Last week Tia finally got sick. I was hoping she would escape, but alas she did not. However, I was prepared and luckily she is really good at taking care of herself. So, I made sure she had plenty of time to sleep, Powerade, and sleep. Luckily it did not last as long as really anyone else, so we are very blessed that it is now gone and will hopefully stay that way FOREVER. (bahahaha I wish)
This is Kylee longingly gazing out the backdoor at the snow that was falling when Gaupo and I were sick. She wanted to go out so bad, but we wouldn't take her. She has her snow hat, shoes, and jacket on. It was so sad. |
We also went to Itty Bitty City when Gaupo was sick, but I was feeling good again. Here are Tia and Kylee playing with the toys. They thought this was a lot of fun. |
Well, now that we are not sick we have finally done some stuff. The first thing I did when Tia was feeling sort of well was to try to potty train her. Oh man, it was so stressful. Not just because of the accidents, but because she doesn't talk. She could never warn me or get my attention because she doesn't talk. She doesn't even say mom. After about 5 days, I decided that I would try again when she can talk. I really think she is totally capable of doing it because she shows almost all the signs of readiness, but that whole not talking thing is really difficult because you have to watch their every move. Life has been much more enjoyable since we stopped this bit.
We also did a couple of swim trips during potty training. It was really fun, because the first time we did it at the pool next to our house and the girls love climbing in and out, in and out. The next time was with Dad and we went to the Rec Center. I love when we go there with Gaupo because then I get to play a little too. I love diving into the water. I am not very good and can't do anything cool, but I love the feeling of going into the water. It was a really fun day there.
Once I decided to stop potty training and we aren't sick we have had some more adventures. I took the girls to babysitting at the Rec Center. Kylee was so excited to go back there she has really missed it I think. Then when I finished running we went swimming. It was a lot of fun because we had the whole pool almost to ourselves. So we splashed, giggled, were silly, and just had a lot of fun together in the water. Then today we took the bus to the Library. Kylee thought it was weird that they had no buckles, but overall she enjoyed it. Also, we had a little time to walk around and explore around the Library, so that was kind of fun. Sometimes I really like exploring at my kids pace because you have time to notice so much more and it is really interesting what they think is fascinating. Today Tia was totally enthralled by the flags. She noticed every flag pole we passed. She also loved all stairs, but that is not a big surprise. Kylee kept wanting us to keep up with her, but she also slowed down a little and enjoyed seeing some new things as well. When we got to the library we had story time, played with the toys, and got some books. Then we got to ride home with Daddy, which the girls thought was pretty cool.
As an update, Kylee just finished her first session of swim lessons. This week they had two teachers in their class which helped a TON. There was such a difference in levels that it was I am sure really hard for one teacher. I mean there was Kylee who wouldn't let go of the wall for anything, or put her face in. Then there were others who were almost swimming and trying to test to skip the next level. Anyway, with the two teachers Kylee was able to get someone on one help and has really come a long ways. This is how it went...
First class: wouldn't get in the water. They finally lifted her into the pool, but that is about as far as went.
Few lessons later: She would walk into the water and hold onto the wall. She wouldn't front float, or back float, but she would participate in splashing and would try to stick with her class.
This week: She has started to let go of the wall. She will do a front float and back float with help. She will blow bubbles. She likes to show me her ice cream scoop arms and she tries to do it in the pool, but is still a little nervous about walking alone. She also genuinely tried today to do things with her class.