I haven't written in forever. I don't even know where to start. We have done so much, missed so many 'major' events, its really hard to know where to start. In the last 9 months, we went to Idaho for Thanksgiving, Tia turned 8, Abby and Kade turned 3, Tia was baptized, so Grandma and Grandpa spent almost a week here, I am pregnant and due in about a month, I was released as Young Women President, Kylee turned 10, Jason and I both had birthdays, the school year ended, and so many other small things. This blog post would be endlessly long if I tried to back date, so I wont but know this past nine months have been fun, hard, and just such a great part of life.
Kaitlyn, Kylee, Blaine, TIa, Hyrum, Naomi, Arlen, Kade, Abby, Jarom |
Tia |
Tia, Allen, Betty, Roxy, Abby, Kylee |
Tia |
Tia and Guapo |
Kylee and her new bike |
Kylee turns 10 |
Jason Birthday that we spent at the Blaylock Cabin. |
Tia and her teacher Mrs. Weglarz |
Kylee and her teacher Mr. Wakeman |
So, the big event of the week is Kylee participated in her first ever played. Back at the end of April I took Kylee and Tia to a musical at the high school and Kylee loved it. After it she told us 'I think I could do theater and do good. I want to be in one." So, I started looking. Summer programs filled up really fast this year, but I found a local one and it even offered a scholarship. I looked into the program to find out times, dates, if it was running and how to apply. Then I told Kylee about it. I told her I didn't know if the program would run, and I didn't know if she would get the scholarship, but she should apply. I told her if she applied for the scholarship and didn't get it but the program ran we would pay for her to go. She did it. I was pretty proud of her. She had to answer a couple questions about her theater experience and why she wanted do theater camp. She did pretty good writing and took comments to help better really well. Then she had to ask someone to be a reference for her. She wanted to ask me, but I told her I didn't count because I was giving her a scholarship if she didn't get this one. She emailed her teacher, Mr. Wakeman, and he agreed. It was a good experience for all of us just to have her apply. Long story short, she did get the scholarship and they did run the program so she has spent the last 2 weeks preparing to be in the Rainbow Fish Musical.
Kylee was Silver Scale two and really enjoyed it. She loved going to camp. She practiced most days so she had her lines pretty memorized and her songs too. It was fun to just watch her embrace and try something new. Last night after her last performance she was in heaven and was bummed it was the end. I am so glad she had the chance to do something that was just for her and it was fun to be able to go watch her. We loved it. I loved watching her grow and learn. It was good to watch her practice then learn she needed to do a little more and practice some more. She always kept going and didn't give up.
We took everyone for the Saturday show. |
Kylee the Silver Scale |
One other brief things is summer break. We have officially been on break for 3 weeks. It has been busy as we have played with cousins, gone to Tia's tutoring, had theater camp, start piano for Tia, and then just played on our own. However, summer is such a great time. Its been fun to do these things and not have to worry about what we aren't doing academically. Summer is full of all the things my kids and I do well and we only spend maybe an hour on the things we are trying to get the hang of like piano and reading. I love watching my kids play with each other. I enjoy seeing what my big girls do to pass the nap time that happens in the afternoon. Its great to see our cousins. Its fun to be able to have fun.
Family Temple trip. Tia, Jay, Kylee, Abby, Kade, later joined by Roxy, and Betty |
Family Bike Ride