This last week I got sick. Then Gaupo got sick, and now Kylee is sick. It's cough, runny nose, and achy. By nap time and the end of the day your just pooped and want so sleep, but luckily miracles happen and we were still able to have a wonderful Easter weekend.
The first of the of our Easter miracles began one Friday. After taking a short nap, I woke up coughing which really annoyed me, but I woke up not tired so that was good. I decided with the little bit of time I had I would start sewing on Kylee's Easter dress. I had finished Tia's on Tuesday, but had been so sick that going downstairs and sewing soooo did not appeal to me. Anyway, I was able to get Kylee's dress cut out even though I had to do most of it with my girls awake. Then that night I still was feeling pretty well, so I was able to sew on it for another two hours. However, before I started I said a prayer because I needed help. Tia's dress had taken over a week to do and I had to pick out sooooooooooo many stitches that I am lucky I even made anything for Kylee. So, before I started sewing on Kylee's dress I said a prayer to Heavenly Father asking him to help this dress be sewn right the first time so that I could get it done for Easter. It was amazing because on the part I did that night I only had to pick out one seam. Then on Saturday night after I laid the girls down I started sewing and was able to finish Kylee's dress, so it could be hanging outside her room on Easter morning. She was so excited to have it finished. I had warned her she probably wouldn't have one on Easter because I had gotten sick and it takes awhile to make these things. However, Heavenly Father cares about me, even about something as silly as dress making and blessed me to be able to have matching dresses for my girls.
The second miracle is that Kylee was not super sick till after Easter Sunday. Kylee got up on Easter morning and looked down the stairs and saw her and Tia's baskets and she comes running back and opens our door saying "He came, the Easter Bunny came." She was so excited. So we all got up and went downstairs where Kylee immediately started hunting the eggs the Easter Bunny left. Tia on the other hand was completely content with her little stash in her basket. we finally took her basket away and she hunted for eggs and did really good. It was so fun to watch those two search and search.
The third miracle is that General Conference was on Easter. I think that is so cool. Conference alone was awesome. My favorite talk was one given on learning to hear the music of the Gospel. We do a lot of music and dance parties around hear so it just really resonated with me. I want to know the step for dancing to the music but I also want to hear the music and joyously dance to it. Also, I got make scrumptious food and enjoy it with my family. My husband went to the Priesthood session and came home totally full of life (that is no small miracle). It was just so nice to have the Gospel and teaching of Christ be in my home on Easter.
Another thing I got to do to remember the true Easter is help Kylee with a 'Getting Ready for Easter' activity that was in the
Friend. It was so nice to remember the story and thing of how we can be like the Savior. We have the activity on the fridge and I love that Kylee is still asking about it. The questions she asks are kind of hard for me to answer, but I love that she is thinking about it and loving it.
It wasn't a super crazy Easter which is exactly why I love it. It was fun, but still centered around the True reason for Easter. Plus, I also got to be reminded of my Heavenly Father's love for me, and even though I don't get everything I want, he still loves me and helps me see the good in everything around me.
Enjoy the pictures.
Tia trying to get that candy open. |
Kylee hunting for eggs. |
This face is the greatest. As a side note, those beads are very often found around Tia's neck. |
Easterness. |
Two sisters in matching dresses. Pardon the crazy hair Kylee was too excited to find eggs to worry about hair. |
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