Wow, time is flying. I say that, but August felt like it was forever long. However, I feel like things are moving right along. We had gotten into the rhythm of school and I wasn't dreading full-day school as much, but then with us just finishing up a long weekend I truly long for summer once again. I love having my kids play and just doing life on our own. Its true that summer doesn't involve Gaupo being home like this last weekend did and so that would be a bummer, but I miss having Kylee around and we definitely missed her today when it was just Tia and I.
I told Kylee and my brother Jack this last week that you have to be careful what you pray for. Jack knew exactly what I was talking about but Kylee asked, "why?" I told her because Heavenly Father will answer your prayers and you need to be ready for the answers. Heavenly Father is richly blessing our family but if you had asked me 6 months ago what I would be doing and planning right now I can guarantee you it wouldn't be what I am doing. I would have hoped to be pregnant. I have wanted to be pregnant for a long time, but I would have never expected it to be with twins. But I love being a mom, so I am really excited for this adventure even though being pregnant with twins is getting uncomfortable already and I am possibly not even halfway yet. However, after I got over the initial panic of having to buy two carseats and that we were going to have to feed and diaper two babies I began to feel that this is what our family needed. I believed that this is what Gaupo and I needed to grow closer as a couple, but also what my family needed to grow.
As we continued to pray, I asked to know what to do to prepare for these twins. Well, at first there was just nothing. Then I got to thinking about our home and the space we have here and different things. I began to realize that what I thought would be my forever home, might not be able to work forever. So, Gaupo and I talked and prayed. Our first answer came in that we should take the self-reliance finance class offered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We both thought that we needed to do this so maybe we could move to a new home. However, we shortly discovered that probably wasn't right for us, but that fixing our current home was. After asking our friend Greg Gabler about add-ons and basement finishes we talked about doing a lot of things and have finally decided to just redo the basement. Right now. You know four-ish months before these twins are suppose to arrive. But Gaupo and I are learning a ton about each other, miracles, loans, home building, and all sorts of things. I don't know if it will be done when the twins come. Gaupo says it will, I just hope the storage area is done, so that we can empty out the blue room. But, I do know this is what we are suppose to be doing and Heavenly Father is watching out for us.
Between twins, redoing the basement, taking a self-reliance class together, and having the kids in school we are plenty busy. It is totally crazier than I planned. To be honest, when I found out I was having twins I figured we would just wait till they got here and then they would turn our lives upside down and you know what they probably still will. However, I think our family has somethings to learn before they come. Somethings we have learned already is we can work and play. My kids are kids, but they are very helpful and are willing to help. This last Saturday they helped move a lot of stuff from the basement. They were a really big help. Tia was a huge help earlier in the week helping me clean off the shelves. I seriously probably have the best kids and they lovingly reassure me that these babies inside are good babies. I sure hope so. Gaupo and I have learned to work together. I have learned to let Gaupo lead, but also be an active partner. I can't do the basement project on my own, but neither can he. Together we get things done a lot faster. We are still learning a lot especially about communication, but I love it. I love working on this together. We will see how it goes and it goes. Then with the self-reliance class, I am really excited about it. We have had one class and I really enjoyed it. Gaupo couldn't come because Tia wasn't feeling well, but he did Skype in. Which is super impressive most times he would just say I will take the kids and then let me fill him in, but not this time. He even participated it was awesome. Plus we have had some good talks and discussions and we are working at it. We are pretty good with finances, but I think this will help us a lot and if nothing else feel prepared and like we can be wise stewards.
We are learning and growing and doing new things. Its crazy, but I love it and I love what it is doing for my family. Heavenly Father answers prayers. We have to be patient, and sometimes we just need to be ready to receive the answers. I know God loves me and my family and is trying to help us be successful here on earth. I am so glad he is watching over our little family.
Tia helping siphon out the water barrels. |
Tia demonstrating how to use a beach umbrella. |
Me and my belly. |
Gaupo, Tia, and Kylee ripping up the carpet. |
The Blue room as the temporary storage room. |
Riding the wagon down the hill. |
Playiing after a good day's work. |
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