Not very often do I do domestic things by choice. This especially includes cleaning or vacuuming. However, '"its a horrid habit and I have decided to stop." (name that movie) I don't know that I have completely decided to do all my household chores during the week instead of on Saturday, but this week I at least did something. Monday was the start of my road to becoming a Domestic Goddess. I started by cleaning up Little One's room, and the blue room. Then I vacuumed ALL of the upstairs that includes the hallway and stairs. Then I have been really wanting freezer Raspberry Jam and because we don't live close enough to anyone who would just give me some, I decided it was time for me to make some. So....
I mashed up my Raspberries and added 5.25 cups of sugar to each batch. I made two. |
This is what I got, yummy raspberry jam. I forgot to get a pic before I froze it. |
that is how I used up the first 10.5 cups of sugar. Making jam made me feel so much like my Mom and Grandma. (In my case this is a very good thing)
Just in case making jam wasn't enough that day we had FHE, where we made fudge. Why fudge after you make super sugary jam? Well, you do it because you have 1/2 a can of evaporated milk left from when you made your Grandma's delicious Hawaiian Meatball the week before, and you have to use the milk before it goes bad. If that isn't a good enough reason than Gaupo is my other reason. I asked him what I can do with evaporated milk and he said "make my mom's fudge." So, he called and got the recipe and we made it for treat/activity part of family home evening.
Mmmmm tasty!! |
That is how I used the evaporated milk and another 2 cups of sugar.
However, my quest for Domestic Godesshood did not stop there. Tuesday I sewed a button on Jason's shirt, and had dinner made before he got home. Before you think two much of dinner, it was only made before hand because the longer chicken salad sits the better it tastes the first time, and I wanted it to be really good. Wednesday I did laundry. I usually do that, so that doesn't add too many points to the trail but I did get two batches folded before Gaupo got home.Today, well I haven't done much we are having burritos for dinner, so no prep needed. Vacuuming the main floor just keeps getting more and more pushed off. BUT I just remembered, I dusted my room today, so see I haven't stopped yet. I am seeing the fine makings of a Goddess here. (wink wink)
Well, I think thats a good update so ta ta for now.
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