The really big highlight of this last week was our visit to the Denver Zoo. The zoo has has free days every once and awhile and this past Thursday was one of them. My friend Siri invited us to go with them. So, I decided I would brave the traffic and driving by myself to have this grand adventure. It was totally worth it. The girls loved it. It was so wonderful to be outside. Also, it was fun to spend time with friends even though between looking at animals and keeping track of two, two-year olds there wasn't a whole lot of talking.
The drive down I followed Siri and her sister, so it wasn't too bad. Also, it was around 10:00AM so my brain is still functioning at good strong power. However, once we got to the zoo, I was super glad I wasn't alone because that parking garage was something else. I don't know why it confused me so bad, but it did so I was so glad I had someone to follow. Also, because it was a free day there were no parking spots available. However, we did finally find some and were able to get out of the car and enter the zoo.
The Denver Zoo was really good for little kids, because the animals were really pretty close and weren't hiding, except for the lions. They were the one animal Kylee kept wanting to see. I can also tell I have been living in Colorado too long, because as I am looking at these wonderful animals I think to myself "these cages are so small, and these animals are suppose to we wild. Is this good?" I mean seriously I have never thought that in the many, many other times I have gone to zoo, but this time I did. However, I decided that you know what I will never be able to go see these animals in the wild so thank goodness for zoos so that I can see them for real.
Kylee and her friend Tori loved hanging on the bars, holding our hands, running, and climbing. They were also interested in the animals, but not quite as much. Although, there were a few animals that grabbed there attention. Kylee's favorites were the Gorillas, monkeys, giraffes, and elephant. It was really fun to watch Kylee look for the animals and explore this new world.
Tori and Kylee with the seals. |
Tori and Kylee watching the elephant. |
Kylee with the elephant having a bit of lunch. |
Kylee trying to climb the hippo statue. |
Kylee and the Giraffe. |
Tia was so funny. I was really worried that see wouldn't enjoy the zoo because she had to sit in the stroller a lot, but I was wrong. She loved it. She almost did a better job at finding the animals than the other girls did. She was so cute when I would ask her if she could see it and then she would point to the animal. She always wanted out of the stroller to look at animals even if she could see them from where she was. She also really did enjoy lunch and climbing all over the steps where we were eating. Overall she did really good and I think she really enjoyed the zoo.
Tia and the Giraffe. |
Tia eating lunch. |
Kylee, random kid, and Tia with the Gorilla. Tia loved standing right there by the glass. |
I enjoyed the zoo as well; although, I think I loved showing everything to my kids more. I loved watching my kids be amazed at what they saw. I loved watching them play and enjoy being outside. I loved watching them laugh and goof around. I really did love watching the animals. It really does seem kind of unreal to see animals like that, but they are amazing creations. The only complaint I have is the traffic in Denver on the way back, but you know I was lucky and that wasn't even that bad and I was able to stay awake pretty easily. Although, I did eat three cookies and quite a few goldfish.
Me and my zoo buddies getting a picture on the hippo statue. |
Overall it was a totally great day. We got to spend time together, sing songs, laugh, and play. I couldn't have picked a better way to spend the day before a snow storm. I am so grateful to Gaupo for letting us go and being supportive of it even if he couldn't. My we are so lucky to have such a great guy.
Looks like so much fun!!! :)