Last week, Tia had her third grade music concert. Once again, I was so impressed by Mrs. Vega. All the kids were into what they were doing. They watch her. She figured out ways to include everyone and turned out a great 1/2 hour concert. I am still amazed by the feeling of love and pride that wash over me when I see my kids doing something like this. I don't quite understand what I am feeling or why, but man I love watching my kids. I love not having to teach or critique them and instead just get to love everything they do and forget the rest. I don't know but I love to watch and cheer for them and then honestly and whole heartedly tell them that I loved watching them. Tia did a great job with her songs. I saw her struggle a bit with her xylophone but she kept trying and when I asked her what her part was at home she showed me how to play it and then said it was tricky because it was so fast. I love that she still does things even when she isn't perfect. I hope she never stops doing things because I love that she is always up for anything. Anyway, I loved the concert and she had one and did great and sang and enjoyed so WIN! Another great thing was that Gaupo didn't think he could make it, but he ended up being able to sneak in as the turned off the lights to start and then sneak out as they turned them back on when it was done. I was so grateful he could come make it and that I could tell Tia he was there, because she did ask. We should never underestimate how much our kids care that we are there because they do even if it doesn't seem like it.
Tia is in the back to the right of the gap. |
Tia in the back again. |
Easter was great. This year we tried to make sure our kids understood Easter a little better. We deviated from or normal scripture study spot and picked out some places in 3rd Nephi that we wanted to read about when Christ visited the America's. Then we were aiming for every night to have a short devotional about Christs life leading to Easter Sunday, but we only managed 3 days, but that is better than in all the years past, so we are going to just keep moving forward.On Saturday we colored eggs. I love coloring eggs and so does Guapo. It is one activity where we make sure there is enough for us to do to and we don't usually share our eggs with the kids. Our whole family enjoys the fun and the kids are getting better and more creative every year. Sunday, the Easter bunny decided we had time for a hunt before church, so he left us a colorcoded hunt. He gave each kid an Easter egg and a big package of M&M's and told them to find their color. He also had a couple of colors that were free for all. The eggs were hid according to difficulty and it spread out the rewards nicely. We did have to quickly get ready for church. Luckily, crescent rolls and boiled eggs made for a speedy breakfast. We went to church and it was a good service. Then when we came home the kiddo's played outside for a while. Abby learned to ride her bike on two wheels so you know we had to do more of that. Then we brought them in and watched some Easter videos and talked about why Easter is so important. Then we had lunch and naps. During naps, I helped Kylee make her treat of crock-pot cake and then did her nails. Tia really wanted to go to the cousins after that but I made her wait a bit until more people woke up and then we all headed out to the Bryce's for dinner together. It was fun to enjoy eating and being with them. The kids of course love playing with their cousins and we have had some super fine weather lately, so they got to play outside. That did end up to a few kids being covered in chalk, but we got it all taken care of and headed home. Family, Food, Church, Christ it just all made for a really good Easter.
Gaupo, Tia, Abby, Kylee, Me, Kade, and Hope coloring eggs. |
The eggs |
Going to hunt eggs. Kylee, Hope, Tia, Abby, Kade |
Hope getting her eggs |
Kylee |
Abby |
Kade |
After the hunt. Abby, Tia, Kade, Kylee |
Our Family Easter 2023 |
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