I am so behind on blogging, but before I jump to present and stop back tracking (that's the hope we will see if it happens) I need to blog about my twinners first birthday and year. We celebrated their birthday on their birthday. They got great presents like diapers, new clothes, and some bath balls. Not too awesome, but one year-olds don't care, so they got what they need and will use. These twins have favorite foods, so we had something with syrup for breakfast, lunch was sandwiches, and then dinner was their favorite--PIZZA. Those two love pizza. Cheese is their favorite but they will tolerate pepperoni if they have to. They match there sisters eating about one piece each and sometimes more. They LOVE pizza. After pizza we had their birthday cake. It was a little crazy with twins trying to keep hands out of candles and stuff AND take pictures. Luckily, two big sisters were more than willing to hold down arms. We got some pictures and sang Happy Birthday and then we let them have at it. We had Texas Sheet Cake, so it was a good amount of messy, at least I think so. They thought it was delicious and gobbled it up. That pretty much covers the celebration. Nothing too grand, but boy was it hard on their sisters to wait for them open presents, wait for cake, and not be the center. They both struggle on each other's birthday, but this was the first time we had both not being the center of attention. It was quite funny actually, and hopefully it will go smoother. I definitely lucked out that they were only one, because boy that after Christmas birthday snuck-up on me. However, it was fun to have something to celebrate on New Years.
Kade and Abby |
Kylee, Kade, Abby, and Tia |
Kade opening his present |
Abby opening her present. |
Abby |
Kade |
Gaupo, Kade, Kylee, Abby, Tia |
Kade eating cake |
Abby messing in her cake. |
Year one with twins. Parts were so slow and I was sure my life was going to be slow and I don't know hard and dragging forever. However, about 6 months things started to get a little easier, and time kind of sped up again for me. Having two baby babies at the same time was really hard. Plus, trying to figure out feeding, and sleeping and getting over that these guys just weren't going to get held as much and that was okay. Also that they two older girls weren't getting as much of me as they were use to and that was okay. Summer was hard with needing to get those babies two naps, but they were old enough that travel was really pretty good. Homework with the older two is tricky while having babies. Despite all these thing we are doing it! And, it is awesome. These twins fill my life to the brim with joy. Not all the time, we have times were I want to have bed time and 4:30PM or times when its just not great, but I don't want to focus on those times. Just know my life is real. It has hard moments, but it also has really good moments which is where I prefer to dwell and remember.
The first year was not what I expected and I am beginning to think twins is not what I thought it would be. Currently, it is the best. I have two active super fun babies. Abby is super happy, really creative and a tease. Kade is kind of like my other kids wants attention, but better in the fact that if I can't give it he can entertain himself sort of. Kade is a doer though. He loves to be the center of attention, understood, and able to get what he wants. These two pretty much share a birthday and that is where commonality kind of stops. Kade loves his pacifier, moving, being in the middle of everything, extremely vocal when he needs something, always moving or doing something. He as also 2nd to crawl, first to do stairs up and down and the first to take a bottle. Abby love pillows and stuffies. She loves to sit in my lap and observe what is happening around her. She tries things first and if it isn't to her liking or she doesn't think she can do it she wont. You can't force her to do very much. She is determined. However, she is a big tease and often take things from Kade he screams and she attempts to give it back or does just to do it again. Although Kade has started to do it back and hang on better, so she can't do it quite as much. She was first to crawl, took forever to do the stairs, but did it perfectly once she decided to.
Lately might heart overflows with gratitude for these twins in my life. They make the time I get with Kylee and Tia more special. They have the best laughs that make you just want to keep playing and winding them up, so its really hard to send them to nap. They have their daddy wrapped super tight around their little fingers. Those two are held, and played with by Gaupo all the time. It is the cutest thing to watch them and him. They have helped make Gaupo and I better parents. They have helped me to better see what's most important and when certain things matter. They have helped us grow so much. I feel so blessed to have them.
I love seeing the joy these kiddos bring to your family and you. Can't wait til next year when they are two and we get to be there to celebrate :)