Height: 2ft. 4in. (34%)
Weight: 17lb 14.8oz (21%)
Head circumference: 45.7cm (72%)
Tia is a mover. She loves crawling and almost always does it at full speed. She can and loves to walk while holding on to both of your hands. She will walk with only one hand but not for long. She will walk holding the stroller but pushes to much on it and it often tips backwards. She will get and when she does she will probably love it and start running.
She does most things at full power. She throws her sippy cup at full strength when she is done getting a drink. She cries like she lost a finger even if all she want is attention. She just does everything at 100%. It is so funny. She has a smile that is almost always present and the way her and Kylee laugh at each other is absolutely hilarious.
Tia still thinks Kylee is super amazing. They have secret sister powers that allows them to know when one or the other of them is missing from their bedroom and the will immediately wake up so they can come out too. They love to laugh at each other and they can almost always make each other smile.
Tia is a pro at a sippy cup especially if it is filled with some thing delicious like lemonade or chocolate milk. She does enjoy water but I so far haven't been able to convince her that cows milk is good just plain. (not that I really blame her)
Tia's favorite foods are chocolate, yogurt, red sauce pasta, German pancakes or anything with syrup, eggs, and most things off Mom and Dad's plate. She is still missing her two front teeth, and has no molars. However, she chews just about everything so she will be so excited when those teeth finally arrive.
Tia doesn't talk yet. She recently has started jabbering but that is it. There are no really words. She does make some sounds and she loves to point and what she wants. She also doesn't really like to sign although sometimes she will. She is just smart and stubborn.
Tia's favorite thing is not books, but she is becoming more interested in them. She loves her pop-up books and her Guess Who Forest Friends book. If it is first thing in the morning she will usually sit through 1 or 2 of those. However, once she has started the day she pretty much wont sit still for a book, but sometimes she will.
I think that is a pretty good update so enjoy some recent pictures of her.
See isn't that smile just great! |
What a cutie. |
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This girl loves swinging and the park. She always swings like this. (this was take in Dec) |
Me and Tia already for church. |
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