Kylee had a birthday and it was so fun to celebrate her. I feel like sometimes she doesn't get enough stuff about her, so when her birthday comes it is so fun to celebrate her--guilt free. She is a great big sister. Her and Tia have a blast together and it is no coincidence that they are close in age. Abby and Kade love her to because she will play with them (most times) and she is big enough and understood enough to help them get almost everything they want whether or not I say it is okay. Honestly sometimes it annoys me, but you know that is why you have siblings and not just parents. Anyway, her birthday was on Wednesday which is kind of a terrible day of the week around here to have a birthday, so we celebrated then and later.
On her actual birthday, her siblings made her a birthday sign. She had a piano lesson which I tried to be really nice during. Then Gaupo, Tia and I made her some cards to open because she was waiting until Friday for presents.Then she had school where lots of people told her happy birthday. Plus, she had a substitute teacher and in her words said "she actually celebrates birthdays special." So, she got to choose a group game to play with her class. After school, she read with Oma and then we had swimming lessons. After swimming lessons, we had her second favorite dinner--biscuits and gravy. Then we had her cake of choice, pumpkin pie. I think she felt celebrated and she had a good day.
Kylee at swim lessons. |
Kade, Kylee, Me, Tia, Abby |
Siblings and Pie |
The family |
Kylee |
A couple weeks prior to her birthday, she decided she wanted to celebrate her birthday on the weekend and invited Kitt and Matthew to come celebrate with her. Bless their hearts. They left their place around 4ish trying to beat the rain and still had to travel in it. However, they got here safe. Matthew had work, and Kitt had a meeting and we had activity days, so we didn't really do much hanging out on Thursday, but that is okay because everyone was here for Friday. Friday was a fun day or at least mostly fun. We started off the morning with presents. She was so excited to finally get her presents. I think she like her presents too. Then we had breakfast and the started school work. It didn't turn out so good, but we finally got it done and we survived though sadly, not without some tears. Anyway, we got done with school and had lunch. Then Kitt and I prepped for dinner. Kitt made yummy homemade salsa and I got the crock-pot cake mixed up so that Matthew could throw it in on time for us. We pretty much went right from dinner prep to swimming. I feel so fortunate that we were able to get a reservation on Friday afternoon for open swim. Gaupo met us there and that made it even more fun. With 3 adults to five kids we could cover a lot of pool. The big girls did everything--diving boards, slides, lazy river, and leisure pool. The twins tried everything except the diving boards but only because I refused to let them. They probably would have tried it. Kade loved the slides and Gaupo took him down them countless times. I took Jay for a little while so Kitt could go on the slides and she convinced the girls to do the blue slide-its the faster scarier one with a lot more undertow after. They did great though. We had a blast and for the first time ever 1.5 hours was not long enough. It has been so long since we have been to a public pool and it was so fun to just play. Once home it was time for dinner. We cooked up greasy tacos. Matthew had gotten the cake in the crock and it was ready. Plus, Matthew didn't go back to work so Kylee got to introduce him to one of her favorite movies
Descendants 1. It was a fun evening. After the movie us grown-ups just chatted and then went to bed pretty early. Swimming takes it out of you.
Kylee, Tia, Jay, Kade, and Abby |
Kylee with her weighted blanket, and new scriptures. |
Kylee trying out her new rocket. |
Cake #2 |
The party group: Me, Abby, Jay, Matthew, Tia, Kitt, Kylee, and Gaupo |
Saturday we didn't have any really big plans, so we decided in between naps we would go to the 'farm park'. The kids have been begging to go there for a long time, so we went. They had fun playing at the park, investigating the creek, and climbing on the toys. It was such a nice day outside. During naptime, I think we played a game. I am not really sure. However, that night we watched a show with the girls before we sent them to bed. Then us adults needed to unwind a little more, so we watched an episode or two more and then we played Castle Panic Wizards Tower. We actually won, which was amazing. We have only won one other time and we told Kitt and Matthew we probably couldn't win, but then we did. It was awesome. It made for a late night, but also very enjoyable one.
Playing on this metal tractor silhouette. Abby, Kade, Kylee, Tia, Jay |
Isn't this so cute! Gaupo, Kade, Kylee, Jay and Kitt |
Sunday the Blaylocks had to leave. No one wanted them to go. We never do, but they did and we had a normal day of church.
I thought Kylee's birthday was great and I think she enjoyed it too. Kylee is a great kid. She loves reading with Oma. She still loves being read to her. Her current favorite thing to do is dance to music. She still loves her music and listens to the CD player often. She is also enjoying activity days and the girls there. School goes pretty well most days. She doesn't love that school is hard, but she does love being with the other kids. She has a pretty fun imagination. She set goals in January to learn to curl her hair and read her scriptures everyday. She is getting really good at the right side of her hair and she can do her left side it is just trickier. I have learned a TON while trying to teacher this skill. For example, I am not good at keeping my mouth shut and/or giving compliments without correction too. Also, I am learning not everyone is like me and tries things all or nothing. Some people need to take small steps at a time. They still get there just not the same way I do. However, we are learning and growing and she is doing really well. She has also done great with reading her scriptures and I don't really have to fight her on it anymore. That is answered prayer for sure. She is quite a stubborn little girl. When she puts her mind to it she can do, but if she doesn't want to she doesn't. Even though sometimes I don't know what to do with her except love her, I am so glad she is here. She really bring so much joy and happiness to my life. Becuase of her, I am partly who I am. She has helped me be a mom and a better mom. She has helped me realize that not everyone is like me. She understands truth and really tries hard to be good and do what she is suppose to. She doesn't have it easy at our house. Things are crazy here, sometimes school is hard, sometimes swimming and and piano are hard and she doesn't love hard things. However, she continues to work at all these things and has grown so much in her abilities. I am impressed by this little girl. I love her to pieces.