Well, I wish I could do some serious blogging about all the end of December events in 2018, but if I do that I will never get onto 2019 and we have some really great little ones that need to make their entrance on to this blog, so here is to a summary of the last part of December.
Tia Turned 5. I honestly can't believe she is five, but boy oh boy does she love being 5. She is one spunky gal. She is a great sister and her imagination is very clever. I love to watch her play with barbies, dolls, duplos, and anything else she makes into a story. Tia is still very good at being a mover and a doer. She definitely has her own ideas about things and is really hard to convince to do something else or to do it another way. We celebrated Tia's birthday on her birthday and actually had Oma here too (because we thought the twins were coming, hahaha). For Tia's birthday she got to go a friends house and play. Then for dinner we had her favorite macaroni and cheese. We let her just have mac and cheese, but I also had chicken nuggets for the rest of us. We opened presents and then we had her cake. Tia insisted she wanted a tractor/train cake. This little girl really tests any sort of cake skills I have. This cake was better than last year, but its still pretty bad. Anyway, she loved it. She actually didn't eat it very well, but she loved the cake and still mentions it, so I guess it was worth all the effort.
Tia opening her present. |
Looking at all the horses and Barbies. |
Tia and her cake. |
Tia. |
Tia, Me, Kylee, and Gaupo. |
Christmas. It was kind of normal stuff between Tia's birthday and Christmas except that Papa, and Aunt Klaire arrived on the 21st. So, for the first time ever we had company for Christmas. It was kind of a simple Christmas, but the girls still got way spoiled. We had our traditional feast on Christmas Eve. It was so nice to have all the foods we love, and have help making them. We had Ham, sweet potatoes, corn casserole, green bean casserole, holiday potatoes, and rolls. Then we had death by chocolate cake for dessert. It was really good. On Christmas Eve, we acted out the Nativity story. It was fun to have so many characters. Papa was the donkey and the camel. Kylee was Mary. Jason was Joseph, Oma a shepard, and Klaire and Tia were Wise Women. I read the story and was the inn keeper. It was so fun. The girls favorite part I think was riding the camel/donkey. After we acted out the Nativity we had the girls open their Christmas PJ's and then it was time for bed. Us adults visited and watched a movie and did a few other things and then went to bed. Christmas morning with little kids is the best. They were so excited about Santa coming. He brought us all some much needed items and few fun ones too. This year he brought doughnuts, juice, and hashbrowns for breakfast. It was so good. Then we opened presents. The girls had a hard time waiting for their turn with all the extra people, but it was fun for it to take a little longer. Although, I love when all the gifts are open and then you get to play. I always worry something isn't going to be played with, but as the day goes on everything gets its turn and the girls play with it all. Plus, it was fun to have Papa there to help them play and to share his toys with them too. I love Christmas day. It is a great day to just be a family and enjoy being together.
Showing off the Jammie Pants. |
Tia with her stocking. |
Kylee with her stocking. |
Me opening mine. |
Gaupo with his. |
Oma with hers. |
Papa with his. |
Tia being cute with a present. |
Kylee, and Tia building with Toys. |
Aunt Klaire's Birthday. Klaire actually celebrated most of her b-day on the 29th. It started with Papa and Guapo going to "home depot." Only they actually went to the airport to pickup Curtis--Klaire's fiance. So, that was a way fun surprise for her. Then the rest of the celebrations involved working on the basement and good food. Klaire wanted burgers for dinner, so we grilled those up and had tater tots with it. Then we had cheesecake for dessert. Sunday her actual birthday, she had presents and we had creme breule breakfast bake for dinner. It was fun to celebrate with her and it was fun to have Curtis here. He was a good help in the basement and I feel very fortunate to get to meet him before they actually get married. He was fun to play games with and he seems to make Klaire very happy, so I am very pleased about that.
Curtis, Gaupo, and Klaire painting. |
Kylee, and Tia helping to paint. |
Papa in his "coveralls." Yes those are lightup Kitty Jammies he bought. HAHAHA!! |
Klaire and Curtis. |
Klaire playing with Tia. |
Those are kind of the major highlights and it doesn't even begin to do justice to the wonderfulness of December. There was a lot of wonderful visiting, movie watching, walks, game playing, and fun mixed into the whole month. I really wish I had made time to document it all, but there was a lot going on with company, basement project, holiday stuff, and then just making excuses. And now we have twins that making sitting down at a computer to write stuff down a little tricky. So, know we loved 2018. The holidays were awesome. I got to enjoy them at home with my family and that awesome. I also was able to get all the appointments and things done that needed to be and feel very blessed that 2018 was the year it was and ended out the way it did. It didn't end exactly the way I thought it would, but it was still great. So, on to 2019.
Tia, Gaupo, and Kylee building cars in "Santa's Workshop" at Longmont Lights. |
Tia and Kylee in the blue train car going for a train ride. |
Watching Fireworks at Longmont Lights. |
Tia and Kylee building with duplos. |
Hanging out with Tabitha, Aunt Kitt, Tia, Kylee, and Uncle Matthew. |
Kylee getting a horsey ride from Papa.And it looks like Tia is on his legs too. |