When Oma comes it is a blast. Oma came last week and boy do I miss her. It was so nice to just have her around. I feel like my life is really busy, but it was fun to have someone to do it with and someone that just knew right when to jump in or how to help. I totally wish I had taken more pictures, but I didn't so the story and about one picture will have to do.
Oma arrived on the 17th. Kitt picked her up and the airport and then they came to my house. They got here around 10 and we made them breakfast and visited and let the kids play. To be honest that feels like what we did most of the day, just visit and watch the kids play. The girls loved having Oma here to read books and look at pictures with. Tia's favorite thing to do is ask you if she can look at pictures on your phone. I finally had to teach Oma how to lock her phone so that Tia could only look at pictures. Anyway, we had a pretty fun day just chillin'. We did have to go to Sams Club to get a few things, but we were pleasantly surprised with a free sample of an orange juice float. It was so good. We also got some good cheese and fruit samples. We got what we needed and few samples and then came home it was great. That night we visited for a bit and watched Despicable Me 2.
Sunday Kitt had to leave to go back home and go to church, but we got to go to Kylee's first primary program. We picked an awful place to sit because you couldn't see her sing or say her part. I thought it would be better to sit where we were but apparently not. Oh well, we learn and she did a great job with her part and it was fun to watch her interact with her class, sing, and say her part. She did great. Then I went to Sunday School with Oma and Gaupo, and RS after that with Oma. I love introducing my family. I just love to show them off when they are here. After church we had naps and snacks. Then when naps were over we went for a walk around the high school. The girls love jumping off of these stone 'blocks' they have and walking on some cement planter things they have. It is one of my favorite parts of Sunday. Then we came home and had dinner. Then we played Quiddler and taught my mom how to play Five Crowns. Then we decided to go to bed because the next day was Monday and the week would be on.
Monday I went for a run while Oma took the girls to 'Oma's Park' and a walk. They loved doing that and I met up with them at the end and we all walked home together. Then the girls rode their bikes for a bit, we had breakfast and then went to swim lessons. In Kylee's swim lesson she was so close to jumping in, but just couldn't get herself to do it. It was really funny. She would crouch down low and get all ready and then she would back away from the edge or get nervous. Oh she was so close. Anyway, after swim we came home and Trent and Tori came over. We just kind of let the kids play and my mom got to see first hand how much the girls can not leave Trent alone. It is incredible, but they can't. Anyway, we had lunch and during naps I had to get dinner made. My mom rested for a bit and it was just a relaxing time. Then the kids woke up and they played and did stuff while dinner cooked. Some of their favorite things to do are play with Trent, play outside, ride bikes, and play downstairs. For FHE on Monday, we did pick and object and find a scripture or scripture story about that object. Then after the kids were in bed we played Quiddler and taught my mom how to play Five Crowns. Then we watched Gidget and called it an evening.
Tuesday we all woke up and had breakfast and then we all took Kylee to preschool. She thought it was so cool to have everyone in the van with her. It was a pretty wild deal, but really it was quite fun. After we dropped Kylee off Oma, Gaupo, Tia, and I went to Roosevelt Park and went for a Pokemon Walk. Tia rode her bike once around and then we put it in the car and went to the park and played. We had a great time watching her go down the slide, burying feet, playing chase, swinging, and just about anything else Tia wanted to do. Finally though, we had to leave so we could get home to have Trent come. He came and Guapo left for work. We kind of just hung out until Kylee got home and then it was lunch and naps again. I can't remember what we did during nap time, but I know it involved resting and chatting a bit and I probably had something I needed to do. I usually limit the stuff I have to do, but I just so couldn't get it all done before my mom came. I don't know why I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Anyway, naps ended and we had leftovers and Tequitos for dinner. Then we finished up a couple of things, went to the 'kids' park, took baths, and went and got Makenna the babysitter. Once Makenna was at our house, Oma and I left for RS meeting. The event was #shoesknowU. Everyone brought a shoes that represented them and so we all got to know each other a little better and have some fun. My mom took one of my girls sandals because the two most important things are her family and Christ. But also she loves teaching little kids-hence the little sandal. I took my new Frisbee cleat. It represented a new stage of being able to play Frisbee again, bright colors which I love and just is a cool shoe. My favorite shoe was a bag full of grass, which represented someone who doesn't like to where shoes. They preferred to be barefoot. Needless to say, it was a fun activity. After I took Makenna home, my mom and I chatted until Gaupo got home and he chatted with us and then it was time for bed.
Wednesday was crazy. I mean oh it felt nuts the whole day. It was one of the days that Tia wanted to do everything she wasn't suppose to do. Kylee did pretty well, but Tori wanted to do every thing that Tia did, so was also naughty and I felt so helpless. However, it was a good and fun day to. It started off with a run and getting a picnic put together. Then we went to swim lessons and Oma told Kylee if she would jump in all by herself she could have a treat. Well guess what? Kylee did it. It was awesome and she is still doing it. It was so fun to watch her do it because it was kind of a gradual thing. It started with just barely jumping, to jumping a little further, and finally a pretty decent jump. She is quite the girl. After swim we booked it home and waited for Tori and Trent so we could all go to Kylee's field trip. We went to Flander's park where her teacher had a Kayak and a canoe and so I took Tia in a Kayak and Tori and Kylee went in the canoe. It was fun and so nice. It was so peaceful to be out there on the lake. I came in and my mom went out on one too while I held Trent. After the boat rides we played at the park and had a picnic lunch. It was a great day for a picnic. Tia and Tori didn't want to eat lunch, so they just played. While at the park we met another Oma. She was actually from Germany and she told us Oma means more than Grandma. It also means that you know I love you and I know you love me. I thought it was pretty cool. When lunch was over we piled back into the car and had naps. This day not much napping happened because we talked a lot about what to do with Tia. She was SOOOO naughty that day. I can't even tell you that much about it because I can't remember, but it was bad. However, I was able to get some helpful advice and things have been going better I think. Anyway, after naps we went shopping at the dollar store for a birthday present for our friend Jensen. I also made a quick trip into Dick's Sporting Goods and Ulta. Ulta is the most confusing store ever. Seriously who decided make-up should be organized by brand. It should be by thing like all the eye-liner should be in one place and lipstick in another not all mixed. That store was too overwhelming for me. Anyway, after shopping we went home and got dinner made, played, ate and sent the girls to bed. Then we played Rivals of Catan and another game. Then we chatted and went to bed.
Thursday we took Kylee to preschool again. Only this time we couldn't go our normal way because they had the road blocked off by two police cars and the one had the cop outside of it with a rifle poised and ready to shoot. So scary. We found out the next day that someone had stolen a car and shot out some windows in that neighborhood. The did catch the people but apparently not till later. Anyway, so weird. So, we dropped Kylee off and went back home where we had speech Therapy and then occupational Therapy. It was a pretty good speech lesson, but I felt like the OT was even better. the OT brought some Tinker Toys and Tia played with those almost the whole time. She did a few blocks, but but mainly these and it was so fun to see her joy as she got the pieces together and built a very cool tower. Trent came about 3/4 of the way through, so it was good that Oma was there and could help with that otherwise I am pretty sure OT would have been a lost cause. Anyway after that we went and chilled outside while we waited for Kylee to come home and then we had lunch and naps. During naps I made bread and talked to my mom a bit. Then I got beans started for dinner and the kids played when they woke up and then I ate and we went to Frisbee. I loved having my mom there. I don't know why but I have always loved having 'fans' and most importantly family 'fans.' It was her first real Frisbee game and it was kind of funny to explain Frisbee to her. I think the funniest question was "Who were they calling Chilly?" It isn't a name mom it is what we say when we want them to be patient with the disk. Anyway, I loved having her there and it was a great evening for it. I felt like I played well. My team had pretty good spirit and it was quite a bit of fun. After Frisbee I came home and took a shower and then my mom and I stayed up talking until about 11 when Kitt got there. Then we of course talked some more and then went to be around midnight.
Friday dawned bright and early. We took Kylee to preschool again and then we came home and finished getting ready and cleaning up breakfast. Then Tia, Oma, and I played around for a bit and then I decided we needed some outside time. So, we walked down to what we call Rocky Mountain park. There Tia played and played. Then Tori and Trent came and we played some more. However, we had to hurry back, so that we could be home when they dropped Kylee off. I am so still trying to get use to this having something in the morning 3 times a week. However, we are getting there and I thoroughly enjoy when Kylee doesn't have school. When we got back the kids played out front for awhile. Tia really wanted the stroller on the front porch and so she was trying to get it up there but couldn't and recruited Kylee and Tori for help. They ended up pulling the hose up and around the stroller to see if they could do it that way. These kids are pretty dang smart.
Oma, Kylee, Tori, and Tia with the stroller and hose. |
After playing outside we had lunch and naps. I really don't remember what we did during nap time, but something I am sure even though it might have been just getting ready for dinner. I can't remember. Anyway, that night after dinner and the girls were in bed we played games and talked. I think we all would have liked to stay up late, but we had to get my mom to the airport by like 6, so sleeping in was not an option.
Saturday we did get up and get my mom to the airport. I went with Kitt to take her and I am glad I did because it gave us time to chat and be together just that much longer. However, when we got home the girls were awake, but luckily Gaupo took them on a long walk and let us catch a little bit of sleep. It was good because we then had breakfast, went to an Elder's Quorum softball activity, the Jensen's birthday party, and then finally home for slight naps, and dinner. It was a crazy day but really fun. It has been a long time since I have played softball and so it was fun to catch and bat. It was also fun to play with my friends at the birthday party and watch the girls interact with their friends. It is so fun to watch Kylee actually play and it is fun to watch Tia kind of try to figure it all out.
It was a crazy fun filled week. It was kind of busy, so I don't know if Oma got as much us time as she hoped, but we were sure glad she came and had fun showing our life to her. It is fun to just show people what we do.
PS. Sorry this took so long to write. I might turn into a horrible bloggger. Lets hope not.