So last week was full to the brim with all kinds of things. I had something almost every night last week. I had relief society meeting, visiting teaching, stake auxiliary training, baby shower, and ward Halloween party. I also managed to can 28 pints of applesauce. It was so crazy, but also very good. It is good to be busy with things that are worth my time. I know I should probably write about all that stuff, but really all I want to write about is yesterday.
Yesterday, Monday, was a great day. We started off the morning a little late. That has been happening a lot lately. I blame it on the cold and dark. Anyway, I asked Kylee if she wanted to run in the stroller or go to babysitting at the Rec Center. She chose babysitting. After I asked her, I really wanted to go outside but caved and we went to the Rec Center. It was actually really nice to run in my own little world. I ran three miles. It was slow, but I did run the whole thing. Then because we had already had breakfast we took our sweet time leaving. I let the girls run a lap on the track and then let them go through the bike rack several times before heading home. Once home we decided to go to the park. It was such a beautiful fall day. The sun was shinning, it wasn't cold, and the wind wasn't blowing. We had fun at the park doing normal park things like swinging, digging in the sand, and playing on the slides. Then we had to get home for speech.
However, on the way home I decided to let the girls experience walking in crunchy leaves. I LOVE walking in leaves and listening to them crunch. It is definitely my favorite part of fall. So, we were running/walking through the leaves and Kylee found an almost already made pile of leaves. Of course being the good mom that I am we had to stop and play. We threw them around, made the pile bigger, jumped in them, and buried each other in them. This made us a little late for speech, but luckily she was a little late too, so it worked out.
Tia playing with our new sand toy. This picture was about a week ago. |
Kylee and Tia with leaves. |
Getting ready to jump. |
Speech is really good for us. One the girls love it and two it helps me be able to help Tia. Tia really getting quite noisy now. She can make many sounds/words like Go, Da (down), Ba (this is a sound and can mean ball), Ma, Help, Dad, Mom, yes, fish, food, keys, and O. She is still working on using these words without prompting, but she can say all of them quite well along with say 'ruff' for what a dog says. I love hearing this little girl talk and as she gets better I really feel like she gets less frustrated with us and life.
After speech, which included lunch it was nap time. After nap time, Kylee really wanted to fly a kite. Well the wind wasn't blowing, but I really couldn't get the idea out of her head, so we went outside to fly a kite. She loved running all over the hills by the high school with her kite following behind. Tia didn't really get what was such a big deal and it was hard work, so she was getting grumpy. However, Kylee was enthralled with it. I did convince her to go home and just play which worked out good, because our neighbor Brian had just gotten home so he came over to play with us for awhile. Finally, after all the playing it was time to make dinner. We made Trick-or-Treat turnovers, to start off this Halloween week and they were as good as ever.
Kylee 'flying' her kite. |
Tia, Me, and Kylee patting out the turnovers. |
The first of the Halloween meals. |
After dinner, we carved pumpkins. I don't remember doing it last year. I am sure we did, but I know Tia didn't help. This year we gave both girls their own pumpkin. Kylee was totally into helping me clean it out, coloring it, and then eventually helping me know how to carve it. Tia on the other hand was all into carving, but screamed anytime the slimy stuff touched her. So, she got it stuck to her foot once and almost started crying, but calmed down. It was so funny. I guess the texture was just too much for her.
Kylee and Tia with their pumpkins. |
It was such a great fall day. I really loved it.
you are amazing my sister, it looks like so much fun!