Time is flying and as you can guess by my lack of posts, I can't manage to document most of it. However, we are loving it. Our most recent adventure was to Arizona, but before we go there we need to do Christmas. So here it is. We started our food celebration of Christmas on the 23rd. We had a really simple meal of Turkey and potatoes. Since it was Saturday and Gaupo had no schoolwork to do we spent the day together. It was so fun to play and not have to worry about homework. We went for a bike ride, we had breakfast, we took naps, Guapo prepared food, and best of all EVERYONE pitched in and helped me do ALL the chores (Kylee would chime in with "except dusting." She would be right, but I will dust when I put the Christmas decorations away. It was so awesome to have so much help. Gaupo even organized the storage room, helped the girls clean the playroom in the basement, and then vacuumed it all. It was so great. Because everyone pitched in, we were able to do that bike ride and stop at the park and it was so great to work and play as a family. The afternoon was mostly spent working on what were suppose to be Christmas surprises, but really ended up just being Christmas gift. Oh well, I will keep working on the surprise part. Gaupo's really was going to be a surprise, but I lost my needle while was cross-stiching his name and needed help finding it, and he of course looked a little too good and picked up his surprise. Augh. Oh well, like I said maybe next time. Anyway, while I was working on that Gaupo was working on getting the potatoes, gravy, and turkey done. It was an excellent meal and the girls didn't even complain about eating it. That was mostly because we spoiled them greatly by letting them eat dinner while watching "The Polar Express." Normally eating dinner and watching a movie at the same time is not my favorite, but you know I can't complain too much when Tia eats potatoes without gagging. The girls LOVED the movie. When it was over we put them to be and Gaupo and I watched a movie of our own. Then we called it a night.
Sunday was Christmas Eve. Our ward combined with two other wards for Sacrament Meeting at 9:00AM. It was nice to have church early, but I am totally not accustomed to waking up and getting to church that soon, plus we had to drive because it is so cold that time of morning. Anyway, it was a great meeting. I always love that it takes so long to pass the sacrament and I also love the music and story of Christ's Birth. Then church was over at 10 and we had the rest of day to figure out what to do. We weren't quite sure what we were going to do, but don't worry the time flew by. We had family council right after church, then I think we read the Christmas story from 3 Nephi and talked about it, then we did lunch and naps. After naps we Facetimed Grandma and talked to her for awhile. Then it was time to throw dinner in. We cooked more potatoes, and then added sweet potatoes and green bean casserole to our dinner. We had it by Christmas light and faux candles. We had it decorated table it felt really festive. It was a fun meal and everyone did a pretty good job eating. We topped of the meal with mint fudge. This has been the winner treat for this season. I have had to make two batches of it this holiday time and it has been so good. Anyway, after dinner was cleaned up everyone opened up their gifts and then it was time for bed. The girls had a terrible time falling asleep, but finally got there. Then Gaupo and I finished up some last minute Christmas preparations and went to bed ourselves.
Tia opening her gift. |
Kylee with hers. |
Gaupo with his. |
Finally got his handsome face to show. |
The girls and I in our matching Christmas PJs. |
Christmas morning did not dawn as early as I would have thought. Kylee slept till almost 7:00 and the poor girl had to wait for Tia to wake and Tia didn't wake up till almost 8:00. We did treat Kylee with playing games on the Ipad and watching TV. So, she wasn't as grumpy as she could have been and any trace of unhappiness soon diminished when they found that Santa had come in the night. We had wonderful gifts from Santa. There was candy, gloves, underwear, pillows, paper, makers, crayons, a game of
Guess Who, the movie
Moana, and the muched hoped for slippers. Kylee had really wanted Lightning McQueen slippers and Santa gave her Lightning McQueen ones and Tia Wonder Woman boot ones. They both loved every thing Santa gave them. It was really fun to watched them go through everything once it was all out there. They kind of rush through opening the stocking and then slowing pick through it later. Santa didn't let me down and brought Christmas breakfast for us. He brought donuts and juice. I did fry some eggs to go with it, but boy did he do good with the donuts and juice.
Tia opening her stocking. |
Kylee taking a quicker method. |
Me and my stocking. |
Gaupo and his stocking. (The trail mix in his hands is from Santa) |
Kylee with our very own copy of Moana. |
The girls with their slippers. |
After breakfast, the girls wanted presents to be opened, so before we even changed we opened presents. I think the best present was given to me by Gaupo and the girls and it is my very own red wagon. Tia has played with it most, but I still love it and know its mine. Gaupo's favorite gift was probably
The Avatar: The Last Airbender TV series. Kylee's favorite gift was probably her Book of Mormon that she got from her primary teachers it has her name on it. Tia's favorite gift was probably my wagon, but after that a toy phone she got from Grandma Hammond. It was fun to open presents, but once again it was more fun once it was all open and then they actually started looking at everything.
Tia opening her gift from Gaupo and I. |
Me with my wagon. |
Gaupo opening his gift with our ever watchful Tia. |
Kylee opening her present from Gaupo and I. |
After it was all open, we got ready for the day. Gaupo assembled the wagon and that provided much fun. Then Tia convinced us to leave our cozy home to go outside. The girls rode bike for a bit, but then that was too cold. So, I caved and took my wagon outside. We played with that for awhile and then we decided to go sledding. That was fun. The snow was great for it and we a fun time together out on the hill. Gaupo is not one who really likes to do anything on Christmas, but he humored us and came out sledding with us, so it was a family event which made it even more special and fun.
After sledding we went inside and had turkey cassadias and hot chocolate for lunch. We video chatted with Grandma and then took naps. It was a good nap. Then we played all out new games in the afternoon. Then we packed for our trip to Arizona. Then we had dinner of all the leftovers. Then we had baths and went to bed. The girls had a terrible time falling asleep either for too much excitement or fear we were going to leave them in any case by the time Gaupo and I finally tumbled into bed they were still awake, but we were ready for the next day departure for Arizona.
It was so nice to be able to be home for Christmas. I like that we can do our own thing. We can do whatever we like. We can wakeup early, or sleep late. We can have junk food for breakfast. We can open presents whenever and play whenever. It really is so nice to be home. To wake up here and be us and just celebrate together. I feel very blessed to have little girls who are easy to please, a home that keeps us warm and comfortable, a husband who loves Christmas, and a Savior who came to this earth as a baby. That baby then lived an extraordinary life, suffered in Gethsemane, died on the cross, and rose again for me and for my family. Many years ago God gave us the wondrous gift. I am truly one blessed woman.
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