One of Gaupo's and his families favorite things to do is build puzzles. About a month ago, Gaupo was having a hard time sleeping and he read that if he exhausted his brain he would sleep better. So, he pulled out this puzzle we received for Christmas last year. Well, he worked on it for awhile and was going to give up because it was too big for piece of poster board and was breaking every time he moved it. However, I could see how much he loved working on it and it really was good for him, so I gave up some of my precious kitchen floor space and said he could work on it there. Well, eventually I started to join him, and after about 2 weeks of hard work we finished. I know that sounds like a long time, but for people for us that is pretty good because we didn't get to work on it that often. Also, it is a hard puzzle trust me. Anyway, we were really proud of ourselves and it looks great. By the way, Gaupo is awesome at puzzles and so patient. I don't know how he does it. I always get a headache long before he is done which is why he choses to work on puzzles and I just do it to be with him.
Our puzzle |
What a beautiful puzzle!! Congrats! I love should have asked me for one of the Christmas puzzles in the closets.