The sickness from last week is still lingering around here. We for the most part all feel well, but have a cough at night or I still have some cold like symptoms going on. It is a real doozy of sickness. I can't remember the last time I really had a virus last and last like this. Plus, on Monday night I was helping Abby dry off after swim and saw that her eye was red and had a booger coming out of it and so I went to wipe it and she was like "NO! It hurts." I was like crap, we have pink eye. Luckily/Blesssedly I had some drops from another bout we had with this and so I didn't even have to argue with a doc to get drops I could just use them right away. So, she had to miss school Tuesday, but she was well again for Wednesday.
I did parent teacher conferences this week. They actually went really well. Kade is doing well and knows a lot of his sounds. He doesn't have a desire to write them and can't really name them, but he can make the sounds. Abby is kind of the opposite she loves to write her letters and can identify quite a few by name and knows a few sounds. Their teacher says they are both Kinder ready. Tia is doing well. Math is kind of her thing right now. She works pretty diligently at it and seems to get it. She is doing really well overall and seems to be making progress in all areas which is what we want.
This weekend has been a much need break from school. I am so excited that we don't go tomorrow either. Friday me and the kids met up with Kitt, Jay, and Hugh and went swimming. Friday was cold and gray, so it was so nice to get out and do something. Gaupo had the afternoon off, so he helped the kids with video games and things in the afternoon. Then he and I went to our wards adult night where we had potluck pizza and visited. It was pretty fun. We didn't stay too long, but we had a good visit and enjoyed being there. Yesterday, Kylee, Tia, Kade, and I went ice skating. Abby did not want to go and out of the dread of her crying the whole time we were there for the 3rd year in a row, Gaupo stayed home with her and hope. The others and I had a great time. Kade is pretty darn good. He spent some time getting his bearings using a walker but spend about 30-45 minutes on his own skating. He did great. Tia and Kylee are getting the hang of it too. Its just a little tricky when you only go once a year to get real good at it. Then last night we hosted a wiener roast. I have wanted to do a winter one for a few years now and this year was the year. I really enjoyed it. I wished I could have had a bigger fire longer, but you know its tricky with not wanting it too big but big enough and eventually we do have to let it die down. We had the Blaylock's and Bryce's over. We went through a ton of food. We ate 19 hotdogs, 11 polish dogs, 16buns, 2 bags of chips, 1 bag of mallows, 2pkgs of graham crackers and 1+ bags of chocolate. The crazy thing is all of us had lunch and we didn't eat that late. I guess it was the cold and food and company. Winter fire is a lot of work because all your winter gear gets smoky plus the fire needs more fuel because you want it warm. But honestly, it so great with the dark and the cold and the fire. I would do it again, but I don't know that it will happen real soon.
I am blessed with a great group to call family. I love the time I get to spend with them. I spend more time worrying about these people than they will ever know, but I sure love them and want what is best for them.
Sometimes Hope just gets tired at lunch. She feel asleep and didn't even flinch when we put the pretzel in her mouth. |
Kylee skating
Kade with the walker |
Me and Kylee at the rink |
Kade all on his own. |
Tia |
Hope, Gaupo, Jack and Jay |
Tia and Roxy by the fire |
Me at the fire |