Covid make my life really busy. Most times I love it. I love to have my kids around and to be involved in their lives, but sometimes I wouldn't mind sometime during the day that was just mine. Time to write on this blog, to do some more scripture study, to bake cookies undisturbed, or read a book. Oh well, that not life right now and so sadly blogging is way more sporadic than I would like. However, I still want to document things, so the big event this time is Thanksgiving 2020.
Over a year ago, when thought of hazards of winter travel consisted of bad weather and possibly getting a cold were the only worries, my brother and I decided it was time for the Michael Bryce family to have Thanksgiving together. Thanksgiving for 2019 was already planned to be spent at in-laws houses, so the plan was 2020. I told all my siblings and our parents and it was planned--2020 Thanksgiving together in Arizona. Since that time, Covid has occurred and traveling in bad weather still exists. So, what do we do? Do we gather and hope for the best or do we hope that 2021 is better? Eventually, we decided that we would be as careful as we could a couple weeks before and then we would still go if everyone was a go and hope for the best. It was kind of nerve racking as we would get updates from the school that a kid or 2 tested positive with Covid. It was also nerve wracking when Gaupo's co-workers got it, but we didn't have signs or symptoms and so we left Friday November 20 for Arizona.
On Friday we only went to Las Vegas, New Mexico where my brother had offered a free hotel night to us. It was great to be able to get a few hours on the road and have a place to crash. The kids of course love the TV and beds in close proximity to each other. Kade fell asleep about 10 minutes before we arrived so was pretty wigged when we took him out at a strange place, but after a bath and watching some TV on the bed with his sisters he was good. We also brought cool glow sticks which were amazing at helping the kids stay calm and quiet when it was bed. The bed was really hard and I hard time sleeping, so I couldn't wait for everyone else to wake up so we could get on the road. The hotel offered a bag breakfast that I had the kids eat in the hotel eating area and I am so glad I did because boy did we make a mess. I tried not to, but it was still a mess. Anyway, we were on the road by about 7:30.
The drive seemed long, and it was. The total was about 9 hours and that was doing about 4ish the night before. Luckily it was uneventful and we were able to make pretty good time. We are always a little slower on new routes because we don't know where gas stations, and things are so I felt pretty good about the time. We usually just go to my parents house, but this time we were going to my brother's house first and so we went a different route than normal. Everyone was so excited to finally be in Buckeye at the Bryce's house. The cousins showed us their house and the playing immediately began. The kids played and played. Lindsay made a yummy dinner of unstuffed eggrolls. It was very good and then we got the kids bathed. Let them watch Prep and Landing and then sent them to bed. Gaupo stayed up for a little but went to bed. He was exhausted from the drive. Jack and Lindsay and I stayed up and played Skip-bo and Exploding Kittens. It was fun to have a little bit of quiet time to myself with them.
Sunday morning was delightful. Everyone got ready for church and Lindsay did primary. I was so grateful to not have to worry about doing a lesson and could just entertain the twins. After primary, we went to their church. I would think it wouldn't matter where I went to church with not meeting in person, not knowing a ton of people in my ward because we moved right before Covid and such, but its amazing to me how I feel like a visitor in other wards. I feel welcome and I know I should be there, but still its not my ward and I can tell. I can also tell when I go to my own ward because it feels like I belong there. Anyway, they had a great meeting. Abby drew on the wall with crayon in the one moment I wasn't watching her. Luckily it came off with water. Once I got it off, we went back to the Bryce's. We had lunch and everyone laid down for a nap except me and the kids. So, I decided to take them into the 'desert.' Jack lives in a neighborhood but behind him is just open desert. We went exploring and tried one way that was blocked by a fence and so went the other way. We walked in the wash and saw tons of animal track though they were mostly bird and hyena tracks. The kids found a couple of places they wanted to explore but I was still in my Sunday stuff, so I talked them into going back tomorrow. After exploring for a little while, we cut through the path and went home. When we got there Klaire and Curtis were there. That was a fun surprise. I got to visit with them just by myself. Well, sort of the kids wanted to hang around and listen, but you know mostly us. Then other people got up and there was more visiting and then dinner preparation and then eventually dinner. It was fun to sit down to dinner together and enjoy conversation and food. One day, maybe I will actually sit and stay sitting at dinner, but once again that isn't right now, but its okay because I could still visit a lot and my older girls were good, so I just had to help the twins. After dinner, the kids played and we visited for a while. Then Jack did a Family Home Evening lesson and we watched a show. I can't remember what it was called but its good. Then we sent the kids to bed. Gaupo stayed with the twins to help them go to bed and then eventually went to bed too. Klaire, Curtis, Jack, Lindsay and I played games and talked. Eventually Klaire and Curtis had to go home. It was good to see them and have them around for awhile.
Eating with cousins. |
Sunday walk in the desert |
Playing in the dirt. |
Monday, was a play day. Lindsay and I got up to go running. We did a two mile run together and got to see the sun rise. The great thing about winter is you don't have to wake up any earlier than about 6:30 to see it come up. It was good to be out with her and see more of the area they live. Then I showered quickly and came out to breakfast being made. I love breakfast and it is even better when someone else makes it. Anyway, we had breakfast of muffins and eggs. Then after it was all cleaned up we went to the 'sports park.' It is a fun park by there house. Klaire met us there and we got to spend the whole day with her. I feel bad sometimes because right now she is pregnant and so its hard to run and jump and move really fast. I on the other hand have kids two of which are not yet two and need help with lots of stuff. So, I really want to sit and visit and I do, but then somebody pulls me away, and then I come back and get pulled away again. It works, but I miss just sitting and talking. It was fun time though. The kids threw a frisbee with Jack and Lindsay and much later Guapo and I. We played on the toys. I even joined a game of tag on the toys. We swung and played. At the end, I got all the kids in the volleyball court and we built a big sand pile and succeed in getting very dusty, but having a lot of fun. After the park, we drove by the house that Jack and Lindsay are building and then went home for lunch. After lunch it was nap time. I took the kids on the adventure walk I promised though this time I talked Jack into going too. We walked the wash and went down a little different route. Eventually we ended up at the park in their neighborhood (different one than in the morning) where I stayed and watched the kids play while Jack headed back home. It was kind of fun to watch the kids turn the playset into all kinds of things. The one I remember most was them pretending it was Hogwarts. All of them have listened to some or all of books 1 and 2. So, it was fun to watch them combine that with Avatar. Eventually, we went home and the kids played while Klaire and I got to visit for a bit. Then slowly everyone else started coming out and there was more visiting and playing. For dinner, Jack was a champ and got out his pizza oven and we had oven fire pizza. it was super good. I just love the stone flavor and the melty cheese. It was fun to eat outside too. Klaire had to leave after dinner, but I was glad she could spend all day with us. After dinner we watch 'Naughty and Nice' with the kids and then once they were in bed. Gaupo, Lindsay, Jack and I played Ticket to Ride and Exploding Kittens. It was a fun night.
Kade, Abby, Betty, Allen, Roxy eating outside. |
Roxy, Tia, Kylee, Kade, Betty, Abby, Allen. |
Me and my pizza |
Tuesday morning, I went running with Lindsay again and we may have stayed outside a bit long chatting when we were done. Then we went inside and I got cleaned up and then had breakfast. Then we loaded up and headed to San Tan to visit Kara and her boys one of which is my newest nephew. We got the tour of their house and then the kids played. I got to hold baby Hank and visit with Kara as she finished Seth's cake and made lunch for her and her boys. Then I made my family lunch and then we started lunch outside with kids while Kara fed Hank. It was fun to be in her home and the girls had fun playing with the boys. It was fun to watch them make roads throughout Kara's yard for this bike to go through. They worked hard on it. It was super fun and way to short. We will defiantly have to go when Seth is there and when we can stay longer. After lunch, we headed to Oma's house. We got there a little after 4 and the kids got right to playing. I think the twins remembered being there a little bit because they didn't really miss to much time getting into playing and wanting to be outside. Kitt and Matthew were there when we got there too, so that probably helped with seeing familiar faces. The rest of the day was spent playing, visiting, dinner, and enjoying being at Oma's house. Kylee and Oma took time to read together and Tia was completely captivated by Papa and his 3-D printer, so it was fun to have one on one time with them. After the kids were in bed, we played chicken foot and then went to bed.
Ross, Kade, Levi, Tia, Kylee, and Abby eating outside. |
Kylee and Oma reading. |
Wednesday morning we just enjoyed some more. I went for a run with Kitt. I took the kids up to the canal to throw rocks in the water and then we got a golf cart ride from Oma. I love the desert. It has it own unique beauty. By lunch time, the Bryce's and Klaire had arrived for the start of our family reunion/Thanksgiving. From that point, the kids mainly played until we called them for meals. It is so fun to have cousins for my kids to play with. That night we had homemade ice cream for a treat, and the Black's and Curtis finally arrived making it the first time we have all been together for something other than a wedding. That night I am not sure what we did. I imagine we played a game, but I honestly don't remember except ice cream and being together.
Mom, Kylee, Tia, Oma, Kade, Abby on the golf cart. |
Oma, Kylee, and Tia impromptu sewing lesson. |
Abby with the cool pillowcases that Oma made all the grandkids with there name on it. |
Thursday was Thanksgiving. It was a fun filled day. Gaupo got up to start the Turkey's. I slept in a little and helped with turkey's too. We had a breakfast of costco muffins. Oma and Papa gave a little devotional about remembering who we are. Then the kids played and later went on a walk with most of the Dads and Papa. Gaupo was doing turkey, gravy, and potatoes so he didn't go and I didn't think the twins would make it, so I stayed to cook, help, and watch the twins. It was kind of fun to have the women folk all around and doing food prep and/or making super cute chocolate turkey's. The meal started at about 12:45 and boy was it good. My family is really good cooks, so it was awesome. We ate and chatted cleaned up and setup some lawn games and then had pie and then played more lawn games. I especially loved play what I can only remember as 'skittles' (its called something else,but I can't remember what) with my mom and Seth. The Gaupo and I played the Pollock's in Kube. It was fun to do something with them. We pulled with the win, but it was a close game and we had a lot of fun. Before that game of Kube, was pie time. I was in charge of Thanksgiving dinner, so I made sure there was plenty of pie. It was probably too much, but it was all so good. Once again, good cooks. Then we played outdoor games again.
After Thanksgiving feast. Allen, Lindsay, Jack, Matthew, Kara, Klaire, Curtis, Kitt. |
Skip-Bo game post Thanksgiving dinner. Matthew, Kylee, Lindsay, Jack, Betty Jane. |
Tia, Ross, and Allen outside. |
Tia and Papa in a 3-legged race. |
Dance party before devotional on Thanksgiving night. |
Tia and Hank. |
Tia, Hank, and Uncle Seth. |
Tia, Allen, and Roxy unrolling a roll of toilet paper. |
Friday is my favorite day of Thanksgiving because for the most part you just get to enjoy being together. We did have to get up early to get ready for family pictures at 8:00, but that was okay. The pictures turned out good, and we did it without any crying. AMAZING! We finished some games from the night before. One was a saranwrap ball which everyone enjoyed trying to unwrap and getting prizes and cup stacking. The rest of the day was mostly spent enjoying each other. During the afternoon, Kara setup a little family history hour where we did certain activities and learned about our grandparents. It was really well planned out and the kids really enjoyed it. Papa spent a lot of the afternoon fixing a fort for the kids and they played and played out there. the evening was finished off in a wiener roast. It was a fun and relaxing day.
Kylee, Betty, Ross, and Roxy in the fort Papa built. |
Ross and Seth ironing like Grandma Great. |
Papa Surveying his land. |
Me running the survey pole |
Kids playing in the desert. Kylee, Roxy, Ross, Levi, Tia, Allen, and Betty. |
The grandkids. |
Kade loved the fire and roasting stuff. Roxy, Kylee, and Kade. |
The cast for the nativity. Ross, Roxy, Kade, Kylee, Betty, Abby, Tia, and Allen. |
Tia (Mary), Hank (Jesus), and Allen (Joseph) |
Abby as a shepard, and Kylee as a wiseman. |
Saturday we had to leave. It was a bummer. I always have a hard time being the first one to leave the party, but someone has to and this year it was us. The drive went well. We did our first Domino's pick-up and it was really handy and made for a quick stop. It was also a good trip because there was no throwing up and the kids didn't ask us when we were going to get there too much. When we got home we were all tired and ready for bed.
I am so glad we were able to go. It was a quick trip with lots of hours on the road, but totally worth it. It was so fun to visit with family in their space. It was fun to watch the kids play with their cousins. It was fun to be surround by family. Kara did a great job planning everything. It was a great first reunion for us.I am glad we went. We did get colds, while we were there, but luckily it wasn't more and as far as I know, no one else has gotten anything worse than a cold. We are very blessed.