More than two years ago we had our family of four joined my the cutest twins my eyes ever did see. Last year their birthday took me totally off-guard. I have siblings with birthday's after Christmas, but in the last 7 years I haven't had to worry about anything post Christmas. Anyway, this year I was more prepared although it honestly was still a little bit last minute. I made there sign and wrapped their presents around 11:30 on New Year's Eve. We did have their presents and they were ready to go. I also decided on the meals, so everything was pretty set.
They woke up and got to open presents. They received camp chairs from the girls and bikes from Gaupo and I. The bike are big for them, but hoping by summer or end of summer it will be perfect. They actually opened a few gifts and were content to play with just those. The girls were going bananas because they wanted the twins to go downstairs to see the bikes, but we told the girls they don't want to they aren't ready. So the played with the toys from Grandma and Grandpa and their camp chairs. Then we had breakfast, which was pancakes because Kade LOVES pancakes. Then we ran to the store because the helmet I had so perfectly picked out for him in November was too small. He has a big head (96%). So, we took it back then brought them inside to see their bikes and ride them. As I said, the bikes were too big but all of us 'big' people took turn pushing them around on their bikes and they loved that. Now that it is almost March they are kind of trying to pedal, but still haven't quite gotten it, but they will.
After shopping and riding bikes we baked the cake because it needed to cool and delivered some bread to neighbors. We had lunch which was simple fare of sandwiches. Then it was nap time for the twins. I think during naps I finished making their cake. We call the cake Aunt Shara's wedding cake. I thought they would love it but they were like meh. So, I guess they get 2nd birthday tradition like everyone else of not liking their birthday cake. Oh well. We all liked it, and hopefully next year they can tell me what they want. We had pizza for dinner and then cake and then bed. It was a fun day. Really simple, but I love that on January 1st our family is together, and that makes it seem extra special.
So, the twins are two. Normally I would update all about what they could do by their birthday, but I am a couple months behind and can't remember clearly all the detail of then, so I will update you with the now.
Kade opening his gifts. |
Abby in her camp chair. |
Kade with his cake beater |
Abby with hers. |
Kade and Abby and their cake. |
Kylee, Kade, Tia, and Abby. |
All of us. Me, Kylee, Tia, Kade, Abby, Gaupo |
Abby |
Kade |
Kade-Kade still has the brightest smile and the most contagious laugh. He loves to chase his sisters around, dance to good music, help me cook in the kitchen, and build with blocks. He makes some pretty creative Duplo creations, but boy does he have major issues when they break or fall over. He also loves his trucks and trains. I love hearing his car noises when they drive. I also love when he links things to make a train. He is a great brother to all of his sisters. His favorite foods are pancakes, cheese, and candy. He is kind of stuck in a rut on his speech but can say mom, dad, potty (pa-pa-pa), cracker, fish, more, no (sound like mo), more, jacket, shoes, socks, truck, car, choo-choo, and then he makes a lot of noise for a lot of other things. I think he still gets frustrated at how little I understand, but compared to 6months ago I will take it. Kade is also getting pretty good at his scooter. He is a hard sleeper and his hair sticks up pretty crazy when he wakes up. I love that he likes to sit right next to me when we read books. He has done super good with potty training. This week we are going to try out overnight and see how that goes. We think he can do it, it just might take some mistakes first. However, he is pretty much a champ during the day.
Kade on his bike. |
Looking sharp in his Sunday Suit. |
Jumping on the tramp in the snow. |
His truck train. |
Abby- Abby is so fun. She can be very mischievous and know it. She will play with the big girls and her brother sometimes, but is also very content to do her own thing at other times. Her favorite spot to be read a book is in my lap. Her favorite spot to look at a book is next to or on Dad. Her speech has improved a ton in the last couple of months. She says more, mom, dad, potty, cracker, fish, bear, peebud (peanut butter), cheese, done, down, slide, come, up, book, chair, Kylee (it can mean either Kylee or Tia), me, juice, milk, treat, purple, ice, toast and I feel like a lot of other things to that I can't remember right now. Anyway, she is learning, and imitating sounds all the time. She loves to push her brothers buttons still. She continually challenges us especially as she hit 2 year-old sleep regression hard core and has been up early for about the last month, month and a half. This little girl lets me do her hair, loves fancy dresses and shoes. Her navy blue socks are not hers they are Kade's and she will move them to his drawer every week. She loves to be picked up or set on the counter so she can see and be in everything. Abby is doing good with potty training. She can make it most nights, and pee almost every time, but man does she hate to poop. She will get there, but she is a fighter so it might take some time. Abby is always making sure we don't leave anyone behind. She loves her dad fiercely and is one of my only kids who will ask him for help instead of me. She is not a huge fan of chocolate and she loves her fruit snacks.
She loves her baby, camping chair, and helmet. |
Abby and her bike. |
This girls can and does jump all the time. |
Playing dress-up in her sisters soccer stuff. |
Both these kiddos love the outside, the snow, the sunshine. They have recently discovered drawing with sidewalk chalk and love to do that. They are always looking out for each other. They are good at dividing mom and conquering. They are probably the best at catching me eating chocolate chips. They are game for almost any adventure that I want to go on. They love the park. They both smile a ton and are really a joy to have around. I honestly hoped my friend Anne would be right when she said it has been a non-stop party since she had twins (almost 42 years ago). I wont say it is always a party, but it is always busy and the joy that these two souls have brought our family is incredible. They have tested us in so many ways, but they have also shown us the importance of loving hard, playing hard, seizing the moment, that its okay to be different and the same. They have taught us to keep trying, to relax, and enjoy the ups and the downs and the all arounds. Life is wild sometimes, but I love that these two joined our crazy family.
Me, Kade, and Abby |
Gaupo helping Kade ride the skateboard. |
Daddy helping Kade with the bow. |
Snow play! |