Lately I feel like we are doing a lot of new things. So far we have already started a new school year for Gaupo and a new job of watching kiddos for me, and now we have even more new things. This last Thursday I had my first Frisbee game in about 4 years. With some encouragement, I decided to sign-up for the Fall Ultimate Frisbee league here in Longmont. They play on Thursday nights and it is only through October. I was pretty hesitant about doing it, because it would take time away from my family, but I decided that I should. So, Thursday came and it was great. I had had kind of a rough couple of days, not that anything was different I just wasn't copping super well. Anyway, I went to Frisbee that night and it was so great to just let all of those things go away and play. It was fun to run for a purpose, be a bit competitive, meet new people, and know that my kids were having a great time with their dad. We lost both our games, but you know what I still came home feeling great. I can't explain it, but it was just really great to play again. It is definitely one of those things you don't realize how much you love it till you play again. Trust me I am pretty rusty. My throws aren't too bad, but the mental game of Frisbee is way rusty. I have a hard to reading cutters, knowing how to convince/fake-out my defenders, how to read strengths and weaknesses, etc. Oh well, what can I expect and really it went way better than I thought, so I think I will go back :)
Another new thing we have been up to is Preschool. We had Kylee's open house on Thursday morning. We went and met Teacher Wilson and her other classmates. We filled out paperwork and talked for a bit. Then we all got the tour and run down of how Preschool works and what happens there. It was so great and Kylee was pretty excited about it. Then today was her first day. We started of the day with a great breakfast, then we made a sign so I would know this was her preschool picture. Then we took pictures. Finally, we came back inside and Gaupo gave her a Father's Blessing. It was so great to watch her get a blessing and then to watch her sister want one and actually manage to sit still till it was done. The Priesthood is real and I am so glad Gaupo holds it and can bless our children. After blessings, I got Kylee in the car and we went and picked up Ryker and went to school. You could kind of tell Kylee was nervous because she was quiet, but you know what she got there and when she came home she had crafts, and 'work' to show me. Plus she is excited to go back, so I call the day a success, especially since there were no breakdowns, not from Kylee or me.
Kylee on her first day. |
Tia needed a sign and picture too. |
These two sillies were worried about what or where the other one was while they were apart. |
Finally, Labor Day weekend. I know that isn't a new thing. It happens every year, but we did try some new things. The weekend started of with Labor. The girls and I cleaned the house and Gaupo mowed the lawn. We got everything looking good, so that we didn't have to worry about it during the week. Then after lunch and naps we managed to sneak in the family bike ride that we missed when we had our shower mishap. The girls were troopers and enjoyed riding their bikes and playing at the different parks that we rode to. Then we came home and had a picnic dinner. We had hoggies with chips, cantaloupe, canned baked beans which are not very good in my opinion, applesauce, and special drinks. We had this picnic in our basement and the girls loved it. Then we came upstairs and did a little yoga. Yes, yoga. We have found that we all like doing yoga. We do kids versions of it and some are definitely better than others, but it helps everyone. Kylee and Tia focus and try really hard and I actually find it really relaxing. Gaupo when he does it, just does it to be with us, but hey it works. After yoga it was bed time.
Sunday was pretty normal, but Kitt came to visit us and got up here in time for dessert and the family hangout. It was fun to do a family hangout on a pre-holiday Sunday because no one had to go to bed, so they could get up for work. So, we talked till almost 10. It was pretty fun to just talk and hangout. True it would be way better in person, but you know you can only do so much when you are all spread out. After the hangout; Kitt, Gaupo, and I talked till about 12:00AM. We talked about all kinds of stuff. It started out by talking about love languages. This stemmed from the book I have recently finished reading call "The 5 Love Languages." I really enjoyed the book and thought gave a lot of good insights into loving your spouse. Anyway, we talked about that, a smidge about boys, some about family, and then who knows what else but it was fun and late.
Taking pics with Daddy's phone while waiting for Aunt Kitt and/or dinner. |
Monday morning came a little too soon, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had breakfast pretty early for us and then we went on a walk/bike around Roosevelt Park. The girls rode their bikes while us adult followed on foot. We got to this park to do it, because of Pokemon Go. Gaupo and the girls play it and it is a great place to get a lot of stuff real quick. So, we did that for a bit, and then we went and played at the park. Then we went out in the field and played 'volleyball' and Frisbee for a little bit. We headed home about 10:15 and to be quite honest just kind of hung out the rest of the morning. We did play the Ogre game with the girls and had a piggy painting party, but other than that it was pretty darn chill. After painting piggies, we had lunch and then naps. During nap time I made crab dip and prepped the chicken for dinner. Kitt had to go to the store to get me some ingredients that I forgot, but it all worked out. The girls woke up kind of early, but Guapo took them for a walk in the stroller and let Kitt and I visit. That was so nice of him. When he got back we kind of lounged around some more and then the girls wanted to do some Yoga again, so we did. Then we started making dinner. We had dutch oven chicken, macaroni and cheese, and peach cobbler. Yes, Kitt is still gluten free, and yes it was all gluten free and delicious. Oh man, I was so stuffed after dinner. I didn't even want popcorn. Oh man it was so good. Gaupo cooked everything perfectly and the flavors were good, the breading stayed on the chicken. It was awesome. We finished off the night by having movie Family Home Evening. We watch the Incredibles as a family. It got a little intense for the girls, but they still enjoyed it and Tia found it in the movie cupboard this afternoon and wanted to watch it again. I was pretty amazed she really did sit through most of it and it was actually really enjoyable. So, true our celebrations were not new, but it was the only Labor Day we celebrated this year and I felt like we rocked it pretty well. Sure we could have done more stuff, but really I think everyone here need to just be here and have a little still time. Believe it or not still time is good for the soul and family.
Love my family. Love spending time with them. I love and am nervous about all the new adventures, but you know I wouldn't have it any other way. Life is an adventure that I am so glad I get to have.
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