That is right I had a baby and here is the story. I am going to back date to a little before it actually happened to the start of the week. Monday was a big day for me because I turned in my work computer and started maternity leave. That doesn't sound like too big of a deal, but I don't know when I am going back if ever it is kind of a big deal to me. I have really enjoyed working and am glad I have had the chance to be a stay at home mom and work from home. I have learned a lot about time management and putting the most important things first. I enjoy working, but I REALLY enjoy being a mom even if it is 50,000 times harder and unpredictable. My girls are the best and I love being their mom even when they drive me crazy.
Tuesday I drove to the Denver Airport all by myself. We toured the cell phone lot, which had little tables and chairs with Ipads stuck in the tables. Little One loved it, however, she did get frustrated with the fact that she could not get the tablet out of the table. Once my mom's plane landed we went to pick her up and I didn't want to pay for parking so I had to figure out how to make the loop because at DIA they don't let you wait at the curb for any length of time. Luckily, I figured it out and did not end up back on the freeway. I was so happy to see my mom and she was so happy to see Little One and I. We then came home. On the way home my mom asked me "Where did you learn to drive like this?" Meaning on the freeway, in traffic, to the airport, anything but country driving. I felt that was a compliment because she didn't seem scared. Maybe she was but she never grabbed the "oh crap" bar or go "ADVENTURE GIRL." Anyway, once we were home we had lunch and spent the rest of the day catching up on things.
Wednesday I went to my doctors appointment. I was dilated to about a 3 and everything was looking good accept that nothing was happening and she was supposed to be coming! My mom took care of Little One at the appointment. It was a little rough at the beginning because well Little One cried when I went back to the exam room, but by the time I got out she was quietly reading books with her Oma. After the doc we went to story time at the Library. I don't usually go on Wednesdays but it turned out to be a good one and we had a good time. The rest of the day was spent talking and doing whatever, because the baby wasn't wanting to come.
Thursday we went to hobby lobby and walked around for about 2 hours. It was really fun. I never just wander the store, and I was able to find some cute lettering for my kitchen and bedroom. After our Hobby Lobby tour, we went home and had lunch. Later that night we went to Sam's Club. My mom wanted to get Jason a long white table for Christmas. So, we wandered that store for awhile and had dinner there. I thought something was starting, but Nope!
Friday, we took a long walk on the greenways. It was a beautiful day, we needed to get out, and my mom loves the paths that are all over here. Anyway, it is about a 3.5 mile walk with some up hill grade to it. It was super fun to walk and talk. When we got back to the house, we enjoyed lunch and chatting. However, it still did not give me a baby.
Saturday, Gaupo was home and we honestly didn't do anything, but play and chat. We played playstation games, chatted, and that night watched a movie. During the movie I started to have little crampings and then after we talked for awhile and I started timing those contractions. I went to bed around 11:00 and the contractions were pretty strong, but they hadn't lasted 2 hours yet so I was trying to hold on. I really wanted to let Gaupo sleep until 1:00AM, but they were getting bad I couldn't lay down anymore. So, at 12:30 we got up and got ready to go to the hospital, told my mom were leaving, and headed out. We went to the hospital and I checked in around 1:00AM and I was an 8. They asked me what pain meds I wanted and I said epidural and they said okay. Then I threw-up and there answer changed to a we will try. I was able to get the epidural by the time I was a 9. My doc came in shortly after that and said that when they called him he knew it was me. He said he had almost scheduled my induction for Wednesday, but decided to wait until Sunday. He said I guess just thinking about it helped her decide to come. I then waited while my doctor preformed an emergency C-Section for someone else. Then our little girl was born at 3:35 AM on Dec. 15. We didn't have a name right away, but by 11:00 that morning we had decided her name would be Little Two. Just kidding, check the caption on the pics below for her real name. The day of course was spent in the hospital. My mom came during Little One's nap time, and that was so fun to have her hold my brand new baby. We came home from the hospital Monday and life has been crazy since. So, here are some pics.
Tia Fay shortly after birth. Sorry it is so blurry. |
Oma, Little One, and Little Two at the hospital. |
Little Two all ready to come home from the hospital. |
Little One taking charge of the seat shortly after we cam home from the hospital. |
Trying hard to fall asleep at 2 weeks old. |
Our two little Girl's on Christmas Day. |
Just in case you were wondering, recovery is going well. Little Two is a great sleeper once we get her to sleep, and Little One loves her to death. She is always wanting to give hugs and kisses and wake her up for me. One thing I learned from this pregnancy, delivery, and recovery is that the more active you can be before you have the baby the quicker recovery seems. It still isn't quick and my body is not perfect, but I feel it is doing better a lot sooner than it did after I had Little One. Anyway, next post will be the holidays, but I should probably relax a little.
Sweet post! Congrats on Little Two!