This weekend Gaupo and I decided that it was time we get some projects done. So, we set our goal and got to it. First off was getting homework completed, and most of the errands ran. Gaupo is currently going to school for is Maters in Information Assurance. He absolutely loves learning more about his favorite things, networking and security. I actually find it interesting too. I read the papers he writes and so I get the cleaned up and sorted through version of what he learns, but it works for me and apparently his teachers as we have done really well so far. (knock on wood) So, Gaupo needed to finish his homework for the week, so while he was doing that I ran to the bank and the post office. The bank was a much needed task and the post office well that has to do with my passport.
Passports story: I have been wanting my passport for a long time. I finally received the money that I needed for it when I graduated from College this past April. Well, one of the things you need for your passport is your birth certificate. Mine is at my parents house. Since you can't give the Government a copy I had to have the original and I didn't really want it sent through the mail for security reasons, so I had to patiently wait until July for my mom to bring it up to me. I finally have my birth certificate, so I set up the appointment for August and I show up and hand them my birth certificate and driver's license and the guy says "oh, they just changed the rules you have to have an in-state driver's license." The waiting game began again. Jason and I couldn't get in-state licenses because we need to keep our Idaho insurance for a little while longer. Finally in November we got in-state insurance and licenses. So, while Gaupo was in Haiti I went to another appointment. This time everything went through. Well, I thought that was all dandy till I called to check up on my passport because it was past time. Well apparently they don't forward passport information, so they had to change my address in the system. In a couple of days I received this huge letter from the department of state. They need more information. AHHHHH!!!!! Thanks to my wonderful mother I was able to find 5 documents that were five years or older. I also completed the additional information they needed. That is the packet I took to the post office. Hopefully this time, it will all go through and I will have a passport. Oh man, good thing I didn't know it would be this complicated or I probably wouldn't have gotten it.
Sorry, back to this weekend. I came home from running those errands and we moved onto the next project. The next project was to deep clean our showers. I need to use some pretty strong smelling chemicals to do it, and Guapo said "those are too strong you shouldn't be breathing those while pregnant, so I will do it." So, he started on the showers and I corrected his papers. Yes, my wonderful Gaupo not only cleaned two showers once, but twice. Yeah awesome, I know. I cleaned the sinks and the toilets and guess what we have clean bathrooms. Yeah!! After cleaning we did Gaupo's project. Building a fire pit. We have it built and my mom is terrified because we didn't build it with fire rocks, but it will work for a little while until we can get some good rocks. So, Gaupo dug the hole for the pit while I cleaned the bedrooms and dusted. Then I helped Gaupo make the ring around the pit. After the pit was dug, Guapo was asked to come help with a computer problem by a member in our ward. So, we headed out to do our shopping and stopped by there house. It wasn't something that was a quick fix, so we took the computer with us, went shopping and then came home. Once home, we started making dinner. A marvelous dinner--Dutch oven potatoes and Polish Sausages.
The Completed Fire Pit. |
Gaupo warming up more coals. |
The reward-good food. |
It was so, good. The original plan for the evening was to watch Lord of the Rings 3, but when we put it on I just couldn't watch it, so Guapo being the wonderful guy that he is pulled out the movie he had been dying to see, and instead let us watch The Blindside. After the movie we worked on the computer, got cleaned up, and crashed out.
To, Sunday, has been a lazy day. Which is great, because right now are lives seem to be really hectic with classes, work, callings, and random activities that always seem to Pop up. Life is good, the baby is growing, and we really can't complain. We are richly blessed to be living where we are and doing what we are doing. It has all been made possible through the Lord. He is truly watching over and blessing us every day.
Woah, no idea getting a passport was so complicated! And your fire pit looks awesome! One of those awesome perks of NOT living in an apartment! Yay!