It is already the 8th of December and I am barely blogging about Thanksgiving. Part of it is because when we got back there were things to do, but also a big part is that it is really easy to procrastinate things if they are outside of my 'normal' routine. So, here is goes.
This year Guapo caved and let me attend the last Allen Brady Thanksgiving. We left Wednesday morning for Utah. We left around 7 and got to Mapleton around 2:30 or 3. Anyway, we made great time. We only stopped twice. Which is kind of amazing considering Kylee isn't in a diaper. We didn't really only plan to stop twice, but they were always asleep when it would be convenient to stop, so we just didn't. The kids did great in the car. I read them a couple of stories and we sang a few songs, but other than that they entertained themselves, which was AWESOME!! Because we got there so early we got lots of time to chat and just kind of easy into everything. It was great. That night kind of late Klaire, Spencer, Lisa, Josh, Kitt, and I played Partini. It was fun to play. It has kind of been awhile since I have had time to play games at night with my Brady cousins. Usually I am with them at reunion, so we are sleeping in a cabin and my kids get way scared if I am not with them.So, it was fun to relax, chat, and play.
Thursday dawned bright and early. I hate sharing a room with my kids. Man, they are so noisy when they wake up and Tia was up at like 6:00. Which true, I am normally up at that time, but I went to bed late and usually when I am up that early I am alone, its my quiet time. But no, not this trip. Man she found a block that had balls in it and so it was like a rattle. She was just shaking that, and touching my stuff. Kylee was up too and she was talking, wanting her clothes, and being silly with Tia. It was so loud. Oh well. Anyway, our day got started nice and early. We got up and got ready. I don't really in what order things happened, but most of the morning was spent watching kids play, helping prep thanksgiving dinner. Gaupo and I made super good gravy. I also got to help with the potatoes and get some crispy turkey skin. I loved the fact that my kids would play with other kids, so I didn't have to entertain them, I just had to check on them. For the feast we went over to the clubhouse in my cousin Brady's neighborhood. It was the perfect size for 52-ish people to sit and have a meal and play together. We had a marvelous feast, talked, went to the park, watched football, heard a mission report from my cousin Spencer, visited, ate again, and then cleaned up. It was a little crazy, but so very fun to see everyone. That night was kind of a late night too, but really not too bad.
All of us gathered together. |
Jack, Mom, Me, and Lindsay cutting the pies. |
The football game. That will be one sad part about not getting this large group together...the football games will be far smaller. My dad is in the red jacket. |
Grandpa-Great, Kitt, Lindsay, Klaire, Mom, Aunt Karen, Lisa, Matthew and I think Erica watching the football game. |
Friday after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days, because the family is still all together, but you don't have to worry about making a huge meal. You can just be together. This year the Friday after was not quite as laid back because we got to witness and Gaupo got to participate in the blessing of Baby Ross. It was so fun to be a part of that wonderful event. I loved witnessing it. True I marveled at the difference between Ross's blessing and Dereks, but also felt the same spirit at both. It is always so marvelous to see a worthy Father take his son and give him a name and a blessing. I am so glad we got to go. After the blessing we had cookies and milk. Then we went back to my Aunt Gaylynn's and had lunch and just kind of hung around if I remember right. We got the kids down for naps, and played scattergories. I played a little longer than I should have, so my Guapo was left tending the kids which was not his preference of activities because he wanted to be where the game was happening. I tend to forget that, so I am hoping by writing it down next time that situation arises I can be more aware. That night we went downstairs and had about an hour of just Bryce time. The cousins exchange dollar presents and we had a story and a little activity. Then we went back upstairs and put our kids to bed. Then talked and visited with the Jensen's again. That night was a late one, because Spencer, Klaire, Kitt, and I stayed up talking till Midnight. It was a great visit, but man it was a rough morning.
Saturday morning we were suppose to leave and it was snowing. This worried everyone a little bit, and we chickened out and didn't go home. It turns out I-80 was perfectly fine, but honestly the webcams weren't showing it being clear, and it was snowing on either side, so how was I suppose to know. Anyway, we stayed and had a good time. It was my cousin's son's birthday party, so everyone went to the Provo Rec Center to go swimming. Luckily my cousin had extra swimsuits for the girls, and my aunt had an extra for me. Gaupo doesn't like swimming, so he just tagged along. (he promised me he was fine with this) The Provo Rec Center is so cool. it has a fast lazy river, a rock climbing wall over a pool, a pretty fun kid area, 2 big water slides, and a pool just to hang out it. It was so fun. My kids had a great time. My sisters were champs in helping me with my kids so I could try some of the cool stuff like rock climbing and then jumping off into the water and the water slides. It was really fun. My kids were exhausted after. So, we took them home and fed them real food and put them down for a nap. It was super fun. During that nap time we visited and I think we played catch phrase or something. It was really fun. Then we had dinner which was followed by more playing and visiting. I actually don't remember Saturday night too well, but I am sure we had a good time.
Kylee and Betty Jane. (I don't know if these were from Saturday, but they are from this trip) |
These two love playing together and actually do very good at it. |
Sunday we went to church. Then came home and the girls took naps and my siblings and I just hung around and talked. We also played Taboo and tried to come up with a dessert for dinner. Then we had dinner which a was fun and then we visited and chatted some more. Kylee took a really good nap that day so she was trying to fall asleep, but just really wasn't tired, so we let her get up and come play with Betty Jane and Allen some more before they left for the night. Sundays are so great because there is nothing really going on so the day can just happen. They really are a day of rest and such a great day of the week.
Betty, Allen, and Kylee playing late into the night. |
Monday we finally came home. The roads and weather were good the whole way. The girls did really good again. We did stop for lunch this time, and we did make a couple extra potty stops, but hey it happens and really they were very good in the car. We got to bring Kitt home with us and that was great too. She helped us set up the Christmas tree and other stuff when we got home. She was a really sport to hang out with us ALL day. We loved it.
Stopped by the Ft. Collins Temple on the way home. So excited for this temple. |
The whole family getting in on the action. |
Kylee helping with lights. |
Gaupo and Tia putting on the star. |
So, that is the really quick run down of Thanksgiving. It was so good to be with so much family. I really loved being together. I loved being able to visit, play, cook, and relax. It was so nice to be at my Aunt Gaylynn's home. Her house is a very comfortable place for me where I always feel welcome. (and I don't get to visit very often so it was an extra special treat)
Getting back to life has been a little crazy. One because life is a little busy, but also because Tia has been a little crazier since. She is starting to wind down, but man it was a little crazy. It was like she could be good for a minute and then she would just go do something crazy and usually bad. However, I think we are starting to normalize which for her is still very busy, and crazy but it is different.
It is kind of weird going through the holidays and knowing that I am not pregnant and I would have been, and that when its all over there is no waiting for Derek to come. I remember thinking that the holidays seemed so far away and here I am. It is so crazy how time has literally FLOWN by. I am kind of amazed at how I am still affected by Derek's death. I honestly thought that it wouldn't change anything, but it has and always will. However, for the most part it has brought me more peace, joy, and contentment than I had before. Every time I see my girls I see them for the miracle and blessing they are. I am all the more grateful for my role as a mother. I am also grateful that I am part of a family both the HUGE ones and the itty-bitty one we have right here. I feel like I can see the blessings more clearly instead of just seeing all the problems that they cause, because lets be honest here...Motherhood is not easy and never will be. Some days you honestly want a good solid break from them. Also being part of a family isn't easy, but with all those hard things are some the richest blessings you can ever receive.
Yeah for Christmas. This wonderful time of year when we get to focus on the wonderful birth of Christ. The story of baby boy born, to save the world not only from sin, but from never ending heartache, and pain, so that instead we can be filled with peace, promises of eternity, and hope.
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