Lately, we seem to be making long celebrations of holidays. Halloween we celebrate for about 4 days, and then Thanksgiving was super fun and was 4 days long, and Christmas was crazy and we celebrated with a trip that was 2.5 weeks long. So, why shouldn't we celebrate Valentine's Day in a like manner. Actually, I don't think that we plan to celebrate holiday's for so long, but we just have so many things we want to do it just takes that long. Plus holidays don't come all that often so when we get them we celebrate. Okay, on with the festivities.
On February 14, 2013 we weren't planning on doing anything because we thought that Gaupo was going to have his English class that night, but guess what... CANCELLED! Oh yeah! That meant we could do something to celebrate. We did. We had a delightful dinner of Casadias, made special by using sausage. I wasn't completely sold on the idea at first, but they were actually really good. We finished off the night by watching a movie together. When we plopped into bed that night Gaupo and I were talking about the day and decided that it was awesome because it was so simple. A lot of times (especially recently) are life seems very rushed, so to wait to have dinner till Little One was asleep, and to do a simple dinner, fun treat, and a fun movie; really made for a perfectly wonderful V-day. However, the best thing of it all was this surprise...
64 oz slushies. I was so not expecting this and it was such a fun treat. |
On the next day of our celebration we had our 'fancy' dinner of chef's salad. For Gaupo's V-day gift I made him a cake. It was called Black Forest Cake. It was really good, but oh boy. I was trying to make this cake a layered cake. So, in my mind it would have been chocolate cake, cherry filling, pudding/whip cream mixture, and then repeat. Well, it worked really good until the pudding/whip cream layer. That stuff was runny and it did not stay on the cake, so when I tried to put on the second layer it just mashed out. There was so much it started overflowing onto the counter. I was mortified because my 'masterpiece' was falling apart. We decided that my idea was obviously not going to work, so I turned it over to Gaupo. He flipped the cake over into my cookie bowl and dumped the rest of the pudding mixture on top and made it look all nice. It was not what I was expecting but it turn out okay anyway. That night we watched Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and spent time together. However, my favorite part of the day was when Gaupo brought home these.
He said he got these ones because they reminded him of me. |
I actually knew flowers were coming, because we decided that with our budget we needed to get the flowers on the after Valentine's Day sale. However, I didn't know what kind I was getting, so it was a fun surprise. I love them and they are lasting a long time. Probably my favorite part is they dye the water colors.
Saturday was the final day of celebrations. Nothing much happened during the day. Accept I did organize and clean up our guest room so that nothing is on the floor. I also threw away the boxes that we seem to not be able to part with, and organized the garage. I was pretty dang proud of myself. Anyway, that night we had an evening out. We got our babysitter, who is awesome, and started our evening. This is what we looked like.
Gaupo and I all dressed up. |
Don't we look fabulous. It was so fun to get all dressed-up. Well, I liked it. Gaupo could do without dances and dressing up, but he know I love it so he humors me. Anyway, here we are all dressed up. The dress I am wearing is my prom dress from my senior year. So, its kind of fancy. All dressed up we headed out to eat. We went out to eat at 3 Margarita's and it was good, which made me happy because I hate paying for food that is not that great. It was kind of weird eating out all dressed up when everyone else was in super casual attire, but I had fun and at the same time was grateful for all the dances were we ate at home's instead of going out to eat. Anyway, it was great food and such a treat to go out to eat. Then we headed to the church ball titled 'An Enchanted Evening.' I wish I had the pictures from there, but I don't yet. We had a fun evening. Gaupo danced with me for 3 slow song, and I danced a few line dances solo, and the rest of the time was spent visiting with people we knew. Overall, fun was had by both Gaupo and I. It was fun to go out together and top of the V-Day celebration's with a bang.
Well that's all about us. In case your wondering about Little One. She is currently sick, although she is on the mend. However, here are some pictures of her before she got sick.
Her on Valentine's Day. Her pigtails are now long enough to curl under. |
This is a super cute beanie that we were often. Not usually like this but it was funny. |
I think she looks like a gangster baby here. |
Trying a 'baby' bean burrito. |
Looking at the book Oma and Papa gave her for V-Day. |
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