This past week was Birthday week. We started celebrating early because for us celebration involves good food and Gaupo and I have a lot of good food we want to eat for our birthdays. So, Gaupo made his own meal by smoking a brisket. I made baked beans and potatoes to go with it. He did that the Friday before his birthday because he worked the Saturday before. Saturday we had a weiner roast in my honor. The girls and I even put in the new firepit for it. Sunday we Gaupo's cake. He wanted crock-pot cake which is pretty much chocolate lava cake. So, I ate some and both Kade and Abby are a no go on chocolate. Kade more than Abby, but she still spit up quite a bit after it, so it appears even when I officially nurse Kade no more I am still of chocolate at least massive amount of it for another couple of months.
Where the twins hung out during the weiner roast. |
Me, Kylee, Gaupo, and Tia roasting hotdogs. |
Kylee, Kade, Gaupo, Abby, and Tia. |
Love this!! |
Gaupo with his squirt gun the girls gave him. |
Tia, Kylee, Gaupo and the cake. |
Monday (April 29th) the kids didn't have school and we decided that Gaupo should take the day-off too and it was awesome. I feel like most of the time his time off is my time to go do stuff and this day was no different. I got some chicken to restock the freezer and then me and the girls hit a couple of bike shops. I really wanted a new bike for my birthday and Mother's Day gift. But I want one that I like, so I need to take a look at them and test ride them a bit and see what I liked. So, we hit two stores. The first store I tried a couple and found one I really liked the Trek Vereb 2. Then we checked in at home. Everything was going good, so we went to one other store. I tried 4 bikes there and none had everything I wanted, so I went home to debate and get back to being a mom of babies a.k.a feeding them. Later that afternoon we watched a movie together as a family and then Gaupo had the brilliant idea of going rock climbing, so we did that too. I say brilliant idea because our kids get so wound up watching TV, I mean seriously they go crazy, so rock climbing was the perfect thing to do after movie watching. Then we came home and made another birthday dinner for Gaupo- Navajo Tacos. It was a such a great break day. Gaupo was more than happy to let me run around because all he wanted to do with his day off was just enjoy being home and I really wanted to get somethings done and I was able to. Plus we did some great stuff as a family, so it was a really good day.
I think Gaupo had a good birthday. His actual b-day was very busy with church, meetings, ward boundary change fireside, and kids, but I think overall he enjoyed it. I am so glad I have this man in my life and that I got to spend another year of his life with him. He is such a good dad to our kids, and is turning out to be quite the good baby daddy on these #3 and #4 kids. He is so helpful to me. He is hard worker, and good dad. I am amazed by all that he does to help our family. This past year alone he has finished his masters, become a supervisor at work, refinished the basement, become a father to 2 more kids, and been a solid support to me. I am married to the best 33 year-old in the world.
As for my birthday, the actual day was really hard. I always want to do only what I want to on my birthday and that just doesn't happen. Plus, I hate being alone for my birthday. Anyway, I don't want to go to much into it because it really was wonderful. Gaupo bought some great pizza for dinner, my angel food cake and strawberries turned out awesome, and I got some great phone calls. But I did cry that night because it was a hard day. But its gotten better.
Kylee, Me, and Tia with the cake. I don't know why they made these faces they were actually happy. |
Family photo for my B-day. |
On Sunday, I had time to read the Ensign and to talk with family. The Ensign and my mom reminded me to be grateful for what I have, which in a large picture is mortality. My life right NOW is a gift and I need to look for the good in it. So, this week I have tried really hard to put things in the proper order, take care of myself, and find the good and be grateful for it. And also to realize it doesn't all have to be good I can learn from the hard as well. So, this week feel more like a celebration. I had lunch on Monday with my friend Megan Von Neiderhausen. Yesterday, I finalized my bike decision and Gaupo bought it for me and brought it home. I am so excited. Now, all I need is some good weather to ride in. Then today, I made cookies with Tia and let Kylee have a school friend over. Overall, things are going better. I know there will still be rough times but I am grateful for these good days.
Then between Gaupo and I's birthdays the twins hit 4 months. Its so crazy they are 4 months. However, they are quite the pair. They are so opposite. Kade: boy, takes a bottle and a pacifier, chunky, more cranky, and has rolled over back to front. Abby: girl, wont take a bottle or pacifier, lean, really good natured, and can roll sometimes front to back.However, they are both pretty good sleepers, patient with their family, love their toys and being outside, and they both have super cute smiles. We love these babies they bring us lot of joy and teach us so much.
Kade @ 4mo. |
Abby @ 4 mo. |
Abby and Kade |
Isn't this awesome. This idea goes to Tia. |
Tia with the glasses and nose. |
Abby in the swings for the first time. |
Kade in the swings for the first time. |
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