I love spending time with my family. I love it because I feel like it matters. I feel like whenever we take time to do something together that the bond between us is forged even stronger. One of my favorite things is being a wife and a mother, so I am so glad for weeks like this past one where it seems we just get to spend a lot of time together.
Last Saturday it was getting warmer and so we headed to the park as the sun was starting to set. We hadn't been to the park in so long. Tia almost forgot what to do in a swing, but quickly remembered that she loves it. Kylee and Tia both had fun running around and swinging it was so nice to get outside, breathe some fresh air and climb and swing on stuff that was made for that purpose.
Tia |
Tia and her Daddy. |
Me and Kylee |
Kylee, isn't that face awesome. |
Tia coming out of the tunnel. |
Sunday, was pretty typical but by being in nursery I get to spend some quality time with Kylee. I tried splitting the class for lesson time and I thought it went pretty well except that Kylee started crying when I left. Luckily she has "friends" which are my other leaders who scooped her up and told her it would be okay. Later that night I did a Google hangout with my family. It was fun to hear from everyone and see their beautiful faces. I am so lucky to be related to all of them. I even got to talk with Klaire and my mom just for a bit by ourselves after it was really cool.
Monday, I finally took down the Christmas tree. I love the lights and the Christmas season, so it is always kind of hard for me to take it down, but I was feeling too squished. Kylee was kind of distressed when she woke up and the tree was gone. It was also kind of unnerving for her because I had the furniture all turned around trying to decided if I liked a new arrangement I had been thinking about. Anyway, I but the furniture back and she seemed to be okay with that, but was still not too hot about the idea of the tree being down. That night we had family home evening and then put Tia to bed. We decided to let Kylee stay awake while we rearranged the furniture. It was quite a process because Gaupo had one idea and I had another, so we tried them both. We took most of my idea and a little bit of his and now our living room is different. I feel like its more open, but who knows. It was fun to do a project together.
Tuesday I was suppose to update this blog, but decided to watch Soul Surfer instead. We also usually go to the pool, but I was afraid the roads were going to get icy, so we watched Cailou, had popcorn, and played in the basement. Enjoy the pictures and video of our fun.
Tia just as happy as ever. |
Kylee wanted me to take her picture, so I said okay and this is what she did. What a silly billy. |
Us girls having a party. |
Wednesday it is still kind of weird to be home, but I enjoy it. Gaupo pulled out his Ken-ex coaster he got for Christmas and built that. I helped him for a bit and then made chocolate chip cookies, and used my new cookie scoop. Man that thing is so slick! Gaupo was so proud of his coaster and it was really fun to watch and help him create it. The girls have also tremendously enjoyed playing/watching it work. It really is a cool coaster.
Thursday night was totally not what I had planned at the beginning of the week, because I wasn't planning on being the girls basketball coach but now I am. So, I went to the game to get some help from one of my friends who has coached YW basketball before and then see what I have for a team. It will be very interesting. Oh I hope I am up for this. It will be an adventure to say the least.
Friday Gaupo didn't have work because it was his Friday-Saturday switcheroo. We had a GREAT day. Poor Gaupo we did everything I love. I mean he enjoys it, but it is definitely my preferred day. We had a good breakfast of waffles and smoothies. Then after Tia woke up from her nap we packed a lunch and took the girls to Macintosh Lake. We swung on the swings, played on the toys, and loved the slides. Then we went down to the lake and let Kylee walk on the ice. Don't worry Gaupo tested it first and was right there with her the whole time, plus it was only like 2-3ft from the edge they went out. Then we walked back up and had a picnic. It was super fun, the sun was warm, and it was fun. Normally that would have been the adventure for the day, but not this week! After the girls naps we went to the Rec Center. We checked out a couple of ball for them and took them onto the courts and let them "shoot," "pass," and chase the ball around. When they got tired of that we went to the rock wall so that I could climb real quick. There was no line so I climbed a couple of times and then we were going to go, but Kylee said she wanted to climb to. I was really surprised, but I asked if she could and they said that she could if the harness fit. So, we started getting her in her harness, I was sure as they started cinching that thing down she would say she was done, but nope. Then I thought she would back out when she learned she had to wear a helmet, but nope. They strung her up, and she climbed with Gaupo's help and then once he couldn't reach her she was done and she got to "swing" down. She actually wanted to go again, but we told her next time. I was very impressed she did what she did. Then we took the kids up to the track and let Kylee take a couple of laps, bounce on the exercise ball, and do one more lap. She thought it was so great. Then we finished off the night with Little Ceasers pretzel pizza. The pretzel part wasn't that great, but the pizza part was really good. It had cheese sauce instead of pizza sauce. After we got the girls in bed, Gaupo and I finished off the night with Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief.
All that fun at the park and this is the only picture we got. |
Kylee getting suited up. |
Tying the rope on. |
Waiting so patiently. |
Kylee climbing with Daddy's help. |
This cute girl just played with my camera case. |
Saturday as I mentioned Gaupo had to work. So, I went to the gym. Then we came home had breakfast and put Tia down. While she was sleeping Kylee and I washed our car and it looks good. Then we dusted and got the upstairs ready to vacuum. So, I vacuumed and then it was time for lunch and naps. When Gaupo got home from work, we played in the basement and then had dinner. After dinner it was baths, and bed. Then I made a carrot cake which turned out really good. Then we watched Bewitched and called it a night.
Sunday was kind of crazy. Nursery went really well for the most part although it seemed as if every kid there cried at least once in the day. The first lesson session I did was the perfect nursery scenario, but the second one I almost had every kid cry because one little boy realized his dad wasn't coming with him and was having a rough time. However, we made it and we made it though the rest of the class. I was very tired though and once the kids were down I took a nap too. It was so needed. That night I got to talk to Klaire and Kitt, so that was fun and even played a round of Rummikub with Gaupo, so it was a fun night.
See lots of fun family time this week. It was really fun to create things with Gaupo and spend time with the girls. I love my family and I am so glad that we get to do some really fun things together.
Sounds like so much fun! :) rock climbing, sliding, parks, that's the life. Also, love the face plant at the end of the slide, glad Tia is okay