Last weekend I convinced Guapo that we needed to go to Firey's homecoming. She and I are really close and had our whole lives planned out together. Well as you know God has his own way to teach us the lessons we need to know, so about 18 months ago I got married and she left on a mission to Berlin Germany. While she was in Germany and I was married and in America we both had many grand adventures. All of them were unique to what we needed in this life, but because it had been 18 months since we had really talked I was a little nervous about seeing her again, because what if we had both changed too much.
Well as most people know, if two people are both doing what the Lord would have them do, then time is most likely not an issue and so it was with us. We were still the two talkative, giggly, and wild girls we have always been. It is true we have had very different experiences, but we have both had hard times, and blessed times, and had 18 months to care about others besides ourselves. Needless to say the time worp worked here and after a few minutes catching up, it was as if we hadn't really been separated at all.
Another great thing about that trip was I was able to see two of my sisters. We were able to surprise Vanilla by showing up at the place where she worked all Summer. She was so surprised and it was so fun to help her move out, and then into her new apartment. Vanilla and Dancer have their own way of doing things and their own place for everything, so I just sat in a place they told me would not be in the way and talked. It was actually really fun. I remember moving in oh it was always so overwhelming it made me cry. Anyway after being at their house for a little while we went out to meet firey.
Firey was staying at her parents house and was making peach and chicken curry. Oh my it was good, plus my Aunt made this wonderful bread to go with it. I love bread and this was really good soft, warm, fresh bread, MMMMM. Anyway while dinner was being fixed firey and I chatted about life and what was going on. It was great to have some time with just her. My sisters came out about 45 minutes later and we had dinner. After dinner we played on of dancer's favorite games, Just Dance 2. It was so fun. Even Guapo participated, granted he did it his own way and there was no convincing him otherwise, he still did it and did very well. After I started getting sick from bopping around and watching a huge screen we took a break. During that break is when my sisters decided they really should go get some food for the week.
Well, they invited me to go with them and we went shopping. It was so interesting to go shopping with them, because our desires are so different. They shop completely different than me and it is really funny. Even though it was different, I still helped them find what they needed, find good deals, and even find some nutritious food. It was a successful and fairly quick trip. After shopping we had to go back to their apartment and put the food away and grab clothes to spend the night.
When we arrive back at the house, I found Gaupo and Big S playing video games. Both were so please I was not about to break that up. So, I went down stairs and found Firey who was preparing her talk for the next day. That is when the talking really began. We began swapping the meaningful stories and moments of the last 18 months. It was so good to talk. Then Vanilla wanted everyone to watch the Dining Hall's music video so all of us cramed around a bed and watched a really funny, random, and interesting video of the dining hall staff. After that most people went to bed, but firey and I talked a little bit longer and then I went and took a shower. Then finally dropped into bed at about 1:30.
Sunday was a fun day full of church, family, and chatting. It was fun to see all of the Brady bunch and to go to church and just see everyone. Firey did a great job on her talk and the food afterwards was great. I ate way too much dessert and probably not enough real food. That what happens when you don't have parents to remind you to eat your fruits and vegetables. Anyway it was a really good day and I was really glad I didn't have to leave or miss it. Probably one of my favorite parts was when Uncle D and Aunt G stayed up and talked with us. We didn't talk about spectacular things we just talked and relaxed it was so nice.
Monday we headed back. Most times when we travel we take I-80, but this trip home we decided to take I-70. I am so glad we did. It is so beautiful. There is rivers, mountains, cool looking towns, and not as much truck traffic. Also along this was is a place called Hanging Lake. We took some advice from people we think are pretty smart and went on the hike. It is an approximately 1.2 mile hike at a very step incline. However, almost anyone can do it, you just have to take your time. I love it! The water was so clear and pure, and the waterfall just amazing. It was absolutely awesome. The only other things that happened on that trip were that we bought our first couch and desk, and crashed when we got home. I honestly could not have planned a better weekend, I absolutely LOVED it!!
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This is Hanging Lake pretty and amazing! |
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This is as close as I could get him to come, but aren't we just so cute together. |
What gorgeous pictures!! That lake and waterfall are beautiful - hopefully someday before I'm too old and decrepit, I will get to hike up there!