I have tried not to play catch up on my blog, but I let myself do it "just this once," and now I know why I never do it. It just pushes off everything until I am posting way behind the times. However, this is hopefully the last super late post....at least for a little while.
So, like I said before Kara, Seth, Ross, and Klaire spent a whole week at my house and it was awesome. I was kind of worried about it because it was really the first time I have had one of my siblings visit me, while I have my life going on. They were here, but we still had swim lessons, preschool, a pretty major R.S. Activity, occupational therapy, and Frisbee. Oh yeah, and dentist appointments. However, it turned out really good.
Kara and Klaire were real sports and came and supported us in most of our 'life activities.' Kara and Ross really like the exercise ball at swimming lessons. Ross thought it was pretty fun to bounce on those. Klaire was a champ and entertained the girl not in swim lessons, by letting them take pictures with her phone. The girls of course loved showing what they could do, and I loved showing my family what they could do.
As for preschool, we just played while the girls were in it. On Tuesday we took Ross to Roosevelt Park. It had some pretty big slides that I got to take him. I think he would have preferred his mom, but I was willing to climb all the stairs and go with him so it was super fun. Although, he did get stuck in the one tube slide that might have slightly traumatized him, but only from large tube slides because he was still more than willing to go on the big twisty slide. After walking around the park and playing we went and picked up Tia from school. She loved riding next to Ross in the car. When Kylee got home we just played with her and so it was great. Thursday preschool worked out good too. Klaire went with me to take both girls to preschool and they loved that, plus I got some one-on-one time with her which is always great. When we came home, Kara was resting because Ross had gotten up before the crack of dawn, so she was so tired. However, that left Seth to take car of him and I have't really had much time to just hangout with Seth, so it was fun to talk to him. I like how he talks like Gaupo. He says everything like its a proven fact and there is no disputing it, but it isn't really something that is that solid. I don't it is just really funny. Anyway, we spent the majority of the time outside which Ross LOVED! We jumped on the tramp. I mean really jumped (not when Ross was on it). We played crack the egg with Klaire. I don't know if she appreciated it, but I think it was okay. It is totally something Jack and I would have done to Klaire or Kitt when we were younger. It was really fun to play with big people. When it came time to pick-up Tia, Seth and I rode bikes to pick her up. I pulled Ross in the trailer (don't worry Seth totally would have pulled them, but I didn't want to ride Gaupo's old bike, and we had to kind of hurry, so we couldn't take the hitch off mine.) It was so great to ride and enjoy the air and just enjoy being out. Tia of course was so pleased that we came on bikes, she loves riding her bike or being in the trailer. When we got home we played more outside and then Kylee came home. This time Ryker came over and played for a bit which actually ended up being really good because Kara and Seth went down to visit Seth's brother on Thursday afternoon. So, while they were gone the kids played and played and played and Klaire and I played Rivals of Catan.
The pretty major R.S. Activity was our visiting teaching conference. We were providing dinner and then having a few people talk on their visiting teaching experiences. It was really, really good. I was kind of stressed about it, because I didn't really know the plan and I was trying really, really hard to let the person I delegated to do their thing and be in charge and I think it worked out well. I was in charge of the rice and gravy for the night, but I took some wise people's advice and delegated it all out and to be honest it took a lot of work up front, but when it came down to the time it allowed me to do other things that I needed. Kara and Klaire joined me at the activity and stayed and helped clean up, so that was awesome. Seth was a champ and watched my girls for me, so I didn't have to find a babysitter and that was awesome too. I thought it was a good night. I think everyone had a good time and if not I am pretty sure everyone enjoyed the delicious fruit cookie/tart thing that a lady in our ward made for dessert, so it was a success. Also, the speakers that were picked for that night really did a great job of hitting the major points that we want to bring out: let your visiting teachers serve you, sometimes a monthly visit is all they need and sometimes they need more, but if you can't do it then help them find those who can, and stuff like that. It was really good, plus we had about 35 people a few of which don't usually come, so it was great.
So, I also had Frisbee while they were here. Actually Kitt even came up on Thursday afternoon, so I was kind of excited to have people watch me play. However, the weather turned out really nasty and then it started to lightning just as Kitt and Klaire got to the fields and the game ended up being cancelled. I was kind of bummed, but actually I think it turned out for the best. We went to Wal-Mart and hit their after Easter candy sales. I also bought a sled and a brick maker for next year. I am really excited about those especially because they were ridiculously cheap. So, we went and did that. Then we came back to our house. We were just going to tell Gaupo that the game was cancelled and we were going for ice cream, but Kara had texted me she was on her way back, so we waited for her. Then us four girls went out for ice cream. It was so great. I think that night was definitely one my favorite nights. It was so fun to just be us for just a little bit. It isn't like we talked about anything we couldn't say in front of Guapo or Seth. It is just that sometimes the conversation goes different when its just you and your sisters. Anyway, we stayed and chatted about all kind of thing for awhile and then we came home and watched Hogan's Hero's and went to bed.
Now, Friday is the day Tia has occupational therapy and Kylee usually has preschool. However, we decided to let Kylee ditch school and OT starts at 7:30AM, so it doesn't really affect the day that much, but we still had to go when we had company and that was kind of a bummer, but as like the whole entire week, it turned out to be a great thing. While we were gone Kara and Seth went and bought a dozen doughnuts. We never have fresh doughnuts, so that was quite a treat. Then the other's made bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns, so when we got home we all scrunch around the table for a breakfast feast. It was so good. I think everyone enjoyed and everyone got enough it was awesome and really so nice to come home to a prepared breakfast. After we got breakfast cleaned up we went to Itty-Bitty City. Itty-Bitty City is where they put a whole bunch of foot powered cars, ball, hulu hoops, skates, balls, and tumbling stuff in a gym and let kids go crazy. The kids loved it and so did the rest of us. I am afraid I probably embarrassed Gaupo a little bit because I wasn't in parent mode I was in play mode. So, I was playing with my sister seeing if we could dive through a hoop before it tipped over and without touching it. Then after we had to clean it all up there was still a pretty soft tumbling mat out and we tried to do two person somersaults on it. It was pretty funny to watch and do. It was fun to be a little bit crazy again. I feel like I have to be responsible a lot, so it was really nice to not to be, but it is debatable about it being a good decision because Gaupo had to be the one to be mature and deal with his wife being kind of immature. However, it was fun.
Another fun thing we did on Friday was that after naps we went swimming. We took everyone to Rec Center. It was great. It was a little crowded, but not too bad. Ross was a little unsure of it at first, but once he knew what was going on he had a great time. Kylee had fun showing off her skills and loved that Daddy and Aunt Klaire were more than willing to stay in the water with her while Mommy, Tia, and Aunt Kitt went down slides. Tia of course loved having so many opportunities to go down the slide. So, I think it was a win win for everyone.
We of course got back late, but still managed to have Mormon Enchilada's for dinner and get the kids to bed, not too late. After the kids were down we played a token game of Taboo. That means we played because we felt like we should not necessarily because that is what we wanted to do. However, it was fun and then we spent the rest of the night talking until it was time to go to bed. Oh man, Friday was definitely my favorite day, but it's because we did all my favorite stuff. It is kind of like Kara said, "It's like we celebrate Gaupo's Birthday today." It was a day of party that is for sure.
Just a couple more adventures that we had happened on Monday and Wednesday. So, Monday we went to the park right by our house before lunch and that was super great to do together. Also Monday is FHE and Kara gave the lesson. She also helped all the kids make Easter rolls. So, we filled the rolls with a marshmallow, but when they came out of the oven they were empty, just like the bomb on Easter morning. Kara used some 'true' Easter eggs to talk about Christ and His atonement, resurrection, and other significant things. We also watched the movie He is Risen. The girls listened great to Aunt Kara. It was so perfect.
Wednesday we went to the park again. This time we went to the train park and had a picnic there. Ross got to see and hear the train. He did pretty good with how loud it was, and when the second one came he did great and loved it. All the kids had a great time playing at the train park and have some treat for lunch they don't usually get. Plus, we made bread that morning, so it was like the first time in about 2.5 weeks that we had salted bread and it was, so good. We played at the park till I had to take the girls to the dentist, but it was perfect timing. Then that night after a scrumptious grill dinner we colored eggs. It was so fun to color eggs. The girls got pretty into it though they are kind of still only one color folks. However, it just completed the Easter-ness and made for a great time spent together.
I thought we didn't do a whole lot with them, but after writing it down I realize we did. No wonder we had such a great time with them. Here we did a little life and a lot of party. (Sounds perfect, huh?) I am so glad they could come and were so easy to please because we sure had a great time with them.
So, like I said before Kara, Seth, Ross, and Klaire spent a whole week at my house and it was awesome. I was kind of worried about it because it was really the first time I have had one of my siblings visit me, while I have my life going on. They were here, but we still had swim lessons, preschool, a pretty major R.S. Activity, occupational therapy, and Frisbee. Oh yeah, and dentist appointments. However, it turned out really good.
Kara and Klaire were real sports and came and supported us in most of our 'life activities.' Kara and Ross really like the exercise ball at swimming lessons. Ross thought it was pretty fun to bounce on those. Klaire was a champ and entertained the girl not in swim lessons, by letting them take pictures with her phone. The girls of course loved showing what they could do, and I loved showing my family what they could do.
As for preschool, we just played while the girls were in it. On Tuesday we took Ross to Roosevelt Park. It had some pretty big slides that I got to take him. I think he would have preferred his mom, but I was willing to climb all the stairs and go with him so it was super fun. Although, he did get stuck in the one tube slide that might have slightly traumatized him, but only from large tube slides because he was still more than willing to go on the big twisty slide. After walking around the park and playing we went and picked up Tia from school. She loved riding next to Ross in the car. When Kylee got home we just played with her and so it was great. Thursday preschool worked out good too. Klaire went with me to take both girls to preschool and they loved that, plus I got some one-on-one time with her which is always great. When we came home, Kara was resting because Ross had gotten up before the crack of dawn, so she was so tired. However, that left Seth to take car of him and I have't really had much time to just hangout with Seth, so it was fun to talk to him. I like how he talks like Gaupo. He says everything like its a proven fact and there is no disputing it, but it isn't really something that is that solid. I don't it is just really funny. Anyway, we spent the majority of the time outside which Ross LOVED! We jumped on the tramp. I mean really jumped (not when Ross was on it). We played crack the egg with Klaire. I don't know if she appreciated it, but I think it was okay. It is totally something Jack and I would have done to Klaire or Kitt when we were younger. It was really fun to play with big people. When it came time to pick-up Tia, Seth and I rode bikes to pick her up. I pulled Ross in the trailer (don't worry Seth totally would have pulled them, but I didn't want to ride Gaupo's old bike, and we had to kind of hurry, so we couldn't take the hitch off mine.) It was so great to ride and enjoy the air and just enjoy being out. Tia of course was so pleased that we came on bikes, she loves riding her bike or being in the trailer. When we got home we played more outside and then Kylee came home. This time Ryker came over and played for a bit which actually ended up being really good because Kara and Seth went down to visit Seth's brother on Thursday afternoon. So, while they were gone the kids played and played and played and Klaire and I played Rivals of Catan.
The pretty major R.S. Activity was our visiting teaching conference. We were providing dinner and then having a few people talk on their visiting teaching experiences. It was really, really good. I was kind of stressed about it, because I didn't really know the plan and I was trying really, really hard to let the person I delegated to do their thing and be in charge and I think it worked out well. I was in charge of the rice and gravy for the night, but I took some wise people's advice and delegated it all out and to be honest it took a lot of work up front, but when it came down to the time it allowed me to do other things that I needed. Kara and Klaire joined me at the activity and stayed and helped clean up, so that was awesome. Seth was a champ and watched my girls for me, so I didn't have to find a babysitter and that was awesome too. I thought it was a good night. I think everyone had a good time and if not I am pretty sure everyone enjoyed the delicious fruit cookie/tart thing that a lady in our ward made for dessert, so it was a success. Also, the speakers that were picked for that night really did a great job of hitting the major points that we want to bring out: let your visiting teachers serve you, sometimes a monthly visit is all they need and sometimes they need more, but if you can't do it then help them find those who can, and stuff like that. It was really good, plus we had about 35 people a few of which don't usually come, so it was great.
So, I also had Frisbee while they were here. Actually Kitt even came up on Thursday afternoon, so I was kind of excited to have people watch me play. However, the weather turned out really nasty and then it started to lightning just as Kitt and Klaire got to the fields and the game ended up being cancelled. I was kind of bummed, but actually I think it turned out for the best. We went to Wal-Mart and hit their after Easter candy sales. I also bought a sled and a brick maker for next year. I am really excited about those especially because they were ridiculously cheap. So, we went and did that. Then we came back to our house. We were just going to tell Gaupo that the game was cancelled and we were going for ice cream, but Kara had texted me she was on her way back, so we waited for her. Then us four girls went out for ice cream. It was so great. I think that night was definitely one my favorite nights. It was so fun to just be us for just a little bit. It isn't like we talked about anything we couldn't say in front of Guapo or Seth. It is just that sometimes the conversation goes different when its just you and your sisters. Anyway, we stayed and chatted about all kind of thing for awhile and then we came home and watched Hogan's Hero's and went to bed.
Now, Friday is the day Tia has occupational therapy and Kylee usually has preschool. However, we decided to let Kylee ditch school and OT starts at 7:30AM, so it doesn't really affect the day that much, but we still had to go when we had company and that was kind of a bummer, but as like the whole entire week, it turned out to be a great thing. While we were gone Kara and Seth went and bought a dozen doughnuts. We never have fresh doughnuts, so that was quite a treat. Then the other's made bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns, so when we got home we all scrunch around the table for a breakfast feast. It was so good. I think everyone enjoyed and everyone got enough it was awesome and really so nice to come home to a prepared breakfast. After we got breakfast cleaned up we went to Itty-Bitty City. Itty-Bitty City is where they put a whole bunch of foot powered cars, ball, hulu hoops, skates, balls, and tumbling stuff in a gym and let kids go crazy. The kids loved it and so did the rest of us. I am afraid I probably embarrassed Gaupo a little bit because I wasn't in parent mode I was in play mode. So, I was playing with my sister seeing if we could dive through a hoop before it tipped over and without touching it. Then after we had to clean it all up there was still a pretty soft tumbling mat out and we tried to do two person somersaults on it. It was pretty funny to watch and do. It was fun to be a little bit crazy again. I feel like I have to be responsible a lot, so it was really nice to not to be, but it is debatable about it being a good decision because Gaupo had to be the one to be mature and deal with his wife being kind of immature. However, it was fun.
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Kylee, Tia, and Ross in their cars. |
We of course got back late, but still managed to have Mormon Enchilada's for dinner and get the kids to bed, not too late. After the kids were down we played a token game of Taboo. That means we played because we felt like we should not necessarily because that is what we wanted to do. However, it was fun and then we spent the rest of the night talking until it was time to go to bed. Oh man, Friday was definitely my favorite day, but it's because we did all my favorite stuff. It is kind of like Kara said, "It's like we celebrate Gaupo's Birthday today." It was a day of party that is for sure.
Just a couple more adventures that we had happened on Monday and Wednesday. So, Monday we went to the park right by our house before lunch and that was super great to do together. Also Monday is FHE and Kara gave the lesson. She also helped all the kids make Easter rolls. So, we filled the rolls with a marshmallow, but when they came out of the oven they were empty, just like the bomb on Easter morning. Kara used some 'true' Easter eggs to talk about Christ and His atonement, resurrection, and other significant things. We also watched the movie He is Risen. The girls listened great to Aunt Kara. It was so perfect.
Wednesday we went to the park again. This time we went to the train park and had a picnic there. Ross got to see and hear the train. He did pretty good with how loud it was, and when the second one came he did great and loved it. All the kids had a great time playing at the train park and have some treat for lunch they don't usually get. Plus, we made bread that morning, so it was like the first time in about 2.5 weeks that we had salted bread and it was, so good. We played at the park till I had to take the girls to the dentist, but it was perfect timing. Then that night after a scrumptious grill dinner we colored eggs. It was so fun to color eggs. The girls got pretty into it though they are kind of still only one color folks. However, it just completed the Easter-ness and made for a great time spent together.
Me and the Easter Egg coloring crew. |
All of the Easter Egg colorers. |
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