Yesterday was a great day. By the end, I was super tuckered out, but it was good. Last night I even took the opportunity to reflect over the day, and I couldn't even find something I would change about it, so that should tell you it was a good day.
The morning started off with a bit of sleeping in. One of the best parts about waking up during the week at 6:00 is that when you get to go back to sleep until 7:00-7:15 it feels amazing. I did get up at about 6:00 and read my scriptures, but I also crawled back into my cozy bed and enjoyed just laying there and sleeping a little too. It was so great. We finally got up and at it, and got breakfast going. We made banana pancakes, yummy! Just as we sat down we heard someone come into our driveway. It was our contractor there with another guy to strengthen out the siding on our porch/house. I am amazed he got it, so close, because there is a good chance that our porch was never level, or at least not level for very long. Anyway, I chatted with him for a bit and then came back in and had breakfast. Then we went to FREE fishing day! I have been wanting to go to this event for a little while, but our kids really are just big enough to go and really enjoy it and get the point of it. So, what free fishing day is, is you register your kids and they go to 5 different classes and learn about fishing. They have classes on casting, equipment (different types of poles, though it probably should be on bait, but they didn't ask me), knot tying, types of fish, and then how to hold different common fish when trying to get hooks and the like out. The girls dutifully went to each class and listened and participated and then after they completed all five classes they got their very own fishing pole. So, we then took that fishing pole and got some bait from the boy scouts and went fishing. The classes took about an hour and then we fished for about an hour. I think that is pretty good for a 4 and 6 year-old. However, my favorite part was watching Gaupo participate with us. I sometimes feel like I head up the vast majority of outdoor activities and it is true that I instigated this activity, but he got us registered and then helped us find 'the perfect fishing spot.' He also loved helping load the bait, casting, and sitting with the pole and his girls. I know there isn't a whole lot to pond fishing, but Gaupo didn't mind one bit being out there and sitting with us and fishing. Tia got a little bored, but hey that is to be expected and she did fine really. Kylee I am pretty sure could fish for a long time. She just has the patience to wait and hope she gets something. She is pretty disappointed when she doesn't get anything, but it doesn't ruin it for her. Our family really enjoyed doing it together. I thought it was successful enough that Gaupo and/or I might need to get a license, so we can go multiple times this year, but we will see. I just so loved spending two hours outside with my family with no real complaints and everyone left having had a good time. Plus, it didn't cost me a thing--even better.
Kylee and Gaupo at the casting class. |
Daddy helping Tia with casting. |
Daddy and Kylee fishing. |
Tia playing wit her snakes aka worms. |
Tia casting out and Gaupo ducking for cover. hahaha |
Tia the fisherwoman. |
Kylee and Daddy fishing away. |
Me with everyone to prove I was there. |
Daddy and his girls fishing. |
After we got done fishing, we were on the right side of town to visit Target. They are having buy 1 get one 50% off right now on shoes, and I want to get my girls some sandals, but I needed to know what size Kylee was (I already knew Tia). So, we went to Target. Well, while we were there they were having an 'egg hunt.' By the time we got there it was a very simple affair and all we had to do was go get our picture taken, get a snack and get the password. Then we went and found the Hatchimal display, gave them the password and we got a Hatchimal egg. We quickly did that and then spent awhile in shoes trying to find which sandals would work for Kylee and what size. She has small thin feet, so this is not an easy thing. Anyway, we found out what we needed and left with two Hatchimals without spending a penny.
Tia and Kylee getting their picture taken. |
Also, on that same side of town as Sprouts. I went there and did spend money on groceries, but I also grabbed everyone a free sample of their sour gummy bears (they don't even compare to their normal 12 flavor ones that are super good, so just buy the normal). So, I get out to the car and the girls got their Hatchimals open and were so please with that and then I just got add to it with a free sample of gummy bears for them. So, a total win on the west side of town yesterday.
Once we got home we had lunch and went down for naps. While the girls were sleeping I went grocery shopping. Sadly that was not free either, but I did get some good deals, and some needed food, so it was all good. Once I got home, I started preparing dinner. We were having a hurry up and wait meal--grilled chicken, tortellini pasta salad, grilled potatoes, grilled corn, and grapes. So, I got the chicken marinating and the pasta salad made. Then the kids were awake and Tia did not forget that we had said we could go on a bike ride when she woke up. So, I took the kids on a bike ride while Gaupo worked on his homework. We took a good little ride down and through and around and through the park to the school where we played at a couple of the schools parks. I think Tia's favorite part was showing the other kids how she could do everything that they couldn't or needed help doing. Don't worry I didn't let her do it long. We went home and the girls played outside while we prepped the potatoes and corn. Then we enjoyed watching them play as we cooked all the food. It took awhile to get it all done, but it was good. We enjoyed our food all together. The kids didn't even complain too much. Then we got the kids showered and bathed and in bed. They actually went to sleep almost right away, Wahoo!! Tia has had a terrible problem with going to sleep this week, so this was awesome! Then Gaupo and I stayed up for a bit and then got showered and went to bed as well. It was pretty early when we went to bed, but apparently I was tired because I slept well all night. I seriously probably slept from 9:30 to 6:00 without waking up and then rested/slept again from about 6:30 to 6:50. Once again it felt so good to sleep in.
I doubt this post really does how wonderful yesterday was justice, but I really did enjoy it. I love spending time with my family and I really do enjoy when it doesn't cost us a lot of money either. I am very grateful for all the different activities that the City of Longmont sponsors. It allows my kids to see and experience a lot of different things. I feel so blessed to live in a city that promotes being outdoors. They have created lots of wonderful outdoor spaces, so that even though we are in the city it isn't all concrete, pavement, and buildings. I love spending time with my family and being able to do it so close. I really did love watching Guapo fish with the girls. He carefully walked us to the other side of the pond away from everyone to a little spot. He talked briefly about how he loved going fishing especially when he use to do it with his dad because he would here him tell stories which he loved. It was fun to sit in somewhat peace and just enjoy being together. It was so great to watch our girls get excited over their simple free gift at Target. It was fun to ride bikes with my girls. They are such good riders and I can't help but feel proud of what they can do. I am so grateful that my family can have fun doing simple things. I love that we love being together and that being together is what often makes our adventure so rich and fun. I have the best family and I love being with them. I am so glad they put up with all my crazy because I really do love them like crazy.