This blog seems to be getting neglected lately and I haven't even had the twins yet. Oh boy! Life around here is mainly full of construction, kids, church and work. Even when Oma and Papa came that is a lot of what happened around here. Although, we are managing to try to keep playing, so we can enjoy life not just work all the time.
Oma and Papa came just over a week ago on the 22nd. They arrived around 4pm on Saturday afternoon. We were so excited for them to get here and thought that they were taking forever to get here, but they finally made. The girls started the ball rolling by showing them all of their 'tricks.' They showed them how they can dance to the fox song, attempt to do handstands and cartwheels and a slew of other things. Then they took them outside and showed them how they can ride bikes, scooters, trikes, and even got Papa to pull them in the wagon. The good thing about Papa being stuck in a car all day is that once he is out he game for going just about anywhere especially if he can walk. He doesn't like being cramped in the car. So, he pulled the girls in the wagon to the park and Oma joined them. I didn't go because I was kind of having a rough bit. I was just tired and to be honest Saturdays are a little hard. I mean they are super great it just seems like they are very demanding and this particular Saturday I had the girls all day because Gaupo was at work, we were assigned to clean the church, there was a baby shower (which was a much need social outlet, but I still had to take the kids), and then getting ready for my parents to come. It was all good things and probably normally I would feel like a super mom, but right now isn't normal, so I was just kind of tired of being asked to do things, I just wanted to sit and talk. So, anyway Oma and Papa and the girls went to the park and they had a great time. Oma got some great videos of the girls riding the wagon down the the slanted driveway at the school. They were really funny to watch because they really couldn't stay in the wagon, because they were always wanting to try something new or different, but it was cute. After sitting for a bit and kind of unloading on Gaupo when he came home (Poor guy, but he is a great listener) I started getting dinner all cut up. We had Teriyaki chicken, roasted zucchini and squash, and rice. I thought it tasted great, so it was a good start to the evening. We actually had dinner pretty late, but I think we still let the girls play for a bit, but then we did baths and got them in bed. The girls slept in the blue room, so that Oma and Papa could have their beds. After the girls went to bed, Gaupo and my dad went to work on the basement and my mom and I just talked. I think that is what I miss about living at home most is just being able to talk to my mom face-to-face. I know I can call her and I do and we talk a lot, but its so nice to be together. We visited until the boys called it a night and got cleaned up and then we all called it a night and went to bed.
Oma and Papa getting shown the basement. |
Sundays are becoming my favorite day of the week, because we don't do anything by church and our callings. It is nice to let the basement, homework, and housework just sit. Also my girls are getting better at sleeping on Sunday morning and since it is the one morning a week I get up at 6:00AM still I get quite a bit of piece and quiet and it makes a great time to put the final touches on my primary lessons. I read and prepare almost all week, but I don't actually sit down and get things ready till Sunday morning usually. I think it might be because that is when I feel the least rushed, most awake, and have the most energy. Plus, no kids can mess up my bag before church. Anyway, I got up and got ready and helped my girls get ready. We had breakfast and then we all walked to church together. Another thing I love about where I live, walking to church. It such a great way to start the morning. Anyway, we went to church and my co-teacher actually couldn't come, so my mom subbed with me in primary and that was really fun. I kind of missed showing her off in RS, but having her with me in Primary was fun and Kylee thought it was AWESOME! As part of my lesson everyone got to show us one of their talents, and Oma took a turn and showed us how she can take off her thumb. Those kids thought it was the most amazing thing ever. I have to admit she is really good at it. I know the trick and it still looks legit. It is definitely a talent she has. After church we came home and had a lunch of leftovers and then took naps. Then we visited and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon. We introduced Oma and Papa to scrambled pancakes and they both thought they were good. We also served sausage and smoothies. It was so good. Soon after dinner it was time for the girls to go to bed and then we just talked and visited some more.
Monday was a work day. My dad mowed our lawn, weeded our garden (which was super bad), and the worked on cleaning out the basement. He also helped my mom and I with our project. Our project was canning applesauce. Our family loves applesauce and we eat a lot of it. So, my mom graciously offered to help me. Really she ended up doing quite a lot of it. I helped while Tia was at school, but once Tia was home like a thousand things happened. My mom says she lost her momentum a bit and I can totally see why. Tia came back and needed attention, our contractor adviser came over and so Gaupo came home and we both talked with them. Then we need to get lunch and just a lot of stuff, but luckily my mom was here because I would have had to stop and I would have had a giant mess, then I would have had to start back up again and it would have taken forever and I would have been in no condition was so ever to be any kind of mother. We canned 5 quarts and about 38 pints of applesauce and it is so good. After all that work and working with the kids on their homework we got dinner all packed up and we went and had FHE at the temple. Luckily the grounds crew had the gates open and we could walk around for a minute. Then we sat outside and we talked about being together forever and about Derek (it was his 3rd birthday). I brought out my 'Derek' box and let the girls touch and see everything in there and then we went and had dinner and the Twin Silo park. The girls love that park and I thought at 3 Derek probably would have too, so we would celebrate. We played until it was dark and the teenagers were coming out. It was a great way to end the day. Play hard, work hard, and be with those that matter most. I was exhausted because I didn't really get a nap and so I went to bed really early like 8:30. I felt lame, but sometimes it just is the way it is. I am so glad my parents were able to help us and enjoy with us a little bit.
Oma, Kylee, Tia, and Papa |
All of us together. |
Tuesday morning Oma and Papa went with me to take Kylee to school. Then we came home and played for a bit. Then it was time for Tia and I to go to O.T. and for Oma and Papa to leave. It was way to short of a visit, but I am glad they came anyway. It was great to be with them and have them in our home. They left the girls notes and a couple of fruit snacks each as a thank you for letting them use their beds and the girls thought it was the best thing ever! We loved having them visit. It was so fun to have family around.
*Apparently I need to get more pictures from Oma about this visit.
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