This weekend we went to Idaho. Yes, again. We went for Gaupo's brother Scott's wedding. It was a little crazy, but it was totally worth it. There were so many great moments, memories, and really our kids did pretty darn well on the drives.
We started off on Friday after Gaupo got off work. He ended up having to work through his lunch, so he was able to come home early, so we got a little earlier start than we were originally planning on. It was both good and bad. It was good that we got off earlier because we got to the hotel earlier, but working 8 hours straight is really hard on Gaupo's system. Consequently, I drove most of the way. This time it worked out good because I was wide awake and a little antsy just sitting there and for once Gaupo was completely fine being a passenger. The girls did really well until about 8 o'clock and then they started getting grumpy. I bet it was because it was past bedtime and their naps left a lot to be desired. However, we finally got them to calm down and they fell asleep making the last of our trip very pleasant. When we got to the hotel it was around 10:30 and the girls of course were super excited. They were running around looking at everything, exploring the bathroom and closet, and just loving that it was a new place to run around. They were not too happy to go to bed, but because it was so late we were all going to bed, so once there was nothing going on they both fell asleep quickly.
Saturday was the wedding day. We left our hotel in Green River around 9:15 a little later than planned, but when we arrived late to the lunch it hadn't even really started yet, the caterer was just getting the food there, so it wasn't totally untactful just a little. There was a tasty dutch oven dinner. With wedding cake for dessert. Aubrey looked absolutely beautiful. She had her hair and makeup done fancy and she just looked so mature and I thought really pretty. Scott was Scott, handsome and just really happy to be getting married. I am sorry, but guys don't really look that much fancier on their wedding day, but girls usually do. Anyway, it was so fun to watch them and they looked very pleased with their special day. After the luncheon, we all headed to the Logan Temple where Scott and Aubrey were sealed. It is such a neat experience every time. This time especially for me. I don't really know why, but this time as I was listening to that sealing covenant I was blown away, but the commitment. It is HUGE. I honestly can't believe well I can, but it still seems amazing that we do that for the most part in our twenties. We make a major commitment to someone else and to God when most people would argue life is just beginning. However, that commitment doesn't come without blessings and power. I do know that covenant holds a lot of binding power and if we stay faithful to it we will be blessed. After the sealing and pictures we headed to Swanlake. On the way, Gaupo and I talked about what I was thinking about, and about how you keep the "spark" in marriage alive. It was interesting to realize that spark and power come when we depend on and serve each other. The more we look after and serve our spouse at least for us the more "spark" our marriage seems to have. It is when we get lazy and take each other for granted that things get run of the mill. We were the first ones back, so we got some drinks picked out and some cake mix cookies made. Then we waited for the pizza to get there. When Gary, Aaron, and Melanie arrived with pizza we were still doing things and getting kids changed and things, so it took a bit to get to the food, but we got there and it was as good as ever. That night by the time baths were taken, and a little talking had been done it was time to hit the sack. We were all pretty tired after that great long day.
Kylee by the back of the Logan Temple doors. |
Tia. She loved these flowers and fence. |
Tia. |
Kylee. |
Tia and Kylee. |
Tia, Me, Aubrey, Scott, Kylee and Gaupo. Such a fine bunch. |
Sunday was thankfully a day of rest. When we first made plans to go out, it looked as if it would have to be a travel day, but we were blessed with some vacation time we didn't think we would have and so we were able to rest. We went to church in Swanlake. Kylee went to Grandma's class and then to primary. She was so excited. She loves going to primary. There was no nursery so Tia and the other visitors that were there played while us parents took over. The women, Heidi, a Gambles Mom, and I did Sunday School and then Jeff, Jason, and Brandon Gambles watched the kiddos during Relief Society. It worked out very well. Then we went home and had a delicious dinner and put the kids down for naps. While they were sleeping, I went to visit my Grandpa. I got to spend a little over two hours with him. I know that doesn't sound very long, but usually don't get to visit longer than and hour and almost never by myself, so this was GREAT! Anyway, we visited and chatted and remembered together. It was awesome. It was so great to hear my Grandpa talk. Family is so important to him. He wants everyone in his family to be his forever and ever. That is why the back of his and Grandma's headstone says "May there be no empty chairs." I can not even begin to tell you the love that my Grandpa has for his family. Also, we were able to go the cemetery and I was able to see the headstone he picked out and hear about why he chose everything he did. Then on the way home we talked some more about families, about where Grandma was, and about how we would one day see her again. As he talked about all these things, both in the car and at home, I could tell that my Grandpa KNEW these things. He didn't just believe them or hope for them like I do right know. No, he knew them and was holding tight to that. I honestly can not believe the strength of his testimony. It is truly amazing. It really helped strengthen mine, and honestly be better able to look to the future with joy. My other favorite thing was when we talked about the summers that I got live with them. I am so glad they happened, so lucky and blessed to be able to know my grandparents like that. One of my favorite memories from those summers is traveling EVERY Saturday, except for the couple where my dad went with me instead, with my grandpa to the farmers market in Idaho Falls. We talked about that because I said "I am sure you had better things to do than to go there with me and make sure I would stay awake." His reply was great, he said, "I bet then I thought I did, but I look back now and there isn't a better way I could have spend those Saturdays." I know I am so lucky to have had that time to talk with him and just to be with him. Anyway, I loved my visit with Grandpa it was so great to chat and I didn't have to worry about a thing it was WONDERFUL!
When I got back to the farm, we went over to Clifton for Gaupo's cousins Eagle Court of Honor. They did a really good job, and then had a great dinner after. It was kind of late for such a party, but it was still really fun to go and to participate in something that we would normally have to say "Oh man, we can't go we live too far away." Plus it was fun to visit again. Although, visiting when you have kids is a lot different than it was before them. When we got home we put the kiddos to bed and then stayed up till about 11:00 chatting with Grandma. It was so great.
Monday was a travel day. We got off a little before 10:00 and headed home. We stopped for lunch and the girls thought that was great. They love to eat "fancy." So grateful that fancy for my kids is Wendy's. For the most part they did really well. Toward the end again they got pretty whinny, but hey they are kids and traveling is rough, so I really can't complain too much. We got home a little after 7:00 and had beans and cheese and then sent those tired kids and ourselves to bed.
This trip was totally worth all the crazy traveling.
sounds fun!! :)