Holy Cow! I can't believe this girl is six. Really I can because she seems, so very much a six year old, but to think that I have been a mom for six years that just blows my mind. However, I couldn't be happier about having had Kylee in my life for the last six years. This girls is truly amazing. Five days a week she goes to school and then comes home and tries to do a tricky balancing act between her best friend and her best sister. For being six she does pretty good. I would have to say that Kylee's current best friend is Tori Jacobson. They love to be the same and they play together really well. Thankfully that is the case because Tori is over here every day. Anyway, Kylee enjoys school. She says her favorite thing is recess and when I ask her what else besides recess she says nothing. I don't know that that is true because I think she loves when they get to do stem choice. Lately she has been doing the art center and is enjoying that. She also loves writing and coloring her own books right now. She struggles with slowing down and really listening for the sounds in the words and separating the words with proper spaces, but she still loves it. She is doing really well in swim lessons. She is in Blast one and is learning to get those arms
and legs going and breathing. Kylee is a great big sister and is usually pretty willing to share with Tia. I love watching Kylee and Tia play together because they have a blast, especially when they play at the park or ride bikes. Some other things about Kylee right now are that she loves church, singing, eating chocolate, and watching movies.
This year was a little crazy with celebrating her birthday because Gaupo had to work on her birthday and then thought he had a church meeting that night too. So, we decided to just celebrate the day before. Friday, she wanted waffles, whip cream, and blueberries for breakfast. Then she went to school and then when she came home she had mac and cheese for lunch. Then we met up with some friends at the train park and played for about an hour and half. I was actually visiting teaching, but it was to Kylee's friends mom, so it totally worked. It was such a beautiful day outside, so the kids just played and played. It was so great. When we came home Kylee really wanted to open her present from Trent and Tori, so we did that and then it was quiet time.
Tia, Tori, Trent, and Kylee |
Kylee with her Dinoco Cruze Remirez. |
Boy did I need it. I rested for a bit, but then we had to get dinner going. Kylee wanted crock-pot cake, so I got that started. Then we were having tacos for dinner and even though Kylee just likes beans and cheese on her's if I am going to make greasy tacos I tend to go all out. So, I made some pico to go with them. Then it was time to fry hamburger and start the tortillas shortly after that. We had the missionaries coming over, so we made a bunch of tacos and boy was it good. Then we had cake and ice cream. After it was all cleaned up and the missionaries left we let Kylee open her presents. She got some dress-ups and some jewelry. She has loved all of it. By the time we did all that it was bed time.
Tia, and Kylee with the birthday candles. |
Tia, Kylee, Gaupo, and Me. |
Kylee opening her gifts from Tia. |
Kylee opening presents. |
Tia in the Elsa costume and Kylee in her Moana dress-up. |
Then switched..Kylee as Elsa, and Tia as Moana. |
Saturday we continued celebrating even though Gaupo had to go to work. We worked on Kylee's birthday sign, and had left over waffles with whip cream and strawberries this time. Then we were going to have pizza for lunch, so I got the dough and veggies and everything ready, so we could go to the park and stay for awhile. Kylee wanted to go to the 'kid' park (the school park across from our house), so that is were we went. The girls played for a bit by themselves and then Tori and Trent joined us. After playing for awhile we went home and made pizza and had the missionaries over for that. Then it was quiet time. I rested for a bit, but the weather was great, so I decided to go clean-up our front flower bed a little. I trimmed up everything and got it looking good. Kylee woke-up while I was doing that and played outside while I worked. Tia joined us too and after I was finished they had a snack and then we went for a bike ride. We went to another park and played there until we needed to head home for baths and to see Gaupo. That night the girls had leftovers for dinner and then we let Kylee watch whatever movie she wanted, so she picked
Moana. It was fun to watch a movie together and finish up the celebrations.
Overall I think Kylee is very pleased to be six. I think she had fun celebrating and playing. She told me on Saturday "I really do think six feels different than five." She is so funny. I love this little ball of joy and I am so glad she came to our home six years ago. We are truly, so blessed.
Man, how fun!! Reading about your tacos makes me hungry...and I just ate! 😉😋