This is our third year of having Michael Bryce family reunions and they are great. It allows for a time for us all to gather together and the only thing we have going on for a couple of days is being together. Our family reunions are kind of short only about 3 full days together, but it is way better than nothing which is probably what might happen just because of schedule conflicts, money, work, life, etc. So, yes we had our third reunion and it was great let me tell you about our reunion adventure.
We left on Friday evening after work to head to Trinidad, CO. I had made sandwiches and packed us some good other stuff and we headed out. We actually made pretty good time, but we did have a few slow downs along the way. However, considering we were going through Denver around 6:00 I am not going to complain, because I don't think we came to a complete stop except maybe twice. The girls did really good traveling and somehow managed to stay awake the whole time. We arrived in Trinidad around 9:30. The night was rough. First it took awhile to fall asleep. Then somehow the alarm got turned off and went off at midnight. So, I had a really deep 2 hour sleep, so I woke up and was like ready to go. To make matters worse it was extremely hot in our room. We did finally get that figured out, but it took awhile. Then our kids who love to sleep warm started to get slightly restless because of the cooler air. Finally we did get some sleep, but boy oh boy was it a rough night.
Tia being our navigator. She loved holding that giant book. |
Kylee wanted her picture taken too. Here she is being silly. |
Saturday dawned early with our kids. I guess it wasn't literally early, but it sure felt like it after a rough night. Luckily the hotel had a great breakfast and so after really enjoying that we checked out and were going to head out when I checked the receipt. They overcharged us by $20. So, I made Gaupo go back in and talk to them. They kindly worked it all out and after getting some gas we were on our way. The trip was really quite uneventful. Although, it did seem really long. I think it is because we don't know the route very well, so we don't know when things are close and what things to look for next, or the halfway point, etc. However, we arrive in beautiful Bryce, AZ around 5:00 AZ time. So, we didn't make bad time. The girls did pretty well and overall not a bad trip. That night was mostly spent just settling in and trying to recoup from all that travel. I mean even good travel can exhaust a person.
Tia and Allen being cousins. |
Sunday was a beautiful day. We got up and got ready for church. We went to church where I happily dropped my kids off at nursery and then left. Bless those nursery leaders hearts because Tia wasn't very happy about this and apparently cried on and off the whole time. OH! that is so hard. However, I was able to enjoy church. It was fun to sit with all my sisters and my mom. In Relief Society, we had no kids, so we could actually enjoy the whole thing together. Then after church we all came home and had a super simple lunch and put the kids down for naps. Gaupo took a nap too. My siblings and I talked, we may have played a game I don't remember. After naps dinner was made. We had our family plus Josh Jensen, Papa Ross, and my Uncle Mark for dinner. It was fun to catch up with all of them. It is a good thing Uncle Mark has a good sense of humor because he sat down next to Kylee and she literally broke down in tears and didn't want to eat until I sat between them. It was sad/funny. After dinner we did a lot of visiting and the kids just played and played and played. During that time the Boyd Bryce's came up to say Hi, so that was super fun. However, before they left I had to put my kids to bed because they were starting to not play very nice. After all the kids were down we had family council. We discussed the Allen Brady reunion, our next reunion, my parents will, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the schedule for the week. Its kind of weird to discuss such grown up things. It kind of makes me feel old, yet kind of important. After that meeting we talked some more and then my mom made us go to bed.
Tia in Allen's PJ's doing her happy dance. |
Monday was such a fun day. We started off with biscuits and gravy. Then I vacuumed out our car, so it would be ready to sell the next day. Then I helped get stuff ready to go up the mountain. When I say "The Mountain" I mean Graham Mountain. Gaupo, Papa, Betty Jane, Kylee, Tia, and I all loaded in the truck and everyone else went in the van. It will be the last time our family will ever fit in just two cars. Once again a little bittersweet. We drove up to Shannon. That is my family's favorite spot to go. Josh met us up there with his mules. So, I got the pleasure of taking the girls on mule rides with my dad. I haven't ridden in so long I forgot how wonderful it was. It is just kind of nice to sit and look around and not have to worry about driving. When we were finished with that, my brother had gotten the fire going and we had a wiener roast. Fire roasted food is the BEST! My mom had all the trimmings for traditional somores, cookie somores (I actually REALLY liked these), somores with fancy chocolate, chips, and drinks. It was AWESOME! After eating we kind of just hung around. The kids played bat, and just had fun running around. Around 3 when the kids were getting cranky, we left. They all feel asleep going down the mountain, but it really wasn't enough to last them through the night. When we got home, Jack and Lindsay made dinner and we went swimming. Then we ate dinner and boy Jack and Lindsay make REALLY good pizza. Then we had family home evening. Then us adults played Quiddler and called it a night.
Papa, and Tia on Treasure. Kylee and I on Tigger. |
Papa, Tia, Kylee, and I. |
Kylee, Papa, Betty Jane, and Me. |
Kylee and Papa. |
Kylee and Me. |
My Mom. |
Tia getting ready to play in the water. |
Kylee, Gaupo, Tia, and Me. |
Kylee, Betty Jane, Tia, Allen, Papa, Skippy (dog) |
Tia. |
Tuesday started off with a griddle breakfast. It was so good. The men did a really good job cooking it up. Then we headed off to Thatcher park to play. The kids played good their for awhile. Then we headed back to the house. Once we were there we hung out, got some lunch, and put the kids down for naps. During naps Gaupo and I bought our first minivan. That's right folk I now own a minivan. We bought it from my parents, who were very generous to sell it in the first place. They have done a great job caring for it. We got our trip plate ( a piece of paper you put in the window) and headed home. We sold the Impala to Jack and Lindsay. I thought we would both have a harder time than we did, but honestly Kylee has had the roughest time. It has taken until like yesterday for her to start saying that she likes this car. She was always saying that she liked the other car better, and wondered why we had to sell it to Uncle Jack. Anyway, after all the car stuff was done we went swimming again. After about an hour swimming, I came back in and got the girls changed and started dinner. Gaupo and I were in charge and made chili rellano casserole, beans, and spanish rice. It all turned out good. After we finished eating we dashed off to the Grant's house to see their tortises. At first the girls were afraid of them, but they slowly warmed up to them and both Kylee and Betty Jane got on Thor and rode him. It was so cool. I honestly haven't really wanted pets, but I was kind of tempted by these. Anyway, so cool and such a fun activity. When we got back it was time to put the kiddos to bed. Then we visited and called it a night.
Betty, Tia, and Kylee on super awesome teeter-toter. |
Betty, Kylee, and Tia before heading to the park. |
Kylee, Me, Tia, and Gaupo. |
Kylee on one of the smaller tortoises. |
Tia pointing at the tinny one. |
Tia riding one. |
Kylee and Betty Jane on one. |
Betty, Tia, and Me. |
Wednesday we left. It was sad. I mean at least others were leaving too, but still like it just felt too soon to leave. I think that me+lots of travel=needs more than just a few days, so I can act normal. Anyway, we had to go. We went to Trinidad and had a pretty good stay at the hotel, still a bit rough but much better than the last time.
Thursday we slowly got our groove on and went home. Thus ended our wonderful trip. I know it doesn't sound like much, but time together is so precious. I just feel like I blow it every time I get the chance, but luckily my family keeps inviting me back and love me anyway. I sure love being around them and am grateful for the wonderful time that we do have together. It is truly a wonderful blessing.
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