The week of July 11-19 we took a family vacation, meaning I took my family to see family and we call it a vacation. It was a vacation and super-dee-duper nice to see family again. It seems like an eternity since seeing them. I will warn you right now there are not many pictures and the ones I have aren't very good.
We got into the car to head to Idaho at pretty close to 7:30. We are all buckled in ready to go. Gaupo turns the key and nothing. Great! We are later than I wanted to begin with and now the battery is dead. Luckily this winter we bought our own jumper cables, and had a second car, so we didn't have to go knocking on any neighbors doors. However, it was kind of a process to jump the car because our jumper cables aren't super long, and of course the batteries had to be on opposite sides. So, we had to push the Impala out, then do some crazy turning in the driveway, so the Honda would line up. Then we jumped the car, and parked the Honda and headed on our way pretty close to 8:00AM. So really not too bad, but still it made me really worried to have to jump my car before heading across the barren Wyoming desert. The rest of the trip was pretty and pretty uneventful. We arrived in Swan Lake around 5:30. Oh man, I am out of practice for long drives, and so are my kids. By the time we got there, we were all very done. However, summer travel is best because even though we left late and got there late there was still plenty of daylight at both ends of the trip. It is really hard to leave and arrive in rising and fading light in the winter. Anyway, Grandma was super excited to see us and of course had a great feast waiting and ready. Later that night the girls got to take a bath in Grandma's new bathroom, and they thought it was so cool. Kylee wanted a bath just about every night we were there because she liked it so much.
Sunday morning was super chill because we didn't have church until 10:00. I will be honest it is probably one of the first times I have been early at that house for church. Usually I am ready to go when everybody else is, but usually not too much before. So, this time it was really nice to be able to relax and visit before we had to head to church. The meetings at church were good and true to Swanlake style ended early. Thus, the boys went home after priesthood making sure to leave the necessary cars for the women folk to get home with and started dinner. Dinner was great. After dinner, Jeff and Heidi who had come up that morning headed to Logan to visit Grandma Hammond and the rest of us visited and then played games while the kids took naps. Jeff and Heidi got back for dinner and we had fun visiting with them and watching the kids play until it was time for bed.
Monday was a family day. I started out by doing a run. I really wish I had more time to do that when I visit there because I miss running in cool air, and beautiful places that are quiet. It is so nice to run in peace. To not have like a million cars rushing past you. Granted for living in the city I live where there are beautiful out of traffic places to run, but there is just something about running in the country that is different. Anyway, when I got back breakfast was ready. Then we all went up to pond to check out the new toys. Grandma and Grandpa have gotten themselves a couple of paddle boats, and a cabin up there. It was pretty fun to paddle around out there and be out on the lake. Kylee loved fishing. She even "caught" one. I caught one too, and no one was there to help me, so I had to touch it myself. I am so much for afraid than I should be. Once I grabbed the fish it was no big deal, but man getting myself to do it was quite hard actually. It was a good fishing day and the winner of the biggest fish contest was Aaron. His fish was HUGE, and a female so he had to spawn the eggs into the pond before he could put it in the bucket. The kids tired before Gaupo and I, so we sent them back and I pretty sure someone had to just scoop Kylee up and take her away, because she wasn't about to go anywhere without me. Luckily they did though and Gaupo and I were able to paddle around just the two of us. Oh man, there is nothing like the peace of the country. When we headed back we stopped by the shop to check out the progress on the grill. Grandpa, Aaron, and Gaupo got it working great and Grandma cooked us up some burgers for lunch. After lunch was naps. During naps we went through fabric, and I think played a game. Then we played with the kids, had dinner, sent Jeff and Heidi on there way. Then we put the kids to bed and played games again.
Tuesday we went to Jeff and Heidi's house in Firth. We stopped by Grandpa-Great's on the way up. It was so nice to visit him, but so hard to leave. It is so hard to see him alone. He is a rockstar, and handling everything really well, but you just don't want leave him you know he is lonely. However, we had to go and Jeff and Heidi were actually late getting back from the doctor, so we went to visit Scott and see the place that him and Aubrey have pick to live after they are married. Scott I think was quite proud and definitely bitten by a nesting bug. Hopefully he saves some room and ideas for Aubrey. Then we went to Jeff and Heidi's house and got the tour. Then we helped with lunch and had that. Grandma and Grandpa and Melanie and Blaine came up and joined us. Grandpa had to go back for farm stuff and Grandma left with him, but Melanie and Blaine got to chill with us. It was really fun to see Jeff and Heidi and their kids in their own space. I think everyone is more relaxed and themselves when they are in their own space. Plus, it is always fun to see where someone lives. We had a great time letting the kids play, and play, and play, and play. We left around 4ish. The kids were so tired. They all slept all the way home. It was a really fun day. I am so glad we went up there and that Jeff and Heidi were totally okay with hanging out with us more.
Wednesday we stayed put. By that I mean we stayed at Grandma's house. However, I doubt we were still very long. We rode four-wheelers, visited the cows, went on walks, swung on the swings, jumped on the tramp, played with toys, and did all those things over and over. We were in heaven. During all that play we had a delicious lunch and put the kids down for a nap. Grandma, Gaupo, Melanie, and I played the farming game. It really is a good game, if you can stand to play it long enough. After naps, we started the play and visiting the cows, rides, etc over again. Our kids love, love being able to do all that stuff just out the front door, and frankly so do I. After we put the kids to bed we played some more games. Then I worked on some reunion stuff and we went to bed.
Thursday was also a stay put day. I don't remember the exact order of things, but we went to the store to get the mail with Melanie. We took a walk, and played. We made cupcakes and lunch. We had naps and played games during that time. Then we went up to the pond and paddle around and played up there a bit. Then we came back and Grandma made us some delicious fish for dinner. We got the girls bathed and in bed then I finished up reunion stuff. Then we played the game of life. This time Aaron caved in and joined us. It was really fun. He is honestly kind of a sorry winner, but it was fun to play with him especially because he had a boatload of kids. Oh man, so fun to just chill with family.
Friday we had to say good-bye. It was sad, but we had such a great visit. We stopped in Logan to visit Grandma Hammond on our way to the Allen Brady Reunion. The girls had a blast playing in her kids kingdom and enjoyed the presents they got from her. We enjoyed visiting with her and Gaupo's Aunt Sarah. It was so good to see them.
Here are the pics I have from this trip:
Guapo, Kylee, and Ti building a "big, big tower." |
The girls play together. |
Blaine, Guapo, Tia, and Kylee with their giant tower. It went all the way to the ceiling. |
Kylee, Grandma, Tia, and Me making cake. |
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Kylee on the way to or from Heber Valley Camp. She wanted her picture taken. |
Then we picked up lunch and headed to Heber Valley Camp. We thought we knew where we were going, but alas we did not and had to stop and ask for directions. Luckily, we got some and were still one of the first to arrive. I like being first that way I feel like I don't miss anything. Also, we were able to setup our stuff and help with other things before stuff got in full swing. There was a lot of visiting as family arrived and we waited till dinner time. John and Karen were in charge of dinner and did a wiener roast. Oh man, fire-cooked food is so good. After dinner there was a little down time, and then we had a program. What it actually was, were some games to prove we all have talents, maybe just not ones we can perform. It was a very fun activity. Then it was time for bed. My heart yearned to visit longer and play more games, but my little Kylee was not about to have any of Mom wandering off. So, I stayed put and tried to sleep. It was kind of rough because about every two hours Kylee would wake up and ask where I was. I finally just moved my bed to the floor right by her, so I could just whisper to her and touch her arm and then fall back asleep.
Saturday morning was a beautiful morning. It started pretty early. Luckily some of the Bradys are early risers, so Kylee could cuddle with Oma and I could have other people to talk to. We had a scrumptious breakfast of my all time favorite--biscuits and gravy. My mom, dad, Klaire, and others did a fantastic job with it. There was plenty and I think everyone enjoyed it. After breakfast we had a little devotional. The topic was Grandma-Great. Man we all miss that great lady so much, but we still know of her love for us. Then after that Ryan and I took for over for the "family history hour." It actually ended up taking like 2 hours but that wasn't our fault people were having too much fun. Ryan ran a jeopardy game that Kara made up and I ran a scavenger hunt that I designed. The part everyone was working on for so long was matching stories and names. Then they wanted the correct answers, so it all just took time. Honestly though, I didn't hear a single complaint and everyone looked to be enjoying themselves. After we did that, it was lunch time. Then there was a business meeting. It was decided that the Allen Brady Reunion would become and annual event and would try to take place around the 4th of July. Also, it was decided that my Mom was in charge of the next reunion. I thought it went really well, and I pretty sure everyone knew what was coming, but everyone had a chance to speak their mind, so hopefully they are mostly satisfied.
During the meeting most of the kids disappear, and all of us first cousins were pretty hesitant to go track them down for games. So we didn't. We just talked until someone said that we really needed to get the games started. I think it is so cool that us cousins can do that. We can just talk and we talk to everyone. There aren't little groups formed that are the same every time. We talk about different things, and best of all we enjoy each other. Anyway, it was the Kitt and Klaire show after that. They had some fun games for us to play: eating chocolate bar with socks and knives, charades and reverse charades, then relay races, and a frozen t-shirt contest. It was really fun. Although, our family is way more competitive than I thought, however, they are good sports so it was still very fun. After all that fun, it was time to clean up and head home. Boo.
We went to Gaylynn's house were Seth and Kara met up with us. It was so fun to have all my sisters around. I feel like it is such a rarity to be with them. I wish it could have been longer than 0.2 seconds, but at least it happened and I think everyone enjoyed it. It was another late night, but Kylee did better and I personally slept really well.
Sunday morning was a little crazy, but good. We got to sacrament meeting and then had to leave. We were doing really great and then hit stop-go traffic around Hanging Lake on the I-70. Then Kylee got carsick. Not like "oh, I don't feel good." No, it was "Mom, I am going to spit-up," and she did. Luckily we got most of it a bag and could clean up the rest with diaper wipes. If it had only happened once it wouldn't have been too bad, but no it happened more than that. Finally we got to a place were we could pull off. We stopped for awhile and walked around. We let her throw-up a little. Then gave her Gatorade and priesthood blessing. Plus we re-stocked on plastic bags just in case. Then we headed out again. Then just after Eisenhower Tunnel, about 2 hours-ish from home we hit major traffic with dumb people, and nothing we can do about it. It took forever. We had already been in the car for a long time and were ready to be done. We left around 10:15, so we should have been home by around 5:45 or 6 and we didn't get home until 7:30ish or maybe later it was awful. Oh man, it seriously tempts Gaupo and I to never use the I-70 again which is too bad because it really is a beautiful area to drive through.
We survived the trip. It was kind of rough for me which is why I didn't write this post last week. I was so not feeling well. I spent the night laying on the couch trying to do nothing that would hurt. It was pretty pitiful. However, this week is so much better, and we are doing great. Even last week wasn't bad, except for I just didn't feel well so it made it kind of hard to enjoy all those wonderful things that happened.
Family is worth the time. I doubt I even did this trip justice and this is a LONG post, but it is too hard to express all the feelings of love, the detail that made the trip so great. One moment I want to share real quick was when we were traveling to Jeff and Heidi's I just started crying because being right there were so close to family. I mean yeah it took us all of 1.5 hours maybe to get to there house. That is nothing compared to 9 or 10 hours. That was the "far-away" family. Everyone else was right there. My grandpa was 15 minutes away. I just love the place and the people, so much that I literally asked Gaupo "Why do we choose to live so far away?" "Why do we give up being so close to all this?" Gaupo being the great unshaken guy that he says because of all the things we have out there too. And it is true I love it out here. It is super far away from everyone I love, so dearly and so many good memories and activities, but I can't deny it is were we are suppose to be and honestly it fits us just perfect, but man is it hard sometimes. So, if you live close to family don't take it for granted make the most of those relationships, because for some of us we don't get that chance or at least not right now, and you are so lucky to have it.
Don't worry Sister. We'll be Together Forever!!.. and maybe we'll even be together before that. Good post.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm about to join you in that far away land! :) Thanks for writing. And, yes, we will be together forever.