This week has been great. We have had tons of fun playing. I should probably have gotten some work done, like cleaning my house and the like, but you know what sometimes you just have to play. Especially in the winter because you know bad weather will eventually hit again and then you will have all the time you need to do housework again. (Too bad the weather never gets that bad for me. Its a good thought though.)
Last week it really started to warm-up here, which is great because we really kind of needed the snow to melt a little bit and have some warmth. So, it warmed up on Wednesday enough to go play outside, but I have really found I like going to the kickboxing class on Wednesday and we also really love the Library, so we did that instead of playing outside. I was then afraid that I had missed all the good weather, but it held out. On Thursday, we decided no workouts just play. We kind of took our time getting ready for the day. We read plenty of books, then had breakfast, got ready, and then we went to the PARK! Yes, that is one of my favorite things about Colorado. I love the the park is even a fathomable opportunity. It was wonderful. We swung on the swings, played on the slides and toys, built castles, and then repeated. It felt so good to feel the warm sun. Oh it was such a beautiful day. The girls loved being able to go to the park. Later that day, we went out to our backyard where the snow hadn't melted yet and built snow cakes, and attempted an igloo. We also threw ice chunks against the sidewalk, and marched in the snow that has filled out pool. Oh, the day was so gorgeous you just couldn't pass up some outdoor time.
I believe these were actually Wednesday, when we waited for Gaupo to get home. |
Tia helping Kylee up the hill. |
These two were pretending to sleep on the slide. |
Climbing up. It looks like Tia is trying to help. These two are so silly. |
Making a train to slide down. |
Kylee and Tia swinging on the big kids swings. |
Standing in my attempt of an igloo. |
Friday the weather turned a little bit, but our personal ray of sunshine Aunt Kitt came to visit. Man do we LOVE having her close. I feel like a Kitt hog, but I don't feel bad enough to try and share her with anyone else. Kitt arrived at our house right before the girls took naps. It is true that that never really leads to super great naps, but you know its better than just getting them down and really messing up naps. Plus, there is still naptime and I get to spend the whole thing chatting with Kitt. I don't know if she ever gets tired of visiting, but I know I don't. It is so fun to have another adult to talk. We also used naptime to whip up a bunch of
Muddy Buddies. Kitt is still trying to be gluten-free, and I feel like she should have a treat, so we always try to make something fun. Kitt's visit was also super grand because she offered to babysit for us while we went on a date. Jason told me last Sunday (a miracle I know) to see if I could get a babysitter for 1 hour. Well, when we learned we got a super-dee-duper babysitter we took a little longer than that. We went and had a romantic dinner at A&W. Okay, so not so romantic, but boy was it good. I sometimes have a hard time going out to eat because I think that I make food that tastes better than anything we buy, but during the winter I can't make a good burger. Boy howdy, was that burger and fries good. After our dinner, we went to Wal-Mart to scope out some things we thought we needed. Luckily we ended up with nothing. Its luckily because usually when we go to Wal-Mart we spend WAY to much money. After that we called Verizon to see if we could get a plan that would allow us unlimited minutes. After much questioning, talking, and more questions and more talking we think we have the right plan for us. I am so excited to not have to worry about minutes. For our next activity we went home and had ice cream with Kitt. I had just bought some Tillamook ice cream, so I didn't feel the need to go out for ice cream. Then we chatted and watched some shows with Kitt and called it a night.
Saturday started out with a workout. I know seriously a workout, but it's true we did and you know what it was actually kind of nice. It set a really great mood for the day. After the workout, we had breakfast and then Gaupo started homework. Kitt and I cleaned up breakfast and then the girls really wanted to watch a show, so Kitt and I also both got cleaned up. Once cleaned-up, we ran some errands. We went to the store to get some tomato juice for enchilada sauce. Then we went to Lucky's for some grapefruit. Then to the car dealership to pick-up a front license plate holder for Kitt. Once home again it was time for lunch and naps. During this naptime we played games. We played 3's for awhile and then we played Sports on the Playstation. It was really fun. When the girls woke-up they even got to play a little too. Then we went downstairs for a bit to play and then I made dinner. During that time Kitt was trying to decide if she should go home that night or not. She ended up not, but we got her license plate holder on, and dinner in her just in case she decided to leave. When she ended up not going home, she went to a YSA activity while Gaupo finish homework, and I made bread. Then when she got home we played
Start the Party, and
Sonic Racers. It was really fun. Then after more visiting we decided to call it a night.
Sunday we had to tell Kitt good-bye. I really wanted her to get stuck here, but alas she had to go home. Oh well, it was probably more conducive to getting work done that way. Church was good, and the afternoon was relaxful-ish as well. That night we had some new friends over for dinner. The Tuitupou's. It was really fun. They have a 2 kids ages 1 and 2. It was fun to have all the kids play together and enjoy dinner and some conversation. I really like having people over and getting to know them better.
My cuties all dressed-up for church. |
Yesterday I went running for like the first time in I don't know probably like 2ish weeks. I have been exercising just not running. It was harder than I thought it should be, but when you kind of have a cold and eat junk food all weekend you can't expect much else. However, it was really good to run a little. Then when we got home the girls really wanted to go sledding in the snow. So, I quickly got all of us in our snow clothes and went out to the sledding hill. The best thing about not having kids in school, and not working is you can do things when it seems like no one else can. It was great we had the whole hill to ourselves and the girl enjoyed it. When we got back from sledding, I decided to shovel the drive so it wouldn't be so hard later. Then it was time for speech, lunch, and naps. During naptime I had presidency meeting. Then we played downstairs, had dinner, and FHE. Then the girls went to bed and me and Gaupo got stuff done. We did our monthly budget, payed bills, got extra credit in school, planned the months meals, and watch some Hogan's Hero's.
Today has bee great. Last night it snowed like a foot plus. So, Gaupo went and started shoveling the driveway while I got the girls in their snow stuff. Then we all went and 'helped' finish the driveway. Then we went sledding. The snow was so deep we really couldn't do it very well, but it was fun to be together. When the girls got in we let them watch a show while we made breakfast of pancakes and of course hot chocolate. Kylee pretty much thinks if she goes outside to play in the snow it should be followed by a show and hot chocolate. After breakfast, we headed to swim lessons. I am really glad Gaupo was home to take us. It isn't that I couldn't do it, it is just he is so much more confident with it. Kylee loved swim lessons although, she didn't really want anything to do with the boy teacher that was there, oh well she still did well. Then we came home did baths, read books, had lunch and the naps. I even took a little rest. I hope it doesn't come back to bite me tonight, but I am trying to give my body what it needs to get over this cold. After naps, we played a little and got some laundry folded and dinner made. After dinner was cleaned up and the last of the clothes folded we watched a movie. Kylee really wanted
How to Train Your Pet Dragon, but we just saw that so we watched a short movie called
Gift of the Night Fury, and then some
Thomas. Tia loves Thomas. After the shows, we went downstairs and played. Then it was time for bed. What a great day and week.
Kylee and Tia helping shovel the driveway. |
Kylee giving Tia a ride. |
Tia pulling Kylee. |
Both in the sled waiting to head for the hill. |
what a fun, fun week. i always feel spoiled at your house and LOVE coming :) it's probably a good thing there's an hour between our homes or i'd be there a lot more.