This is what I told everyone. I said it so many times, but guess what? I got to excited and well we partied. Miss Tia turned two today. She has seemed like she has been two for along time, but today she is officially two. I took her into for her two year check and she is in the 90% for height which is amazing because I don't have a 90% anything close usually. She measured 2 ft. 11.75 inches. with a weight of 26.2 lbs which is 50%. Anyway, I apparently have a tall lean kid. Honestly she didn't seem that tall to me but I guess she is. Tia was a champ at her appointment. She cooperated perfectly with the doctor even going so far as to try and make it easier for him to see in her ears and nose. It was so cute to watch. Tia's development was great for gross motor skills and problem solving, but a little delay in fine motor and communication. None, of which are a real surprise. I really think she has the talent to do the fine motor things, she just moves so quick and doesn't really stick to something for very long that really she doesn't give herself the opportunity to try.
Tia is a wonderful, happy, sweet little girl. She goes and goes and goes. I honestly wonder sometimes how she keeps moving, because sometimes she is so sleep deprived I am sure that she will get whinny and cranky, but really she just goes and goes unless you tell her she can't do something--then watch out. (melt down) Anyway, the not sleeping thing is a little more recent. Hopefully it is just a stage and will soon pass. Tia loves to run, jump, laugh, climb, get into everything that is not hers. She loves to dress-up, play with Kylee, go outside, and make a mess. She loves dumping. She is not the biggest fan of cleaning up, but she LOVES dumping and is pretty good at cleaning up although she takes her sweet time. That is one thing about Tia she is really good at "not hearing" things when she doesn't want to do them. Tia is getting more and more interested in books. She can usually sit through a Fancy Nancy now, but she much prefers books about construction, trains, or animals. Tia loves undressing and putting something new on. Most days after nap time her hair is all taken out and her clothes are on different or are different altogether. She is almost always not in her pj's in the morning although if she is that is usually not good because it means there is a mess somewhere else. Usually in the bathroom--unrolled toilet paper. Tia has so many skills she can get almost anything she wants if I will let her. She is learning to color. She loves, loves her big sister, and has such a zeal for life. She is a real blessing in our lives.
Tia's speech is going well. She can now say: go, wa wa (water), ba bye (sometimes), up, snow, book, duck, milk, off, on, Mama, Dad, moc (meaning moca the dog next door), out, cook (cookie), fish, nack (snack), more, and maybe a few more but that is mainly it. She can also now do the following sounds ruff, moo, neigh, vroom, mmm (meow), and baa. Her favorite songs are Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes; and Book of Mormon Stories. She know quite a few action songs and loves to dance to music.
So, that is the super short run down of Tia. I know it seems long, but trust me this girl is amazing and I could go on and on, but we need to get onto how we didn't celebrate her birthday (wink wink).
Last night I made Tia birthday sign, and blew up four balloons. I left the balloons on the couch with Grandpa-Great's birthday card. I also left a little bag in her room with a new shirt she could wear. She was half dazed when I saw her first this morning, but she had the bag. I held her and showed her what was in it. She seemed pretty out of it, but when I tried to put the shirt away she didn't want it in the bag. I helped her but it on. Then she still seemed kind of tired, so I cuddled her and then took her to my room and let her lay in my bed, while I read my scriptures. I love it when this girl cuddles. It is so awesome.
When she finally got to go downstairs she was so excited about the balloons. I wish I could show you the picture, but she isn't properly clad. We were still waiting for the steroid cream and lotion to dry a little getting her dressed. Anyway, her and Kylee played with those while Gaupo went out and shoveled the driveway (we got like 8inches of snow last night). When he got back in it was time to go to the doctor. So Gaupo took us there and we were hoping to get done in time for swim lessons, but we ended up not making it. Kylee was so sad. Anyway, we came home and a quick b-day breakfast of cheese eggs, toast, and hot chocolate. Then Tia opened her card from Grandpa-Great. She sure didn't want to let that 2 dollar bill out of her sight.
Here she is opening the envelope. |
Then she opened her present from Gaupo and I of a basketball hoop and ball. (I actually found the hoop on the side of the road. I cleaned it up and it looks great. We do have another present for her because I didn't know we would have this one, but we haven't picked it up yet so she didn't get it today.) Anyway, the girls played with the ball and hoop for a bit and then played some more downstairs.
Opening her ball. |
Slam dunk! |
Playing with the hoop. |
Then it was time to send Gaupo to work, so we had scriptures and prayers and let Tia open her gift from Oma. Tia loves her baby. It is so cute to watch her play with it. She will hold it, kiss it, love it, poke it eyes and nose, and the cutest thing is when she tickles it. Anyway, after she opened that Gaupo left for work and the girls played for a bit and then we had lunch and naps.
Opening it up. She is actually very good at getting that wrapping paper off. |
It is a baby. It has dark hair, eyes, and skin just like Tia. |
Pushing baby in the stroller. |
Then when sister took over her stroller, she pushed the lawn mower. |
Kylee rocking her baby. Tia getting all her presents was a little hard for Kylee, but she really did good. |
During nap time I figured that we had started celebrating we might as well do it right. So I made brownies, so I could make a snowman. Well as I started a fiasco began. I got a phone call wondering what we should do about our activity. After about a bazillion phones calls we had everything worked out to keep it going and I get another call saying we might cancel it because the bishop thinks the roads are unsafe. So, after all that work it ended up being cancelled, so I had to undo a lot of the work, but it probably was for the best and I got to have a great night with my kids and write this post. So, it took me forever to make this "cake" because I had so many interruptions, but I got it done. Luckily Tia's birthday dinner was pancakes, so it was easy to whip that up in time for Gaupo to join us. I wasn't quite ready when Gaupo got home and the girls needed a distraction, so we had Tia open her present from Grandma and Grandpa. That was just long enough to have the pancakes finish and then eat dinner and do cake.
Opening Grandma and Granpa's present--a game. |
Blowing out the candles. |
I was a little worried with this closeness, but she did great. |
She got one candle out and tired a couple of times with this one, but then refused to do it anymore.. So, everyone else did it instead. |
Sadly, Gaupo had to rush back to work and the house was a mess, but I decided there was a more important matter to attend to. That was to not let the perfectly good snow that the girls had been wanting to play in all day go to waste. So, I bundled those girls up in there new to them snow clothes and we headed out to the sledding hill. It took Tia some time to warm up to it, but she found she could just roll over when she felt unsafe and then she was more than happy to take her turn on the disc. However, after awhile I guess she got bored because she decided to take of her gloves and play with her hands in the snow. This of course got very cold and ended up hurting her hands really bad. Needless to say we had to go home and quick, but Kylee did get to make one snow angel before she went in. They did get to sled quite a few times, and it was really fun. (sorry no pics of the snow fun. With only me it is too hard to take pics and sled with two kids at night.)
Then I had to clean up the mess of the house. So, the girls watch some Thomas. This is one of the few shows Tia will watch for like 5 minutes. They watched that and then helped clean up their toys and stuff. When everything was put away we decided to play the game we got from Grandma and Grandpa. It was a pretty fun game. Then we went upstairs to finish the laundry, do baths, and go to bed. Boy it has been a day, but a great day. I can't believe all the celebrating we did on a day I didn't think would be good for a birthday celebration and truly we aren't done yet, we will do more this weekend when our Aunt Kitt is here.However, it has been so fun. Tia is such a fun girl and just played and did so well on her Birthday. She never ceases to amaze me. So, glad we have her and that we could celebrate being two.
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