I am pretty proud of myself this Easter because I actually feel like I didn't sluff the spiritual part of it. We were reading the Children's Friend on the Sunday before Easter and I stumbled upon a portion where it had a little blurb, scripture, and song for everyday leading up to Easter. So, that is what we did for family scripture study all week. Tia has never wanted to be at scriptures more. I know for a fact it was because there was a video involved. I looked up a music video with the song for each day. But, it was so fun to have her there and involved. She even helped read the scripture sometimes. Kylee loved the video but she loved reading the scriptures more. Her job was to read the scripture and Tia's was to push play on the video. It was so great to daily remember Christ. I also took time to read the final week of Jesus's life in Matthew. I really wish I had the brain power right now to really study, but for now reading will have to do and I am glad that I had the opportunity to read that story and remember.
It reminded me of my testimony. My testimony that Christ lived, died, and lived again. He suffered in Gethsemane. He rose the 3rd day. Because Christ did those things I can live with my family again. There is life after death and it can be a joyous reward. I can repent. There is always someone who knows exactly what I am going through and what it feels like and He knows how to help me. I know that because of Him, I have help to do things that would normally be impossible. Christ loved ME, so He came to the earth lived, died, and then lived again, so that I would not have to be alone forever. I am so very very grateful for that.
Easter morning, the Easter Bunny did come and he did an Easter egg hunt as always. I really wanted to watch it, so while I fed the twins I had the girls watch the Easter video's put out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It really just about killed them and I think it is one of the few times that TV didn't satisfy them. However, they hung in there and we got the twins fed and then we went downstairs and they enjoyed the hunt. The eggs left were filled with M&M's, White Chocolate Cadbury Eggs, and Reese's Pieces Eggs. After the hunt, Gaupo made pancakes for breakfast and then we quickly got ready for church, so that we could walk. It was a beautiful morning to walk. We had a great church meeting. Our ward choir sang a beautiful musical number and there were good talks. I was highly distracted during Sunday school, so sadly I didn't get much from it. After church we had lunch, and naps. Then the rest of day was just talking and being a family. We got a little rain in the afternoon and that was nice. We had some cheesy potatoes and ham for dinner and a nice quiet evening.
Easter was pretty low key, but I still think we hit all the needed and good parts. I feel like my children knew and realized why we were celebrating Easter and we had some good discussions during the week and we were also able to have fun with coloring eggs and having an Easter egg hunt. For me it was the best of both worlds.
Tia coloring eggs. |
Gaupo coloring eggs. |
Kylee coloring on her egg. |
Tia, Gaupo, and Kylee. |
Me, Tia, Gaupo, and Kylee. |
Kylee and Tia on the hunt. |
Abby holding a little egg. |
Tia with some eggs. |
Kade and the little egg. |
Me on Easter Morning. |
Emptying Eggs. |
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