What a great weekend! Seriously it was so good. It was packed with family, fun, spiritual upliftment, good naps for the kids, and good times by all. We started out the weekend right with blueberry waffles for breakfast. I never make blueberry waffles because it it so hard to clean the griddle after, but Gaupo didn't want plain-ole and the girls didn't want cinnamon, so Gaupo said he would clean the waffle iron if we could have blueberry. Who am I to refuse when I have an offer like that. They really were very delicious. After breakfast we split-up to conquer so errands before conference. I hit the bank and two grocery stores while Gaupo and the girls went to Wal-Mart. It was a record, because we both got what we needed to done and were home in time for conference. Conference was really good and when the session ended we had lunch while watching the world report. I really enjoy watching that because it is very fun to see what the church is doing around the world.
After lunch, we decided we need some outside time. Plus, it is a super great place to wait for our Aunt Kitt to come. The girls rode bikes, we played bat (baseball), played rollie-pollie, and just enjoyed being outside. It was soooo nice. Aunt Kitt got here and we let her open her present from the girls--a new water bottle. Its a little small but hopefully she will enjoy it and it doesn't leak. Then we tucked the girls in for naps and watched the afternoon session of conference. I felt kind of bad that I purposely put my kids to bed so I could watch the majority of the session in peace, but it really was so nice to be able to concentrate and just hear what the speakers had to say. I don't necessarily remember what was said, but I love the way conference brings the spirit into my home and heart. After enjoying conference, we got our party on. We started off by coloring Easter Eggs. That was a little crazy with two little kids, but they had fun and were content to pretty much dump the egg in one color. It was pretty fun to watch them and to do something together.
The family all together. |
Me and Gaupo. Aren't we so cute? |
All the eggs before we ate them all up! |
Once the eggs were colored, Guapo started a fire and we had a hotdog roast. Oh man, fire-roasted hotdogs are the best. Plus, I got some good buns on sale, so they were like SUPER good.
The fire. |
Kylee enjoying her chips. |
We also had chips which is a real treat. Then we quickly came inside and had birthday cake. We made our crockpot cake, but substituted gluten-free flour and it turned out super good.
Lighting her birthday matches. |
Blowing the out. |
Us sillies around the wonderful cake. |
Once we were stuffed to capacity, Gaupo rushed off to priesthood session. Poor guy, he didn't have time to shower, but he threw on his Sunday clothes and went anyway. While Gaupo was away we went to the park and play and played and played.
The girls rode their bikes to the park. Here I am helping Tia. |
Aunt Kitt and Kylee swinging spider style. |
Finally, we had to come home and take baths. Those kids of mine were dirty. However, we got them clean and sent them to bed. Then it was project time. I have been working on General Conference dresses, but I needed Kitt here to help me with mine and hers. So, we worked on that for like 3 hours. She is such a trooper, but she did get a cute dress out of it so she can't complain too much. She could complain a little because she helped A LOT and only got one dress. After it was all done, we visited until none of us could stay awake and went to bed.
Sunday dawn early, but I was really excited for the girls to finally have their dresses, so it was just fine. So, I got up with them and helped them get all dressed and ready. Then we read books, had milk, and chilled until the tired people got up. Gaupo made breakfast casserole and smoothies for everyone. It was so good. Then I went and got ready and then it was time for Conference. This session was pretty hard because Tia was every where, and every time I would try to entertain her with something new and quiet Kylee would want to. That wouldn't be a problem if Kylee didn't just take over and start telling Tia how to play with the toy she just got. Oh it was frustrating. However, we made it, and then went outside for a nice LONG walk.
Before the walk we went out and took pictures of us being all matchy-matchy. |
It is pretty fun to walk up and around the school. We like to walk on the curbs, jump off the squares, and play at the picnic tables. When we came home we had lunch and then sent the kids to bed. They took really good naps and I was able to enjoy all of conference (thanks to Kitt who took care of lunch while I tried my hand at a glutten-free pie shell.) They even slept a little past that so I took a rest on Gaupo until they started descending the stairs. When they woke -up, they facetimed Oma for a bit and then I think they went out back and played while I made 7-Layer Pie and Pico.
Tia licking the beaters. |
The finished pie. |
Then I went out for a bit while Gaupo browned meat. Then I came back in to help with Greasy taco's. Oh man that birthday dinner was GOOD! We were so full after dinner and pie, but it was so good.
Kitt cutting the pie. |
Then we cleaned up dinner and then it was time to put the girls to bed. Then Kitt and I visited for a bit and then I had to send her off. Sometimes I really wish she didn't work so she could stay and play more, but I know if she wasn't working staying and playing more wouldn't be an option either, so I will take her when I can get her. Shortly after she left I started working on some R.S. stuff and then Gaupo came home and I was still doing some R.S. things. I know we didn't play a game, but I am not sure what we did, but I do think we went to bed kind of early. Either way that was the end of the great weekend.
I really did enjoy General Conference. I loved the reminders of service and to serve where we are. I loved the simple word of the prophet: Temples and make good choices. I love the powerful testimonies, the great stories, and the way I really felt like I wasn't alone in the challenges that I face. I mean people aren't experiencing the EXACT same thing as me, but they are experiencing similar things and are coming off conquer. That gives me much hope. I am so grateful for the love and peace that conference bring and the hope and guidance it gives for the coming days.
I am so grateful for Kitt. I love chatting with her. I have really enjoyed working on the dress project with her. Kitt is so full of power and awesomeness. I am continually amazed at how she manages everything that life has thrown at her. I know that it hasn't gone according to her plan, but she keeps trusting in the Lord and looking for the best and doing her best. Man Kitt is awesome, I seriously don't know why someone has taken her away from me yet, but I guess maybe because I am not ready to be nice to whoever does that (just kidding). But seriously I am so grateful for the opportunity we get to have her close by, and the opportunity we have to hear and see her be successful.
Man, just make me tear up...i feel like it may be a bigger blessing for me!!!