Between being sick and going on vacation Christmas arrived in no time. I really could have probably used another week before Christmas to just sit back and enjoy, but that of course wasn't going to happen so we just held on for the ride. I usually make jammies for the family for Christmas, but this year I just could not wrap my head around going out an getting the fabric. I know that is so lame, but my go to fabric place went out of business and I just couldn't justify driving about an hour to go to a just fabric store, and honestly Hobby Lobby kind of overwhelms me because there are so many hobbies going on. Anyway, I decided Gaupo and I didn't really need them and we found some super cute pink sweats with glittery hearts for the girls, so we bought those and called it good. However, I still really wanted to make the girls something. I know it is kind of crazy, but when you work on something for someone it gives you time to think about them and think about what they will do with it and stuff like that. So, for me it really kind of helps ring in the Christmas spirit. With this desire in mind I decided that I would make the girls some "queen Elsa's." Luckily, I mentioned this while I was at home visiting and Kara had found this super cool furry fabric type stuff and she said I could have some if I wanted it. I took her up on the offer and I am so glad I did. The project itself was pretty simple, but I really like how they turn out. Anyway, like I said I talked about this project when I was at home and then I bought the other material I needed on Tuesday morning, so I didn't have a lot of time to pull these together. Good thing they were simple. I made most of Tia's on Tuesday night and then for some reason I couldn't do it on Wednesday or Thursday, but I was able to finish them both on Friday. They turn out good. It is not perfect craftsman ship, but they still float out nicely as the girls run around the loop while listening to let it go.
So, between making these "queen Elsa's" and doctors appointments we didn't really do much leading up to Christmas. However, I did enjoy just being with my girls. We woke-up and got Gaupo off to work just in time almost every morning. Then we would cuddle up on the couch together and read books then finally I would mossy upstairs to get dressed. The we would come down make breakfast and then either play and/or run errands. I wasn't working out because I liked being lazy and just having my own two kids. I also didn't spend tons of time getting ready because I was still wearing glasses to make sure my pink eye was all cleared up. It was so great. Vacation spoils you, but oh man it is so great. Anyway, there were no super big events leading up to Christmas just some quality getting better and chilling together time.
Christmas Eve though is when the festivities started. I had gone shopping earlier in the week, but of course managed to miss a couple of things that we needed/wanted. So, we went to Wal-Mart in the morning. Luckily it wasn't too busy and we got what we needed. Then we by Gaupo's co-worker Ronda's house. She was suppose to come over for Christmas Eve dinner, but she wasn't feeling good. We dropped by because she wanted to give the girls her Christmas gift. She was so nice she picked out some great things for the girls and us. She wanted the girls to open it when they got home and not one to disobey opening present orders we did just that. They got coloring pages, Queen Elsa ornaments, a big box of crayons and candy. She also gave me a couple of light-up snowman ornaments. They are super cute. So the girls were of course all about trying out their new things. The coloring pages have been perfect. Kylee has colored tons of them and done a great job at staying in the lines. It was so great. So, while the girls were entertained with that, I made crescent roll dough so it could rise. Then we went on a walk I think and had lunch.
After lunch and settling down for naps for a bit it was time to make rolls. I love crescent rolls. They are so good. They are totally worth all the clean up. So, anyway I was making the rolls and decided that my neighbors needed some. So while the last batch was in, we ran over there and got to chatting with them. Luckily we remembered the rolls before they were too burned. I talked to the neighbors for awhile which was great. They were probably like "Man, why is she here and still talking." (okay I have great neighbors so they probably weren't thinking this, but I needed some socialization after a week of isolation due to sickness.) So, after a good visit there and a friendly nudge from Gaupo to get going back home. We rushed back over in time for our home teachers to drop by and visit for a minute and leave us with a delicious plate of cookies and a container of fudge, They invited us over to hangout, but we were anticipating Christmas Eve dinner, so we had to turn them down.
After they left, we quickly jumped in the car and went back over to Ronda's house to deliver her some rolls, and peach jam. She was grateful for both, so I am glad we went. Then we came home and got the potatoes in. Then I think we just played until they were done, but we may have gone outside for a walk or something. I don't know for sure, but time passed and it was time for dinner. Kylee really wanted it by candlelight, so we obliged and enjoyed a dimly lit dinner. It was kind of fun to have the glow of Christmas lights and candles with dinner. I currently don't have real candles, just electric ones and they are not quite as bright, so I think I may need to invest in some real ones. Anyway. we had part of our whole plan. I spent to much time chatting that we didn't have enough time to do it all. So we just had ham, cheese potatoes, corn casserole, and rolls. It was super good. Then we got the meal cleaned up. Then the girls opened their jammies and we got baths taken and kids in bed.
After the kids were in bed it was time for us parents to get presents wrapped. I know it is so sad that we didn't have hardly any of the kids presents wrapped by Christmas Eve, but we got them all wrapped and then we visited for a bit and took our own showers in preparation for the Sabbath and then went to bed.
Christmas morning dawned early for Kylee, but the poor kid had to wait until about 8:00 before she could go downstairs. We waited and waited for Tia and finally it got late enough that I had to start getting a little bit ready for church, so that we could get there when we needed to. Luckily the running water and getting ready noises caused Tia to wake-up, so we could go see what Santa brought.
Santa was generous as always. He left us a Santa breakfast of cereal, and pop-tarts. He also left the family some microwave popcorn, and a one pound Hersery bar and a one pound Reese's cup. That was just the family stuff he left all of us our own treasures as well. I got some hair clips I have been wanting, candy, my favorite fruit snacks, some cool socks, and white board markers. Kylee and Tia both socks, candy, Frozen fruit snacks, white boards, white board markers, headbands, and slinkys. Tia also got some monkey's in a barrel. Gaupo got a lot of candy, some peanuts, toothbrush heads, and tie. Santa was good to us and it was fun to watch the girls eyes light up with all the candy, socks, and toys. We got stockings done, had a quick Santa breakfast and then got ready for church.
Church was a combine meeting with all three wards in our building. It started at 10 and was presided over by a member of the stake presidency. It was a musical thing. They had a couple of special numbers but mostly it was a narration and combine with Hymns that the congregation sang. It was a nice meeting and we had fun going to church on Christmas. The girls did pretty good with it although Tia was a little confused about why we were going home and not to nursery when the meeting was over. However, she became really okay with it when we told her we needed to go home to open presents.
Almost as soon as we entered the house the girls were all about getting into the presents. I had to run upstairs to put my shoes away and Guapo said, "You need to get downstairs or everything might be open." So, I hurried down there, but they hadn't opened anything yet. Gaupo helped the girls hand out the presents and then we took turns opening them. It is always funny to open presents at our house because Gaupo always wants to just keep going around and I am totally fine if it takes forever and the kids play with each thing as soon as they open it. So, we do a little bit of both and it works good. The girls got a lot of wonderful things and some much needed things. They have loved playing with everything they got. We now have quite a stash of Duplos, TinkerToys, Pony's, and plastic puppies. We also have a floor puzzle that the girls love doing and some new clothes. Gaupo and I got a few new games and Gaupo got Kenex and I got some Essential Oils I have been wanting. It was a great Christmas. In preparation, I felt kind of bad because I felt like it was really simple, but when it all got unwrapped and gone though I am so glad it was as simple as it was because they got plenty of treasures and love.
Tia and her 'Queen Elsa.' |
Kylee and her 'Queen Elsa.' |
Kylee excited about more leggings. |
Gaupo opening his 'big' present. Kenex from the girls. |
Kylee had her eyes on this package because it was so big. It was a baby carrier. |
Tia opened her presents in her swimsuit. |
Me opening gifts. |
After presents we had lunch and naps. Then we video chatted with Grandma for a bit and got dinner ready and talked to Oma and Papa for a bit. Then we enjoyed a Christmas feast of mainly leftovers, but added the things I didn't have time to make the day before like sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole. It was a tasty dinner and tons of fun. After diner got cleaned up the girls wanted to watch a movie, so we watched the Nativity and Mr. Kruger's Christmas. After the girls were in bed, I called my Grandpa and then Gaupo and I played a new game. We played the game I got called Forbidden Island. It is a great game because it doesn't take much time to setup or play and it is a cooperation game (a game where you all win or all lose).
I love Christmas in my own house. I really do miss being with family and not seeing anyone else on Christmas, but I love that we can do our own traditions and way of doing things. We don't have everything figured out yet, but its fun to figure it out together and to think about each other and be with each other. I love watching my kids play with each other and explore there new toys. I love that a Christmas bomb can go off in my house and I don't have to clean it up too much, because its just us. I love to be with my family. It was really nice to have Gaupo have the day after Christmas off this year because then it made the Holiday spread out that much longer. Honestly we didn't use the day other than to just be together, take the car to the shop, take walks, play with toys, watch a movie, and play games, but we were all together and that is what really mattered. Another great Christmas!!