Well another great 4th of July is down in the books for our family. Gaupo and I really love the 4th. It is really a day to celebrate. It is a holiday that is meant for fun, food, family, and joyous celebration. We were lucky this year to be able to start our celebrations on the 3rd of July. I was pretty excited when I found out we would get that day off. I wasn't too sure because the Library is open on Saturdays, so I wasn't sure if just closing it for the 4th is what they would observe. Anyway, we lucked out and got to start having Gaupo home on the 3rd.
To be perfectly honest we didn't do a whole lot of fun stuff with that extra day off. However, we did do things and we enjoyed a relaxing time together. Anyway, the day started off right on time actually, so we got up and had banana nut oatmeal muffins for breakfast. After we got all that cleaned up, we went to the store. We had quite a shopping list for all the foods we wanted for the 4th of July. We went shopping, and purchased some new bottled water to rotate our current supply. So, what did we do with the old stuff. Well the girls were really excited about the bottles, so I let them each have one. Well it went good for a bit, but then Tia decided to dump hers. As in turn it completely upside down and dump it out all over the kitchen floor. After Tia did it, Kylee really wanted to do. Luckily she was content to go outside to dump hers. Once the mess inside was put away, I gave the girls some more bottles to dump, and water my plant with. Then on a whim, I asked Kylee if she would like me to turn on the sprinkler. She was super excited, and actually both of them played in it for quite a while. Tia didn't like it as much, but Kylee really did have a great time and got totally soaked. It was so fun to watch them.
Kylee getting her beach ball from the sprinkler. |
Tia avoiding the water at this point. |
Once we were done with that, it was time for lunch. Then we did naps. During nap time, I started making crab dip/salad, potato salad, and baked beans. These are all things that taste much better over time. It pretty much took the whole nap time to make those things with the boiling and cutting and waiting time. Once the girls woke up we decided to go outside. We were playing out there and our neighbor came over and sat under our tree and talked to us for a long time. It was great to catch up with him and just visit. When I finally finished talking, Gaupo had the fire ready and we roasted hot dogs, and polishes. I really wanted to eat outside, but my kids would have nothing to do with it. So, we went inside. Luckily the coals stayed hot enough that I could go cook me some smores.
This is Tia with her smore. She loved eating and mashing that thing. Kylee kept taking delicate bites trying not to get the marshmallow on her. Too funny how different they are. |
Oh man, fire roasted food is the best. After putting the kids to bed, Gaupo and I finished off the night by watching a movie.
Saturday was the 4th. We started out by sleeping in. Then when we got up and dressed I took the girls outside to hang our flag. They LOVE seeing the flags. We are lucky enough to have the scouts put one out for us, and have one on our house. Then we came inside and played for a bit. I made a grape salad. Next we cooked our own pancake breakfast. I had splurged and bought sausage, so we had sausage, bacon, hash browns, and pancakes. It was so good. Gaupo does a great a job on our camp chef. Breakfast just tastes so good.
Kylee eating a sausage. As she ate it said, best thing ever! She is so silly. |
Tia with her pancake. |
After we had breakfast, I took the girls over to play at our friend Ethan's house. It was really interesting. My girls aren't use to playing at other peoples homes, and Ethan isn't use to having to share his stuff. However, they did really good and I really do think they had a good time. Gaupo stayed home and cut his hair and got a few other things done and then came and rode home with us. We then had lunch, and nap time. During nap time Gaupo got out his video game, and I took a nap. After naps we let the girls play in the kiddie pool, and then take baths. Then we started getting ready for dinner with the missionaries. I cut up fruit, while Gaupo grilled chicken and our girls played. At 5:00, the missionaries arrived and we had dinner. It seemed to me like Thanksgiving, just 4th of July style. We had grilled chicken, grilled squash, baked beans, crab dip/salad, potato salad, grape salad, cut blueberries and strawberries, and jello. Then we topped it off with ice cream for dessert. Once we sent the missionaries off, we played for a bit and headed next door for more party. They were grilling burgers and then had everyone else bring sides and dessert. It was super fun to visit with a couple of our neighbors and then our neighbors niece. It was really fun. After dinner when it was kind of dark, our neighbor Mark started his firework show. Kylee even held a sparkler. It was a really good show. We put Tia to bed before it started, but Kylee got to stay for most, before I decided to put her to bed. Then I went back and watched the rest and headed up onto the hill to watch the ones the city puts on at the fairgrounds. Once they were over, I came down and Gaupo and I chatted and then went to bed. Such a great day.
Sunday went kind of back to normal. So, that pretty much sums up our holiday. It may not sound that cool to you, but we really enjoyed it. I loved celebrating with the people around us, and being with my family. The food was an added bonus, I will be honest. Sorry there are so few pictures, but it happens.
As a side note, Tia got her hearing tested on Monday, and from what they can test she can hear everything. So, we will just see what happens from here I guess. To go with the random note, here are some random fun pictures.
We have a lot of cement, but these two loving riding in the rocks. I don't think we will be a road bike family. |
Kylee wanted this picture of herself. She like to ride her bike, and wont get off until it is time to go in, because she knows if she does than Tia will want to ride it. |
Kylee sat down today and said, "Mom, take a pictures." So, I did and here it is--Kylee sitting on the tractor wearing her "Queen Elsa." |
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