This last weekend was officially moving weekend. I feel like it has been forever since we started this journey and really the very first inklings that we were even considering maybe moving was September, we found our house in Dec., and here we are 2nd week of February in our house. It really isn't that long of a time to go from maybe we will look and see to moved in but it seems like FOREVER. It seems especially long since we went under contract until now, but you we are here and loving it.
Back in December, I texted my family that we had made an offer on this house and then said, "But, it will take a miracle for us to get it." Well folk miracle happened. We listed our house on Dec. 13, and it was sold by Dec. 14 making this house go fully under contract. Since then, we had our old house miraculously appraise for the amount it needed to, the buyers didn't make any requests for fixing things, and our seller made some concessions and fixes for us. Then it is no small miracle that the house was packed and ready to go despite having my two big kids home sick most of the week. I really think the Lord has been steadily preparing us for this for a long time. It could have started 8 years ago when we decided to buy and weren't quite sure how we were going to make it work. But it for sure started with finishing the basement. For one, it up-ed the value of our home. For two, it made us go through EVERYTHING in the basement and clear out and make room in the blue room and throughout the house for everything we kept to be out of the basement for about 7 months. Then early November I got the hankering to clear out closets and clothes and that got rid of a ton of stuff. So, really when packing time came we were down to what needed to be packed. We still got rid of stuff, and threw stuff away, but a huge chunk of what would have needed to be sorted was already done. This whole move has been a series of miracles. I don't know why now was the time to move or why we felt so sure this is the house we wanted, but I can promise you with how things played out this is where we are suppose to be for this next adventure chapter of our lives.
Tia adding pictures to the moving boxes. |
The artist and her artwork. |
THE MOVE. It all started on a very, very snowy Friday morning. The closing on our Alpine house happened at 9:00AM. It was a good thing that it was okay if we were slightly late because we were. It just took us awhile to get the kids to the right houses, and then I forgot the babies sippy cups and my friend Megan doesn't have any so I needed to get those and drop them off again. Plus, we had to drive carefully because it was so snowy. Anyway, we got there and were finished with our part of closing before the buyers were done. We had to meet separately at the beginning because the buyer speak Spanish and needed a Spanish speaking closer. So, we meet separate then together to work out possession details and then split up. Thus, we were homeless, but we had a lot of money. Then we went to the next closing, and we signed a bunch more papers, got codes and keys for the house, spent all our money and then some, but now we have a new home.
Once we got home we loaded up the truck with a few things like the grill, smoker, outside toys, and such. Then we loaded the van with the kitchen table, and cleaning stuff. We had a quick lunch and then arrived at our new house to clean. I had some help coming from our new ward (Highland Lake). Although the night before, our realtor Craig Cowley, asked me if I would like it if he paid to have someone clean the kitchen and bathrooms. I was like Yeah! That would be awesome. So, I used the wonderful ladies that came to help and the sister missionaries to clean blinds, baseboards, and run carpet cleaners, so that my house was actually clean when we moved in. It was so nice to have everything clean. I have been able to just unpack and not worry about having to clean first. It is AWESOME!
So, I cleaned until about 4:30. Gaupo left around 4:00 to get the twins and the girls and then came and picked me up, so we could go get dinner. We went to Sams Club and got the family bundle. We dropped it off at the old house and went to get the moving truck. It seemed like it took forever. Really the kids were just hungry and ready to move around and be out of the car. Finally, we got it and we went to the old house and had dinner which wasn't the original plan, but in hind sight was great because we made the mess there where I hadn't cleaned yet and then the new house was still clean. After dinner and loading a couple last things into Gaupo's truck, we went to our new house for the night. The big girls slept on their 'new' beds that we bought from the seller, the twins slept in their normal beds, and Gaupo and I slept on an air mattress. The kids slept great. I didn't so much, but its okay we made it.
Tia and Kylee the first night in the new house. |
Saturday was the big move day. Blessedly, the snow stopped for Saturday. I woke up around 5:30 to read scriptures and get ready. We were out the door around 7:15 to return carpet cleaners and pick-up donuts. After we did that, I dropped the kids off at my friend Janelle Bailey's house for the day while Gaupo went to the old house to meet the guys helping us move. Ute Creek Ward Elder's quorum was loading the truck. Those poor guys hauling heavy boxes from the basement, playing Tetrius trying to get everything in the truck, but everything that was left was packed in the moving truck, Gaupo's truck, my van, and David Detro's truck (a guy from Highland Lake Ward), but 10:00, so about 2 hours. We arrived about 10 minutes late to the new house where Highland Lake ward Elders met us and unloaded the truck in about an hour. They were fast. They ran a crew outside unloading and a crew inside moving boxes to where I said they needed to go. They were so fast and worked hard they were so great. So, when they finished Gaupo decided to just get the truck returned and then go grab leftover pizza at the old house which perfectly lined me up to meet with my friends Siri Jacobson and Danette Hillman to clean my old house. We were there for about 1.5 hours and got it all cleaned up and ready for the new people. Then I went back to the new house to start unpacking.
It was so overwhelming. Oh my goodness. I knew there was space for everything, but trying to decided where it should go, and trying to remember what all I need to have room for. Needless to say, I didn't get a whole lot done because it was just so much. I didn't have a ton of time anyway because I was picking up the kids at 4:00 from Janelle's. So, I went and got them and we came back and I got a little more done. I kind of worried about sending the twins away to 'strange' houses and then bringing them back to a place that wasn't the home they had been in, but they haven't missed a beat being here. I think they are totally good as long as mom and dad are here. Anyway, the big girl pretty much got settled in their room and played for an hour and half it was AMAZING and during that time I tried to organize the kitchen more. At 5:30 we met the buyers at our old house, and turned over the keys to them. I think they will love house and I am excited for them. Its kind of weird knowing that, that is no longer my house, but I still have my memories and a great new place to make more. After turning over the keys, we went out to eat at Wendy's. Our kitchen and I were not up to making dinner, so Wendy's was a good treat. Once we were done there, it was home for baths and bed. After all the kiddo's were in bed I worked really hard at getting the kitchen to the point were I could make mac and cheese with chicken nuggets and have cereal for breakfast on Sunday. I almost didn't make it, but luckily Gaupo stepped in at just the right time and I made it before I just gave up.
Moving truck at Alpine house. |
Moving crew enjoying their donuts. |
Piles of boxes like this at the new house everywhere. |
Sunday was a welcome day of rest. Also, it started snowing heavy snow again. We had a good breakfast of donuts and cheese eggs. Trent and Tori and Siri came over, so that Kylee, Tia, and Tori could practice the song Kylee's baptism. So, they played for a bit and then I finished getting ready and it was off to church in our new ward. They were all very welcoming. It was weird to be the new person again its been awhile. It was also weird to feel like a 'young' family. I didn't feel like there were a ton of kids, but there were kids in primary, so I guess there are kids. I think it will be a great ward, we just need to get in there and give it time. After church it was lunch and naps. Then we video chatted Grandma and Grandpa. Then we went to my friend Megan Von Neiderhuasen's for dinner. It was so nice to not have to do dinner, because I just wasn't ready for 3 meals in my house in one day. So, we had fun visiting with them and the girls had a blast with there kids. They played and played. The girls feel asleep so fast that night it was awesome. That night the Relief Society President came and visited with me. Her son came too, and Gaupo played games with him while us ladies chatted. It was really enjoyable to visit with her and get to know a smidge about someone new. After she left, I talked to Papa for a little while and then we went to bed.
Since then it has been unpacking amid our 'normal' schedule. The kitchen is officially unpacked. I think I need to trade my knife and serving spoon drawer, but other than that I think it is going to work. I got a lot of the 'playroom' unpack and put away today, so that is nice. I am making progress, but it is definitely taking some time. I love our new house and am excited to make it our home. Our kids have handled it great. I do think it helps we didn't change schools, and so that aspect of their life is the same. Its been fun to find how to use the spaces and get things worked out. We feel so blessed to be in this home, and to be starting a new adventure as a family here.