As I said in the previous post, we stayed the night with Jeff and Heidi. I kind of wondered how our kids would do because we haven't slept in too many unfamiliar places before. However, everyone was going to bed, so they crashed pretty quickly. Tia stayed up the longest, but did end up going to bed once I was out of the shower. Despite the late night, the girls were up at before the crack of dawn. Okay it was probably only between 6 and 6:30, but man alive they wanted to play right then. I was so afraid they were going to wake up their cousins who are actually good sleepers at their own house. However, we managed to not wake them up too early. Slowly everyone did start waking up. We had a great breakfast with Heidi and Jeff and then were done soon enough to just chill a little bit and let the kids play before we had to leave.
We left at 9:35 which is only 5 minutes later than anticipated, so not too shabby. The drive was pretty uneventful and I am amazed at how much I have forgotten since moving. Luckily, Guapo hadn't forgotten and so we got there no problem. Once in Rexburg, I met up with my Dad, Mom, Kara, and Kitt to do a session at the Rexburg temple. It was so great to back. Gaupo and I use to go to that temple every week when we were first married. We went almost every week for 18 months. So, going to that temple brought, so many memories and so many great times to mind. While I was in the temple, Gaupo took care of the girls. Tia feel asleep on the drive there and since we didn't know when the next available sleep time would be we didn't wake her up and Kylee and Gaupo sat in the van with her and watched a movie. When Tia woke up, Gaupo took them around to a few different places and then to their Aunt Klaire's apartment. When we got out of the temple, I drove with my family to meet up with Gaupo and the girls at Klaire's apartment. However, when I got there I looked in the door and was so shocked to see my brother standing in kitchen. I couldn't believe he had come. I couldn't believe that we (all my siblings) were doing this together. It was so great. So, not only did Klaire manage to graduate with a bachelors degree she also managed to get all us siblings together for a short weekend. Also, thanks to Jack's awesome wife who took care of her kids by herself so Jack could come. I seriously have the best family., we go get lunch. I really wanted all-you-can-eat pizza, but seeing as how Kitt is Gluten Free it was probably for the best that we didn't. We ended up going to Cafe Rio. It was pretty good, but to be honest the sweet pork isn't really my thing. I think I need to try their steak or some other kind of meat. Either way the food was good, they had food my kids liked, and the company was the best. We had set three tables together and enjoyed lunch all together. It was kind of loud, so I couldn't really hear what they were talking about at the other end of the table, but it was just good to know they were all there.
After lunch, we went back to Klaire's apartment and loaded her up. I went to the bathroom before I helped and by the time I came back they had all by like 5 things already taken downstairs. It was pretty awesome. My girls think apartments are so cool. They love all the rooms, the stairways, and all the people. It did take awhile to get everything packed into the truck. Not because Klaire had an amazing amount of stuff (she didn't), but because the weather was dreary and rain/snow was coming so we needed to make sure it would stay dry. However, we got it all done. There was some just waiting around while we decided what to do, but ultimately we decided that we would go take pictures and walk around campus, and then go to graduation.
Tia playing with the graduation cap. |
Kylee's turn. |
I loved that. I thought tons of things would have changed, but not too much on campus has. It was so great to show the girls were Mom and Dad ate lunch when they were engaged, where Daddy proposed, where we spent the majority of our class time, the library, etc. Like I mentioned before I haven't been back since I left and I was worried that it would be different, but it is still so awesome. After pictures, and walking around it was time to get in our seats for commencement.
Me in front of the Library and Smith Buildings. |
All of us walking down. Main pictured are Kitt, Klaire, and Jack. |
The whole bunch. |
Me and my siblings. We are such a good looking bunch. |
Kylee and Tia admiring this cute statue. |
We did have to wait for commencement to start and Tia kept getting antsy. She wanted to move seats all the time, get drinks, use the bathroom, etc. Kylee on the other hand was loving the big seats, and getting lots of attention from Kara and Oma. At about 5:15 commencement started, I love the processional. It was cool to see all the grads and faculty walk in. Pres. Gilbert, Pres, Clark, and a member of the seventy spoke. I really like the first two talks from Pres. Gilbert and Pres. Clark. I am sure the seventy's talk was good, but by then I was getting antsy myself because it seemed like it was going forever. However, I did enjoy how he said, "No, matter what your degree, you are better for getting it then you would be without it." I think that is so true. Some people argue and I would agree to a point that I don't really use my degree. However, there was so much more that I learned from my education at BYUI then just the classes. I use that stuff all the time, and I became better because of the classes, activities, people, and experiences there. Anyway, it was so great to be there. It is always great to hear the pep-talks of how great of a graduate you will be and about the great institution of BYUI. It just stirred all the positive feelings I have toward BYUI. I had kind of lost sight of all the great as Klaire went to school. I thought maybe it had lost everything I thought it was, but as I went back and saw it, felt it, and heard about it all over again it is still great. It was even great for Klaire, just really really challenging too. Anyway, I would still totally recommend BYUI because I think it turns out great leaders and people.
Tia, Kara, Kylee, Jack and Oma before commencement. |
Daddy's shoulder, me, Tia, Kara, Jack and my mom. |
Anyway, after commencement we went to our car and drove to the Hinkley building for Klaire's convocation. By this time it was about 7:30, so we ate some snacks in the car and then we stuff some more to share in Gaupo's jacket and went in to sit with everyone else. You could totally tell we hadn't eaten for a bit because I think we finished off everything we took in and we took quite a bit of food inside. Convocation was great. It was great to see Klaire walk across the stage and finally get that diploma she worked so hard for. It was just a proud moment and it was totally worth the time. Luckily they kept it kind of short, so we were able to get out of there about 9:15. Kitt lost her pedometer at the temple, so we ran her up there to double check it wasn't there. She didn't find it. (She did later find it in her temple bag.) Then we dropped her off at the Hinkley building so she could ride home to Grandpa's with Jack and then left.
Me and Klaire post all graduations. She did it!! |
Tia, and Kylee with Aunt Klaire. |
Holy cow, the traffic leaving Rexburg was crazy. It wasn't like it was stop go or anything quite that bad, but holy cow there were a ton of cars and they were all leaving. You could also tell that many people were hungry because the McDonald's on the edge of town was packed. Anyway, we got out of there and luckily Gaupo was there to drive because the roads had quite a bit of water on them, it was raining, and it was dark. I don't mind driving in the rain, but I don't like driving at night especially in the rain. We felt very blessed to get to Grandpa's in decent time. The girls of course fell asleep in the car, but then woke-up when we carried them through the rain to the house. However, we Tia just crashed out again as soon as she was in bed and Kylee crashed out as soon as she was in her jammies. I stayed up a little bit chatting with my sisters who were still awake and then went to bed about 12:30.
It was so great to return to Rexburg and support Klaire in her graduation. It was great to go and see all the place where some great memories were made. It was awesome to be there with my family. It is the first time that we have been all together on BYUI campus. It was great to feel proud to be an alumni of such a great institution. I am so glad I got to back and remember some of the stepping stones that got me to where I am today both physically, and spiritually. What great, big, long, fun day!
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