So, I am super behind on updating this blog and so many things have been missed. However, I worked super hard on planning the first Michael Bryce Reunion, and it was such a great event that I don't want to leave it undocumented.
The reunion started in Longmont, CO May 25, 2013. I had spent the whole week before in AZ celebrating Klaire's graduation. It was so much fun being down there and being a part of everything, but it sure made preparing for the reunion a trick. Jason and I went to Sam's Club about the second Saturday in May and bought all of the food we needed. Then we brought it home and fit it all into our freezers and fridge. Boy oh boy were those things packed. Anyway, after we got the food taken care of it was time to get the sleeping situation figured out. We have 3 legal bedrooms and a basement with a wall down the middle. We had to make our humble abode ready to hold 14 people. So, this is what we did. We put the Texas folk in Little One's bedroom because there was a crib already in there. Then we moved Little One to our room. Then G&G Brady slept in the blue room. Then this is where we had to get creative. We turned our basement into three "bedrooms." The spacious parent room was as soon as you get down the stairs. On the other side of the wall we divided the room in half. We put Klaire and Kitt on one side, and the Black family on the other. It actually worked out really good and I was surprised at how big the 'rooms' were. This is how we slept for 3 nights.
Okay, enough with the logistics here is what happened at the reunion and the days that followed. Saturday was the gathering day. Everyone arrived in Colorado by about 7:00PM. The AZ folk were the last to arrive, but still 7:00PM is not bad for having to do 14 hours in a car with a 14 month old and her mom. Anyway, Gaupo prepared us a nice feast of rotisserie chicken wings, baked potatoes, and other deliciousness. Then the rest of the evening was spent visiting, preping for Sunday, and getting all settled in.
Sunday started off with a breakfast of cold cereal, muffins, and juice. Then I had to prepare a lesson, get ready for church, and go to a class presidency meeting. So, I let at 9:45. Everyone else followed and should up for church at 11:00. We enjoyed church together and we all crammed onto one row in church. It was so cool to have our family cover a whole bench. I don't know that I want to have my individual family size be 14 people, but it was super cool to have a full bench at church. After church, we all walked back to our house were we had a snack or lunch depending on how hungry you were. Then naps, visiting, and walks commenced. At around 5:30ish we had dinner of fruit, and really superb burritos. (like they had all the trimmings) After dinner, we just had more visiting. We do that a lot in our family--just sit around and talk. I know that Gaupo is getting use to it, but it bewildered him when he first got into this family. Oh I forgot that Jack helped me make a delicious crock-pot cake. It was a recipe we got from Gaupo's mom. Anyway, we had a lot of fun, and just kind of a relaxing day.
Monday, was the adventure day. We made a breakfast of pancakes, and sausage. What day could be bad with that for breakfast? None, I assure you. Anyway, after breakfast everyone made there own sack lunch, put it a backpack, loaded in a car and we all headed to Rocky Mountain National Forest (Estes Park). Gaupo and I had never been there, so we were exactly sure what to do, but we managed to not get to separated and we got to where we hiking. We were originally going to hike the Great Bear Lake, but we found out it had 2ft of snow still, and no one was prepared for that, so we hike Spargue Lake instead. It was really a beautiful and easy walk. After hiking, we had our lunches. Tame ducks came and begged food, children dropped stuff on the ground, and overall lunch was a success. After lunch, the Texas crowd headed back home because Honey was so done. Then G&G jumped in our car and we stopped and watched a video about the park and then headed home. Little One was so done too. The rest of everyone went on a hike up to some falls. I wish I had pics of their hike, but I don't. Maybe one of them can show you some. Anyway, we all met back at our house for dinner. Dinner was Polish Dogs, hamburgers, cobbler, and chips. After dinner, was FHE everything was really good, but probably my favorite part was the two little girls (Little One and Honey) dancing during all the songs, and rocking out during 'Popcorn Popping' at the end. It was so cute. I was tired by the end of the day, and so were most, though I do know that some stayed up to who knows how late, but I know they had fun. This day is one of the only days I have pics for so here you go.
The whole Gang. |
My Wonderful Parents |
These are my sibs. |
Jack and Honey making a great baby trend advertisement. |
My sweet Little One in her hat. CHEESE! |
The whole crew walking. |
Gaupo pushed her the whole way. I love that she loves the stroller. |
Tuesday morning G&G left. It was sad to see them go, but at least they came. After they left, we picked up some kayaks from our friends and went our to Macintosh Lake. We didn't have a whole lot of time because it took us forever to get going, then in true Gaupo and Adventure Girl style we got kind of lost getting people out there. Anyway, just the Provo kids went out. Thanks to Seth, he stepped in the nasty mud to shove people off. We found out there was a cement entrance, on the other side but that wasn't until after we had already launched. Anyway, after the Provo kids were done, we packed up and headed home for lunch. We had lunch and sent the Provo kids on their merry way. After they left, I took a nap. I get tired when I am pregnant, so I kind of needed one in a bad way. After that, we took the kayaks out again and everyone, but Gaupo and the little girls (they stayed home for naps and homework) went out. Even my mom went out. We used the cement entrance so it was a lot more inviting to go in. We spent awhile out there and then came we back and cooked up chicken roll-ups while the boys returned the kayaks and tables to their respective locations. That night we just talked and stuff, I think. I don't remember ever playing games which is so sad, but it just happened. Here are some pics we got right before G&G left.
4 Generations. |
My family with G&G. |
Wednesday morning, the AZ crowd left. It was a sad parting because none of them really wanted to leave, but they had stuff like work they needed to get back to. However, we still had the Texas family around. WAHOOO!! So, in the morning I had to go to my first ultra sound and found out everything is well with me and the baby. It is growing healthy and I think I am too. Anyway, after the doctor we came home and had lunch. The kiddo's took naps, and then we decided to change up the original plans and go to Pearl Street in Boulder. I think that everyone had a really good time. Both kids enjoyed the splash pad. The shops were super cool, I still didn't get to see everything so one of these days I will have to go back. The shops on Pearl are so interesting, usually too expensive for me to actually buy anything, but really interesting to see. On the way home, we picked up Chinese food from one of my favorite places, China Panda. We took it home and enjoyed some soda that Jack bought, and the food. It was really good. That night we watched the 3 Ninjas. I don't think the Texas folk were impressed, but I always think its funny.
Thursday we just kind of relaxed. Lindsay and I went shopping for Tri-clothes, and a few groceries in the morning. Then later that day we all went on a bike ride, and went to a splash pad. Honey hated it, and Little One thought it was pretty cool. Anyway, after the park and splash pad, we came home and were playing ladderball in the back yard, and Lindsay's ear was just giving her troubles. She finally went inside to see if it would help, but apparently not. That night we had steak, and sweet potato fries. It was so good. That night the kids went down, and the Texas peeps were trying to get their stuff together to leave the next day, but as I said Lindsay was having a terrible ear ache. Jack ended up taking her to the emergency room around 8:00. They didn't get back until after 11:00.
Because of that whole ordeal, they decided to not leave on Friday and instead wait until Monday. (good for us, bad for them) Anyway, their staying had two conditions 1) they bought pizza on Friday 2) they made dinner on Sunday. I was totally up for that deal, so they stayed. We rode bike again, and enjoyed the day mostly. That night we had Black Jack Pizza. So good. Gaupo rented the movie the Gaurdians, and so we also had popcorn, and a movie. That sounds like a good Friday don't you think?
Saturday came, and it was time to get some work done. I mowed the lawn, while Guapo worked on homework, while Lindsay watched Kylee, and Lindsay and Jack cleaned my bathrooms, and Jack cleaned the kitchen floor. Oh man, the work got done so fast it was incredible. Anyway, I am not use to it taking like no time at all, so I didn't know what to do the rest of the day. However, we made good use of it by going on a bike ride, and having dinner, and watching a movie.
Sunday, the Texas folk went to church with us again. Then put Honey in nursery for the first time, and she loved it. Then we came home and Jack and I had a really good talk about a lot of things. I look up to my big bro and it is not often we get to talk face to face, so I was so glad I had the energy to stay awake and talk to him. Then true to his word, he made dinner. It was so good. I haven't had white chicken enchiladas in long time. That night we played Rumikub and Apples to Apples. It was so fun. They are fun to play with because they get along with each other, play fair, are competitive but not over competitive, and overall have a good sense of humor. That night we all crashed into bed from a very full week.
Monday morning, we sent them off and it was back to the real world. Yeah, I know I have been in the real world for almost a month now and am just barely blogging about this wonderful event, but at least its here now.
I am truely grateful to have had so much time with my family. It was hard to see them go, especially the Texas peeps because I am not sure when I will get to see their smiling faces again, but I will don't you worry about that. I love my family and I am so glad that we can spend our time doing simple things, all cramped in tight places and still get along. I admire my parents for how they have created this bond, I hope with all my heart my kids are as close as me and my siblings. They all rock! Well, thats it for now I guess.
What a great time we had. Thank you for hosting all of us and a big thanks for putting up with the "Texas Clan" for over a week. We had a great time and as you pointed out at the end you and I got along all week. I guess we've grown up a little. I had a blast being with you and I miss ya'll. I miss Colorado too. It is so nice. We'll have to do it again sometime.