I started this post almost two weeks ago and I stopped to read to the twins before their nap and before that was through we were hit with a stomach bug. Kade threw-up first, the Abby about an hour later, then Tia, and though I didn't throw-up I sure felt like I was going to and was out of energy so laid around only getting up to help puking kids. Gaupo got the bug on Tuesday night and Kylee had it by Wednesday night. We have been in the clear since Friday. So, Saturday Kitt and her boys came for General Conference and birthday celebrations. We are both currently in a stage where conference is on for all the sessions and some listening happens but there is also a lot of choas. It gets busy especially when the dads have to work so its just two moms and 7 kids. However, what I got of conference was really good. We got to celebrate Kitt's birthday which is always fun to do.
One other thing to mention is I played pickleball for my first time ever on Friday with a Relief Society group and loved it. I think its going to be a weekly thing, so that will be a great thing for me to be able to do.
So, the long lost spring break post.....
This past week was spring break break. It went by so fast. I could really use another week off of school. Lindsay asked me what I would do with it and honestly I would just play with my kids and be home more. I don't know why I feel that way because we did play, and where home, but apparently not enough for my liking.
Spring Break started off with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa. They got in on Friday about the same time the girls got home from school. I honestly thought I had another hour and hour and half before they got here, so I wasn't quite ready, but luckily I was able to finish dinner prep and get their bed made before they wanted to get their stuff out of the car. The kids were so excited to have them here that it was a little rough to get reading and piano practicing done, but the girls got it done, and we finished off the night with pizza and watching Luck of the Irish.
Saturday we went to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. It was really fun. All the exhibits are hands on and my kid favorite part was all the musical instruments that they had around for them to play. They had sound booths with drum pads and guitars. They had a garage that I think at less busy times has more instruments but this time it had a drum set and they all loved that. There was a tornado chamber they could try, space craft building and testing, some insects and reptiles for them to see, and their other favorite place a water table area where they could dam up and let flow the water. It was really fun and a great way to spend the day. We packed a lunch that we ate outside. It was really cold and we should have eaten in the cafe, but we didn't know that was an option so outside in the wind it was. Overall, we had a great time. Hope was her champion self and just loved looking around from the stroller and sleeping.
Kylee playing the painted piano. |
Kylee, Tia, Gaupo, Kade, and Abby in the tornado tube |
Kade drumming |
Kylee |
Gaupo |
Tia |
Grandma helping Kylee and Kade make tissue paper flowers |
Eating lunch: Grandpa, Tia, Grandma, Abby, Kylee |
Sunday we did church. Monday we went and got free ice cream cones at Dairy Queen and then went to Carr Park where they have a cool zipline swing thing that the kids like. The Bryce cousins joined us for a little while at the park and so that made it a little extra fun. Then we came home, but when we home I couldn't find my phone anywhere. I was pretty sure I left it at the park. My mom tried to track it on her phone and we thought it was at the park, but Lindsay couldn't find it. So, Gaupo, Grandma, Grandpa, and Tia went to look. At some point, my mom checked it again and it was in a parking lot a few places over. Gaupo took the crew their and it was a dentist office. So, Gaupo walks in and says we lost a phone and it says its here, do you have it? The receptionist is like, "uh, no." A lady overheard this conversation and said that her daughter had picked up the phone at the park and they took it with them so that someone else would pick it up and were waiting for someone to call it. Now, we had called it--several times, but they had left it in their car while in the dentist so hadn't answer. The lady was somewhat horrified that we could track my phone and which if you think about it is a little scary because if you pick up a phone hoping to return it and then someone can search out where you are. It is a little creepy. Anyway, it was a total miracle and an answer to many of the prayers I sent up because I really didn't want to have to buy a new phone.
At Dairy Queen for Free Cone Day |
Grandpa took us to Wendy's for dinner |
Tuesday, the highlight was Grandma and Grandpa watched all the kids so we could go to the temple. Gaupo and I got to do a session. It was so great to go be able to and do the endowment and see the changes and not have to worry about the kiddos because they were in good hands. It was really nice to go and be in the temple. I loved it. We got home and the kids were mattress sliding and loving mom and dad not being home. Hope was definitely hungry, but was patiently waiting for me. I am so grateful we got to go. I was pretty sure I wouldn't get to the temple for a session until June, so I feel so blessed.
Gaupo and Me at the temple |
Wednesday Grandma and Grandpa had to leave, but that afternoon our friends Tori and Trent came over to play. The kids played good. Siri and I had a good chat. It was really, really good.
Thursday was a cousin day. I had wanted to take the kids to the rec center, and they wanted to, but when they learned their cousins couldn't come they were pretty bummed. So, I said I can go get them and bring them here, but then we can't go swimming. That is what they wanted so I went and got the cousins (their car was in the shop) and then they played here until it was time to go to dance. Lindsay borrowed my car and took them all to dance and then Kylee and Tia went to their house after dance for dinner and a sleepover. While they were gone Kade, Abby, Gaupo and I had Jefe's which delicious Mexican takeout, and watch some Paw Patrol.
Outdoor lunch: Kylee, Betty, Tia, Abby, Roxy, Allen |
Friday was our Aunt Kitt day. I picked up the big girls from the cousins and we went right to Kitt's house were we promptly went to the park. We played at a couple parks and then went to Kitt's for lunch and naps. During naps, Kitt and I got to chat and we made some gluten-free Levian Bakery cookies (thick, big, flavorful cookies). It was really fun and we did'nt get it quite right, so we will probably have to make them again with a couple modifications to the original recipe. Once that was done, we got dinner ready cared for the kiddos. Had dinner and then watch Motorcrossed. Its an old-ish one but I still like it and my kids did to. Kade liked the motorcycles and my girls loved the girl coming out on top. After the movie, we drove home to sleep in our own beds.
Tia feeding Hugh. |
Just like that our break was over and it was really good and we still have places to go and things to see and do on another break.