This weekend was so full of great things that were both fun and productive. It was so great I had major weekend hangover or at least that is what I am calling it. I wanted to not get up this morning which isn't too off these days, but when I had to I was crabby and mad. I managed to make it through about an hour before I had a breakdown. Then I pulled it together enough for breakfast and swimming lessons. Finally, I took a nap, so I could last till nap time. Then I had some quiet time before I started working. I didn't even stay up late this weekend. Oh man, I think I am acting more and more pregnant by the day and I am not even half way yet. Might want to send prayers my family's way, that way they can have the strength to deal with this crazy cool, but crazy still mom/wife they have. Just so you know, the moment passed and I am doing just fine now, but WOW was that an emotional morning for me. Anyway, the weekend our Super-Dee-Duper Weekend.
It all began on Friday night. Gaupo got home from work, I didn't feel like cooking or what was on the schedule so we had to decide. Right now I love sandwiches and burritos Gaupo not so much. So, we had to think really hard about what we wanted. We finally decided on Chinese take-out. Boy was that a good choice. We have a really good Chinese restaurant here, and we got sesame chicken and cashew pork. The great thing about is we can eat it for two meals. Also, Chinese food comes with rice, so I don't have to fix anything for our kids. Yet, I digress. After dinner we let the kids play, play, and play. I love that my two kids usually love to play together and are actually pretty good at it. It does often get kind of crazy and two little kid minds think up more trouble than just one, but oh man I love watching and hearing the play. Anyway, after the kids were in bed Gaupo and I relaxed together. Gaupo did a little homework footwork, and we watched the Munsters'. I really like that show right now because they really don't seem to have too much family quarreling.
Saturday started off with lawn mowing, dirt leveling, and making breakfast. I only made breakfast, but I did allow the girls to help which is sometimes quite a bit of work. After breakfast Gaupo went to the dungeon aka the basement and worked on homework. Us women folk cleaned up breakfast and made a list for the store. We went grocery shopping. All I can say is I love free samples, great deals, and 1 cent pony rides. King Soopers is awesome. I may spend a lot of money there, but at least its fun and I can get quite a bit of food to. While we were shopping out friends (Ethan and his mom) texted us that they were going to thee park. So, once we got home we put the groceries away and checked were Gaupo was at with his homework. He still needed to be left alone for awhile so we headed to the park. I think all three kids had quite a bit of fun playing together. They did the typical little kid thing of playing together and then just playing around each other and then together again, but it was fun to get out and have someone for me to talk to. After playing for awhile it was time to come home for lunch. Guapo had finished what he wanted to and so we had lunch and then naps. During nap time I prepared my nursery lesson, and then headed to mattress firm to see what kind of price I could get on a mattress. Well they couldn't give me any really good deals this time and I came home and Gaupo did some research and we found one we liked and it was actually at one of the stores hear in town. So, when Tia woke up we headed to Denver Mattress. We tried out a couple different ones. I tried to negotiate as best I could. We got a pretty good deal I think and now Tia sleeps in a big girl bed. After we drove the mattress home, which it was super nice to have the van for we ran out to Wal-Mart. Then came home and while I cooked dinner, Gaupo and the girls worked on Tia's big girl bed. We had dinner and baths, and finished putting the bed together. We were so sure Tia was ready and excited for a new bed, but oh my WORD. Trying to get those two to go to sleep was a NIGHTMARE!!! We tried everything. Finally, we split them and shut Tia's door and left Kylee's open. You see we had Tia whacked out because of the new bed and Kylee having a ow and half about the door being closed. Oh it was AWFUL! Once we split them we went downstairs and setup out new tent that came. It is HUGE! It is awesome and I think will work great for what we need it for...camping, family reunions, and fun. After all that we were tired, so we went to bed. I would love to say the night went great, but honestly it was kind of rough. Tia was up about 3 times, but we made it.
Kylee and Tia in there big girl beds. Just took this picture, luckily they both stayed asleep. |
On the topic of beds, my mom made me this beautiful quilt for my bed. I LOVE it!! |
Me inside of our HUGE tent. |
Sunday dawned and luckily I was up and getting ready by the time Tia came out of her room all undressed. That is her thing lately. She loves to just strip. If she is in a diaper that usually stays on, but if she is in panties and gets in that mood she is naked. Anyway, the night before had tuckered Kylee out, so we did Tia's hair and got her some milk and I finished getting ready and finally Kylee woke up. So, we did her hair and had breakfast and then hurried super fast to church. Nursery went well. Every week is so different, we do all the same stuff, but man every week is something new. It was also the first week that people started to notice I was a pregnant. That was fun, and funny. People were kind of nervous to ask, because it can be really awkward if the person is not, but luckily I am so it was funny to watch people try to ask me. I love church and nursery, but honestly it wears me out, so after lunch I took a nap. My kids were up way to fast, but it is what it is. Then Kitt arrived for the weekend and about 5 minutes later it was time for my family's video chat. It was really good. It lasted a LONG time, but it was good. It was kind of crazy because my kids were awake and wanted my attention, and then were playing nosily, but I think everyone made it and it was good to catch up. After the chat we had dinner, played a bit and put the girls to bed. We were a little tougher and made the girls figure it out. There was quite a few tears and screaming. Kitt was quite amazed that there was so much, but they did quiet down and go to sleep. Us grownups played the farming game, and then talked until too late and went to bed.
Monday we were again awakened by Tia wandering the hall. However, it did get us up and moving, sort of. Gaupo fixed us a griddle breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. I fixed some toast inside. It was super good.
Gaupo cooking our breakfast. |
Aunt Kitt and Tia playing while breakfast was cooking. |
Once that was all cleaned up we headed on our adventure. We went to Lilly Lake. When we arrived it was cold and me being me didn't bring jackets or anything. I was expecting it to be hot. Luckily as we walked the breeze died down a little, the sun came out every now and again and it was super pretty. We made it all the way around the lake. I really wanted to do the ridge part, but with the weather I wasn't sure my kids would stick with it, so we just did the lake. Tia was fascinated by the ducks, plants, walking on the logs, and just loved it.
Tia and Kylee watching the duck. There were ducks on this bank before we got there. |
Walking the trail with Dad. |
Tia and Aunt Kitt walking on the logs. |
Kylee thought it was fun, but was content to just keep moving.
Kylee wanted her picture taken right here and this is how she posed. |
Tia saw pictures being taken and joined in like this. What a silly. |
After taking out time on that, we drove back home and had lunch and then put the kids down for a nap. Here are some group shots.
Me, Kylee, Tia, and Gaupo. |
Me, Kylee, Tia, and Aunt Kitt. |
Me, Kitt, Kylee, Tia, and Gaupo. |
Me, Kitt, Kylee, Tia, and Gaupo. |
Once they were down, Kitt was kind enough to go with me to the Labor Day sale at Hancock fabric were I got the fabric I needed for our Christmas PJs. I picked all different ones and they are pretty expressive of our different personalities. I am really excited to start this undertaking. When we got home Kylee was up but GROUCHY!! Luckily she didn't want to do anything either and fell back asleep on the couch, but I was worried we were in for it. We made pretzel dogs for dinner and then sent Kitt back to Littleton. It was sad to let her go. I wanted to play more and just enjoy her, but alas she needs to get into her new ward, make friends , etc. For FHE we went to Lowes and got some more supports for Tia's bed. It was fine for her with just 3 but with any regular person on it, not so much, so we decided to fix that. So, after we cut the boards, we had ice cream for a treat and then put the boards in and sent the kids to bed. We finished the night with budget and episodes.
See a great weekend.
Here is a random pic of my cute family.
Kylee, Daddy, and Tia. I was making dinner. |
I LOVE the quilt that your mom made you. It's SO PRETTY! Also how fun to have matching big kid beds! That quilt on Kylee's bed looks super familiar, is it the one that was on your bed in high school? Also, that's super awesome that Kitt lives close enough to visit for the weekend! So I've been missing from blogworld for a while and I could probably answer this questions by reading past posts, but I need to get to bed so I'm just gonna ask instead: What homework was Jason working on? I thought he finished his masters a while he working towards something else now?