So, Guapo and I have been having so many adventures one right after another that I forgot to blog about some of the fun ones. None the less, I am back to tell you of some of our adventures.
Probably the funniest and best one happened on Memorial Day weekend. Guapo and I had Fri-Mon. off and we decided we would go camping. We prepared carefully, by having a general idea of where we wanted to go, and having bought proper camping equipment that we deemed necessary to make this Memorial day a success. About 1 or 2 in the afternoon on Friday we left our house towards the Mountains. We drove through Lyons and then snaked around the St. Vrian Canyon. It was beautiful. The St. Vrian River was running, and the trees were green, and the sun was shinning. It was beautiful. After about an hour and fifteen minutes later we found a great little campsite that was off the main road about two miles. The people that were camping quite close to us weren't too bad , but they had jeeps that they had made to go crawling, and one kid I swear he was only like 12 was trying to climb the hillside with it. I was for sure he was going to roll it a couple of times, but he didn't, and he also never made it up the hillside.
Anyway, once we picked our spot we set up camp. We had camp setup by about 3:00 and we both looked at each other like 'now what?' Neither of us are used to having camp set up and ready to go before dinner, but we decided to take a hike up the mountain. I love hiking and Guapo was a good sport to come with me and keep going every time I said lets go to those rocks, then to the tree, and finally to the other rocks. Anyway it was so fun to just be in nature. The trees were beautiful and it was rather peaceful, and best of all there were no buildings.
After enjoying nature we climbed back down, and started to build a fire. This would not seem like a big deal to anyone but us. However, last year the fire is how our camping trip started to go down hill. Last year Guapo used like a whole notebook worth of paper trying to get a fire started, and I was like 'oh my goodness I married a guy that can't build a fire without boy scout water.' Needless to say I was not happy last year when he built the fire, but like I mentioned before this time we had better tools.
So before we built the fire we went and collected a lot of fire wood both big AND small pieces. The we used the knife and the axe to make shavings, and we remembered newspaper this time. Any way check out our one-match-no-boy-scout-water fire for this year.
Yep pretty sweet, huh. We even had it bigger than this at times. We loved our fire we played in it all night long, and it kept us warm when we were by it, and it did the next great thing. It cooked dinner.
Our original plan for dinner was to have hot dogs, but we had so much time that we decided to do our tin-foil dinners. So, first we constructed them, but cutting up everything and then wrapping them. We each made our own, which if you had seen them you could totally tell. Jason's was circular, and just wrapped by squishing the tinfoil around it till it looked like a giant tinfoil hamburger patty. Mine had need seems, and was folded into a nice rectangle with everything all sealed perfectly. We then moved the fire to one side of the pit and cooked them. It took us about 50 min to an hour to get it cooked till we thought they would be done and check it out.
As you can see Guapo was very pleased with them. That grin and closed eyes means delicious. (I actually think he didn't want his picture taken. Surprised, I wasn't) These tinfoil dinners were the best I have ever had. The potatoes and carrots were soft, and instead of using hamburger we used brats. Oh, it was sooo good.
Well after dinner just visited and chilled, or got hot since for the most part we played in the fire. We had a dessert of somores and pudding. Ummmm. Well after trying to wait until we could see the stars which was like 9:45PM we decided to go to bed.
At first, I couldn't sleep. My body parts kept falling asleep, then my head got cold, them my face, then my feet, then I had to go to the bathroom. I am pretty sure I have NEVER had that much trouble sleeping while camping. Anyway, about 12:30 I am making enough noise trying to get comfortable that I wake Guapo up. (oops) He asks if I am okay, I say yeah I just can't sleep. So he gives me his jacket to put under my head. (what a great guy huh). After he gave me his jacket I promptly feel asleep. About 30 min later Gaupo says " Adventure Girl, I think we need to get out of here." I ask why. He says that he is afraid of getting stuck because it is raining and the dirt road we came in on was kind of washed out already. So, at 1:30 in the morning we pack up all of our gear in the rain and drive home. Once we get home we have to shower so we don't get the bed dirty. Finally at about 3:00AM we drop into bed exhausted.
So yes, we got rained out of our camping trip, but it was 20,000X better than last year. Guapo says he will never camp on Memorial Day weekend again, but we'll see. We ended up having a lot of fun on Saturday, even if we were home.
Another adventure we had was kayaking on Monday with some of our friends. I will just say Gaupo and I had a great time. I was like always soaked, and Guapo like always was dry as a bone. See opposites do attract and boy am I glad.
Notice who is winning. (Don't ask who won) |
See we work well together. (At least if we like circles) |