was gone Kylee and I played downstairs with the jungle gym, and dishes. Then we had lunch, took naps, and waited for Oma to get home. When she got home we went swimming.
Wednesday was fun. We enjoyed being together. I went for a run in the early morning and it was so weird to run by myself. I mean no kids, no siblings, it was weird. However, it was also nice to have some time surrounded by nature. I don't really know what all we did that day. I didn't really have big plans so we probably just visited and enjoyed being there. Although, I think we did make a Wal-Mart trip, and stopped to visit my cousins. That was good. I feel bad because I moved out when the oldest was 8 and I kind of lost track of them and so I am not as close as I wish I was to them. However, they were kind enough to babysit my kids for me on Friday.
Thursday, was much of the same. Just visiting, swimming, playing, and sleeping. It really is a great life.
Friday my mom worked at the temple again, and it was my dad's Friday to work. So, the girls and I just hung out and played. Then after Tia woke up from her nap I took the girls to the temple. We don't get to go very often so it was nice to have one so close, and we could just walk around and enjoy the beauty. I really don't think they understood, but they will one day. Then we went and had lunch with my dad at his office. Kylee was so excited for this, because she loves eating lunch at her daddy's office, and thus it rolled over to Papa's office too. We had a great time eating lunch. We don't really bring relaxation for lunch, but we do bring fun, and craziness which I think my dad enjoyed, so it works. Then we went home and the girls took naps. That night my cousins came over to babysit so that I could go to the temple with my parents. It was SOOO nice to have a temple so close. I loved going. I probably wasn't as prepared as I should have been but it felt so great to feel the love in those walls, and to remember things. I loved it.
Tia and the Gila Valley Temple |
Kylee and the Temple. |
Sisters at the temple. |
Saturday, I honestly didn't help with much but I did play. My dad took Kylee and I on a four wheeler ride to the river. I had never gone down in it, so that was a fun adventure. We taught Kylee how to throw rocks into the water and she got a real kick out of that. Then we went back home because Kylee said she was done. I asked my mom if she would watch her because my dad and I weren't done yet. She of course said yes and so Dad and I headed out. We rode up the hill to the best view of the Valley. Oh it was so fun to trail ride. I LOVE it. I am so glad my dad took me. We came back and my mom went to a baby shower and then picked us up some El Mesquite. It was SOOOO good. Their burritos are GINORMOUS. So, that is also what we had for dinner. We went swimming and then I got the girls bathed and in bed, then got myself cleaned up and relaxed. I had a great day.
Kylee and Papa. Kylee had to ride with Papa because I didn't think I could hold onto her well enough. |
The view from the hill. So pretty. |
Dad on his Four-wheeler. |
Dad and I together on our ride. Look aren't we just so happy. |
Oma and Kylee playing with the dolls downstairs. |
More Playing together. |
Sunday, was good too. Kylee actually took a nap before church so church went way better than normal. She even went to nursery without crying and was still excited to see me when I came to get her. She actually walked out without her shoes one. Ouchy in AZ in the summer. Josh and Nicola and their kids came over for dinner. It was fun to play and visit with them. They all have so much spunk. It was also really fun to watch Kylee and Berlin play together. They did really well. My girls were exhausted by the time they went to bed. I tried to just do family prayers with the girls in their bedroom because my dad and Papa Ross had just sat down for dinner, but Kylee would not do it. I mean holy terror broke out about not having prayers. So, luckily they were willing to pause and have prayers with her. Then she went to bed no problem.
*as a side note. My family after family prayer puts their hands in the middle and they turns them and say "together forever (at night), or return with honour (morning) and Kylee loved it. Thus, we have decided this is something we should do too. It is so fun to watch her do and willing do it and "retun wif honur." It is so cute!
Monday, was great I really don't remember much about it. However, I do know that it involved a run, visiting, and playing.
Tuesday was much of the same, but we went to Papa's office for lunch. Kylee was once again excited to go, but little did I know of why. We sit down for lunch, and Kylee takes one bite of her PB and J and says "ice cream?" She remembered her Papa had ice cream at his office and wanted some. It was so cute. Yes, she did get some but not till after she had eaten her lunch. Then we visited the others in Papa's office and headed home. That afternoon we went swimming and enjoyed.
Wednesday was errand day and R&R for lunch. Oh it was so good, and very fun to go. Although I do have to admit that all-you-can-eat buffets are a little rough with kids. However, it was still really good, and they still have the best bread sticks EVER. Thanks to my mom for spoiling me, so I could have that treat. The errands were fun to, or at least for a fun purpose. My mom is going to make me a quilt for my bed. I found a pattern I liked, so we headed uptown to pick out fabric. I am way excited for it, and I think it will look really good. It was a lot of car time for my kids but they rocked it and we had a good time.
Thursday, we just hung around and enjoyed doing nothing.
Friday, my mom worked at the temple again, and I spent time with my dad. We went to Papa Ross's house to visit him. We had seen him a little but he hadn't really got to see my girls because they were going to bed, so we visited with him for a while. Then we went back home and I helped my dad experiment with a fence. I think it will look really good when he is done with it. Then I went in to start getting lunch ready. Shortly after, Nicola and her kids arrive and my mom gets home. We get everyone lunch and then I rush to get ready and my parents and I head to the temple for another session. Thanks Nicola for watching my kids. The session was really good and it was fun that my cousin Julia was receiving her endowments during that session, so we got to be there for that. Then when we came home we found out that Kylee wet the bed, and Tia hadn't slept very long, but Nicola was still in good spirits. (thank goodness) Then we got all of us, and the kids ready and went swimming. After swimming we visited and got the kids bathed. Then my dad brought home Chicken Flour Enchiladas for dinner. He had gone up town to get fence material. I spent the rest of the night packing and getting ready to leave. It was really not fun.
Papa and Kylee |
Papa, Tia, Papa Ross, Kylee |
Me, Tia, Papa Ross, Kylee |
Me, Tia, Papa Ross, Papa, and Kylee |
Saturday morning we headed to the airport. When I got there, we went to check-in and they informed me that I could not fly home with Tia because I did not have her birth certificate. I was like WHAT!!! I need to get home to my husband. My mom was like, well is there anything you can do? They guy was like well you can have your doctors office fax us her info. In my mind I was thinking "Oh great, my doctors office right now is a bunch of idiots this is not going to work." Luckily, he said he would do it "just this once." So, he he gave me the tickets, and my parents gates passes and we headed through security. I had to get my hands tested because I was carrying a baby. Other than that it went off without a hitch. Then we get to the gate and find out my plane has been delayed an hour and half. Grouchy, but good in and of the fact I got to be with my parents that much longer. Once we were on the plane, I nursed Tia again and put her to sleep. Kylee kept telling me she wanted lunch, but I told her she had to wait till we were in the air and by the time we were in the air she was going to sleep, so for most of the flight I had two sleeping kids. AWESOME!! Once in Denver, we got onto the train and to our Dad with no problem. We were so excited and it was quite a joyful reunion.
Kylee in the car on the way to the airport. |
Tia in going to the airport. |
Sorry for the long post, but it was a long vacation that I really enjoyed. So good to do everything and to be at home with my mom and dad. However, it is also so nice to be back with Gaupo, in Colorado, in my home.
These two were so happy to be reunited. We all were but especially Kylee. |