Yes, so August 9-12 was the Michael Bryce Family Reunion and it was GREAT!! Gaupo and I started out trek to Idaho on the 8th. Gaupo worked until one, and then we headed out. We traveled by way of Cheyenne which I guess is faster, but it is super boring. Anyway, we spent the night at Little America in Little America, WY. It was fun to stay in a hotel. We splurged a bit and got a two room suite. It was nice to just go halfway and feel rested and ready to go the next day. So, we left around 8:30 and went to Swanlake. We got there in time for lunch. Then we I let Kylee stay up for a bit and play. We don't see Gaupo's sister Heidi and her family very often or for very long, so I decided to let her stay up and play with Arlin and Gary. She had a lot of fun. If you ask her about her day and what we did that day at Grandma's she would say "Big Tractor." Then she would proceed to tell you how she was "stuck with dad." Then how she rode with "Arlin, and Grandpa on a a BIG TRACTOR!!" It is really funny to hear. Needless to say we had a great time while we were there. Next stop was Arimo to visit Gaupo and I's friend Matt Johns. I was kind of sad we didn't get to meet his wife and son, but it was nice to catch up with him for a bit. Finally, we got to Reunion in Virginia, ID. We were the last ones there (of course), but it was fun. We threw a Frisbee, talked, and had dinner. It was really fun. That night we had a "Sorry" tournament and it was so fun to play. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa Brady won.
Uncle Gary and Kylee on the Four-wheeler. She willing went with him to get this ride. |
Sunday, started bright and early. Gaupo and I got all ready and headed back to Swanlake because Melanie and Aaron were blessing their son Blaine in church and we wanted to participate. We left a little earlier than needed to get there, so we could get some family pictures taken while we were all there. I hope I can get one of those soon. Then we went to sacrament meeting in Swanlake. Then we left and went to Priesthood and Relief Society in Virginia. I wanted to go to Virginia so bad because that is kind of one my wards and so I wanted to see all my friends and the people who love me. It was really fun. After church, we got some family pictures. I really like them even if my girls are being silly (what else is new.) Then we had lunch, took naps, had a family meeting, and read our time capsule. Way back in 1999, our Uncle Jim's family buried a time capsule and we put something in it. It was a bunch of questions my mom asked us. So, we answered them according to our now favorite things and compared them. It was really fun and funny to read them. That night we just played games and hung out.
All of us together. |
Our Wonderful Parents. |
My siblings. (Kara, Me, Jack, Kitt, Klaire) |
Monday was lake day. We headed out about 8:30 to go to Bear Lake. Gaupo and I picked out the spot and saved it for everyone. We had some of the John Brady's, and Vawdrey's join us there. It was fun to meet up all together again. I wish I could have visited more, but with two kids by water I kind of had to keep and eye on them, and I wanted to play a little in the water too. We had a ton of fun at the lake. My parents rented paddle boards for us to play on, we had a picnic lunch, built hot tubs, played in the water, and lounged around. Gaupo and I headed out around 4. We got home and got our kids bathed, us showered, and dinner started. That way when everyone was ready, we had dinner. It was kind of late by the time everything got put away and dinner finished so, family home evening got pushed off a little bit.
Gaupo and Kylee. |
Gaupo in the background digging a whole. Tia, Me, and Kylee playing in the sand. |
Grandma-Great with Tia. She didn't know I was taking this otherwise she might have smiled. |
Tuesday was heritage day. We had a great breakfast cooked on the griddle by Seth and Gaupo. While they were cooking. I took Kylee and Betty on a tour of the farm. I let them run circles in the old milk barn, "drive the tractor," and walk on top of an upside down water trough. They thought it was great. Next, we had Family Home Morning. We had a simple lesson, songs, and an activity. The activity was "Don't Eat Pete" Kylee didn't like everyone shouting "DON'T EAT PETE" but Betty and Tia loved it. Then we went to Arimo Cemetery to look at my family's graves. Then Grandpa showed us where his grandfather (I think) built his home. Then we went to Arimo park and played on the new toys and the old toys. It was a lot of fun. Then we went home and had lunch. The kids went down for naps, and the bigger kids watch some video footage, and played reverse charades. Then Kylee work up played play dough with Oma. Then we went outside for awhile. We visited and played and just enjoyed Grandpa's yard. He seriously has the best yard EVER! That night we had advice from my dad and Grandpa. It was really cool to be able to sit down in that personal setting and hear these men that I look up to and trust so much talk about what is really important. The things we got out of the advice were
- From Dad: Couple Prayer have it everyday. Family its important do what it takes to stay close.
- From Grandpa: Save money. Family is everything.
They said other things and I know the spirit was there, but those things above are what Gaupo and I both picked up on and are trying to do better at.
Wednesday was a sad day. We all had to leave to go to our various homes. We had such a great time all together, but the best thing about good-bye is there will always be another Hello. I love my family and I am so glad that we can be together forever. I am so grateful for my relationships with my siblings and parents. They mean the world to me. I love that my family loves being together and really tries hard to make it happen. Love family, it is so very important.
such a fun reunion! I am so happy I was there and you were there and we were all there :D