Some pretty big things have happened since last blogging. First up is Easter weekend. We got sick. Some weird tummy bug. We were so bummed to miss it because it was a walk through Holy Week. Every auxiliary took a day and did a little activity or message to teach about it. Gaupo was in charge of Gethsemane, and I (the primary) was in charge of Palm Sunday. I think it turned out really good, but we missed it. So, instead we assigned each of our kids a day of Holy Week and did our own walk through it on Easter. It actually worked really well. I think that week became a little more real to each of them. My favorite was a project Abby and I worked on for Saturday. We made a diorama that had a tomb where she could place Jesus's body and roll the door closed. Then there was a hole in the top where she could drop Jesus's spirit into heaven where he organized those faithful people there to share the gospel. It was pretty fun for both of us to make. Kade talk to us about Jesus on the cross. Kylee had cleansing the temple. Tia did Resurrection Day. She used the sign Kylee made for the YW booth at the ward party. Jason had the last supper and Gethsemane, and I had when Judas betrayed Jesus. We also had the visit from the Easter Bunny. He left a hunt for the kids. It took them awhile to find them all and made for a fun morning.
The YW booth with Kylee's Sign |
Coloring eggs is so fun! |
Hope loved dropping eggs in and watching them. |
Jason is actually really likes this activity just not pictures |
Abby making her eggs look good. |
Finished colored eggs |
Waiting on the stairs to start the hunt |
Yep she loved hunting for eggs |
Kylee is blessedly still not too big to have fun hunting. |
The next big event was the talent show. Tia tried out and participated in school talent show. She played a piece on the piano called "The Clown." She did such a good job. It was fun to go support her and hear all about all the things. She did great and when she was done took a great big bow. It was wonderful and she LOVED it!

Then it was General Conference weekend. We typically get together with Kitt and Matthew. Kitt and I were both single parenting on Saturday while our husbands worked. Normally Kitt comes here, but were are kind of to the stage where it is easier for us to go to her that way she can nap Jay at home and still enjoy our crazy. The kids had a great time playing with all 'new' toys, coloring, lounging on Aunt Kitt's couch and between session playing in the frigid wind on her swing set. We had lunch and dinner there and then after the last session headed home. It was really fun to be able to be with her and she puts up with us all so well. We are really not a quiet bunch, but she loves us and welcomes us anyway. After General Conference was over for the weekend we gather at Jack's house for dinner. We all kind brought experimental dishes to share and you know it was delish. I love that I have family that we can go and be with just because. I love that my kids love their cousins and enjoy being together whenever we get together. It just feels so good to be together.
Tia played most of Saturday but sat and colored this most of conference. |
Then it was Eclipse Day! Our school was not going to let kids outside at all during the eclipse and I just didn't think that was right for an event that happens so infrequently that I never experienced it before adulthood. So, I sent my kids to school until the twins were done with preschool and then I checked everyone out for the day. I also got Lindsay to check out Betty, Allen, and Roxy and they came to our house too. So, we were outside watching the eclipse pretty much the whole time. I had chalk so the kids could draw both the eclipse and also just to draw. We also monitored the temperature a little and just played. I also fixed sandwiches, crackers, fruit, and popcorn for everyone. We ate lunch under the eclipse sun. We definitely didn't get to totality (we were only 60%) but it was fun to make a big deal party out of little deal and be outside for almost 3 hours. When I did finally let the kids inside, the played really well. Kylee and Betty made Mallowmelt cookies together. They are from a book they both like called "Keeper of the Lost Cities." They were very good and they had a lot of fun.
Abby, Roxy, Allen, Kade, and Tia playing |
Allen and Abby |
Looking at the eclipse |
Doing stained glass sidewalk art while waiting for me to let them inside |
Kyle andBetty with their finished eclipse drawings |
Kylee and Betty with a Mallowmelt. |
Other than those events it same ol' same ol' around here. We have school, swim lessons, homework, church activities, Gaupo has work, and I try to keep our family fed, the house clean, and balance all the things so that we can have some real good family time together to. Not everything in my life is perfect. Actually, a lot of it isn't like Kade had a cavity that had to be filled, Kylee still has headaches, we sometimes yell or get upset with each other, and there is plenty of complaining, but you know all of that mashed with all the good makes it a life worth living and trying to do better at. I am slowly working on being okay with simple things. We might not ever get to take a big vacation or maybe just one. I might not ever have a super wonderfully decorated home with everything matching just so. But, I have kids that love their family because we go see them and they have a blast together. I have a wonderful home with enough room for all of us and company when it comes. Also, my family has a great time doing what we do and I love it. I have a great group of people to share life with.
Hope eating one chocolate piece |
She can finally touch the ground on the strider |
Drinking Slurpee's we got on Bring your own container day at 7-11 |
We pulled out the hammock one day to enjoy the good weather. |
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