I feel I am pretty good at handling traumatic events in the moment, but man I seem to do really bad at recovering from them. By that I mean, I have a hard time letting them go. Moments of the incident play over in my mind, the emotions come back, I worry more and I tend to be just get worn out faster. That being said I am hoping to accomplish three things from this post: recording of the event, hopefully getting it written down will get it out of my head, and counting my blessings.
On Monday evening, I ran to our local grocery store to pick-up some butter that was on sale. The girls had done really well, so they were able to ride the penny pony. This is a mechanical horse that costs a penny (most pennies are provided by store managers. Super awesome) Anyway, we were riding and everything was going great. During the last ride, Kylee was on and Tia had the reins out in front as if she were leading the horse along. Tia walked to one side and then was coming back and tripped. She either tripped on the horse or just got tripped up I don't know, but she feel. She banged her head on the bar UNDER the horse and because the horse was still moving her face got smashed by the horses front hoof. As quick as I could I grabbed her out of there and I thought everything that would be hurting would be on the front. So, I have her and am trying to see her eye and check their and a store manager comes up behind me and says "her head is bleeding." I try to turn her around to look and that is when I notice the giant trail of blood leading from the horse to wear we are standing. At this point my heart starts beating even faster. The store manager asks, "do you want me to call 911." I say "Yes." My friend Aurore Williams walked by right then and immediately not only asked what she could do, but also looked around and noticed Kylee was still riding the horse. So, she went and let Kylee finish and then brought her over to me. Where she then asked if there was something else she could do. I asked her to call Gaupo which she did and so he headed over. While all this was going on, I am trying to use paper towels to absorb the blood coming from Tia's head. She kept ripping them off and, so one time when I was looking at it I saw her skull. That is when I knew this was not good. So, Gaupo arrived slightly before the paramedics.
The paramedics were the worst part of this whole thing. They come in, and they don't even really look at it or make an evaluation. The guy just says "yeah, its bleeding. I don't really want to touch it." I was thinking really that is your JOB! Okay really I don't know exactly what they are suppose to do, but I am pretty sure it involves checking to see if a person needs to be rushed to the hospital, taken by ambulance, or just taken by car. No, they didn't give any of that advice. I got a better look at her head then any of them. Anyway, Tia of course didn't want to lay on the stretcher and we couldn't lay with her, because he couldn't secure her right. So, I carried her out to the ambulance (I told them I wanted a ride.) They put her on the stretch, but had this carseat like attachment for it. Then I sat on the seat next to her. I asked if we had to go to Longmont Hospital because I would like to go to Lafayette. They originally said okay. Well as we were leaving I ask the EMT that was with me in the back if he thought that the front of her head was okay. He looked at it, and said if you think it might be damaged then we should go to Longmont so you can get a scan fast. Well, I found out later if that bone in the front is broken it is pretty easy to tell by feel. The guy didn't even touch it! Anyway, we end up going to Longmont, which really is a blessing because then all of our friends are right here close by. Oh yeah, also no sirens on. Which is kind of weird, they apparently didn't think it was necessary to rush, believe it or not one really did. Anyway, we get there and we get Tia off the stretcher and one of the EMT says, "Oh man, blood every where. Augh, its on the straps." I wanted to say "Really, you didn't expect that to happen when you didn't bandage up her head. Did you not see the blood all over the store. Sorry to inconvenience you by getting blood where you put her." I didn't say any of that but boy I was pretty upset, because they really didn't seem to care. Dumb.
As we walk into the hospital though, those nurses all thought Tia was so cute and wanted to help us right away. So, we have like 8 people in our room to begin with. Tia gets in a little hospital gown, and they take a little peek at her head. They at first said it was like 3 inches. I personally was like no its bigger than that. Then they said Oh, its like 5. Which I thought was more accurate, but it wasn't until like they were getting ready to staple it closed did they realize it went from one side to the other. Anyway, they start getting the process rolling by putting numbing stuff on her head. That did help and she calmed down, but then she threw-up. A little bit on her and quite a bit on me. So now I am covered in blood and vomit. Luckily my jacket is what got the throw-up, so I took that off and continued to hold her. Shortly after that Gaupo got in. They left us alone while the meds kicked in. While we were waiting, I called my mom. Then Gaupo called Bro. Jeff Schroeder to see if he could come help with a blessing. Luckily he could and was able to get their before they wanted to do the procedure. Gaupo and Jeff gave Tia a blessing. Then the Schroeder's asked if they could do anything like food, or take Kylee. We asked Kylee if she wanted to go with them or stay with us. She opted to go with them. I am so glad. So, they walked out together and Gaupo and I were left with Tia.
I want to say it was round 6:30. I am not really sure they got to putting her scalp back together. They sedated her with Ketamine. Which they said puts you to sleep while keeping you awake. The good thing is it works fast, the bad part is coming out of it. Anyway, they give Tia the shot and it starts working. Oh my word, it is so hard to see your child like that. I can't even describe it. But there I was holding my sweet little Tia while they cut her hair, wash out 1/3 of the wound and staple it. Then repeat on the other side. Then I had to lay her down so they could get the rest of it all closed up. It took them longer than they thought because it was bigger than they thought, so they had to give her another dose. It was super painful to hear and watch as the drug started wearing off the first time. I mean Tia doesn't talk a whole ton, so to hear her little voice say ouch and then to have her body really mean it was so hard. I was so glad when they gave her another dose. Finally, now that I was soaked with the sodium chloride (think that is what the bottle said) they washed the wound with, and still had blood all over my shirt. They are finally done. Honestly, I couldn't stand for the last part. I was afraid I would pass out, but I couldn't leave either. They had my Tia. Luckily sitting down helped so I could stay. When they were all done, we had to wait for her to start coming out of it again. Oh it was awful. the waiting is so awful. She was so limp. Then when her muscles did come to you could tell they were so heavy and hard for to control it was so not her.
After she came too a little, not completely they tried washing everything up. They ended up having to cut a little more hair, because there was a huge mess of hair that they couldn't get undone. They didn't have a comb, or conditioner. Seriously, I was kind of surprised at what they didn't have on hand. Finally, we were able to move to a clean room and hold Tia completely, and wait for her to completely come around. Of course by this time it is way past her bedtime, so now she is really tired, so instead of popping awake she wants to go to sleep. She awakened pretty well, but we had to use a blow by (oxygen being blown in her mouth) for a little bit, but she finally got the hang of it and all was well. However, we did chose to have a CT scan just to make sure everything was good like we thought it was. Tia did really good at holding still for all of that. Then we waited for the results to come back. We were so happy to hear that there was no bruising, swelling, liquid, or breaks. Everything looked as it ought to. I was so grateful. So, then it was time to go home.
After getting our discharge instructions, we walked out. Well, while Gaupo went to go get the car Tia threw-up. So, we had to go back. Luckily we had already had the CT scan saying everything was okay, so we just got some nausea medicine and went home. I broke the law and I held Tia on the way home. I couldn't bear the thought of strapping her upright in her carseat with that cut being on the back of her head, plus with all the trauma. Oh I just couldn't. Finally at home, I went up and got Tia down. Calmed down and talked to Kylee for a bit. Gaupo went to get the other car and pick-up some hydrogen-peroxide. After the kids were down, we cleaned the blood as best we could from the clothes, made some last phone calls, and then went to bed.
Just as we were falling asleep, Tia starts fusing. So I leap from bed, and she is saying ouch again. I take her downstairs and get her some milk, cookie, and a cracker. Then after she has had just a little something I give her some Advil. She asked to go back to bed, so we took her and nobody except Kylee woke up till 7:30. Kylee woke up earlier, but I gave her the ipad and she played games until Tia woke up.
So, this all happened and really it does feel good to write it all down, but I also want to note the blessings of this event.
1. Gaupo was already at home. Not work Home.
2. Aurore was right there. Someone I knew walked by.
3. I was able to stay calm. I honestly didn't cry until we were waiting for CT scans to come back.
4. It happened in the evening so Tia was a little more worn out which allowed her to be more calm.
5. The Schroeders coming for the blessing and to take Kylee. (Kylee had a great time eating potatoes for dinner and watching Frozen. She was pretty much in heaven, until it was time to go to bed and no one was home but her and Laralee.)
6. It was just a giant nasty cut, and a bruise. There is no brain or skull damage.
7. Tia is a trooper. She held in there, really didn't freak out much (taking into account what happened.) She has been a trooper since too. As soon as she woke-up, she wanted milk and books. She has been wanting to go to the park. She has jumped on the tramp. Not thrown too big of a fit at the cleaning of her cut. I mean really she has done great.
8. Have medical help close.
I am sure there are probably more, but those are what I can think of right now. Anyway, here are a couple of pics.
On Monday evening, I ran to our local grocery store to pick-up some butter that was on sale. The girls had done really well, so they were able to ride the penny pony. This is a mechanical horse that costs a penny (most pennies are provided by store managers. Super awesome) Anyway, we were riding and everything was going great. During the last ride, Kylee was on and Tia had the reins out in front as if she were leading the horse along. Tia walked to one side and then was coming back and tripped. She either tripped on the horse or just got tripped up I don't know, but she feel. She banged her head on the bar UNDER the horse and because the horse was still moving her face got smashed by the horses front hoof. As quick as I could I grabbed her out of there and I thought everything that would be hurting would be on the front. So, I have her and am trying to see her eye and check their and a store manager comes up behind me and says "her head is bleeding." I try to turn her around to look and that is when I notice the giant trail of blood leading from the horse to wear we are standing. At this point my heart starts beating even faster. The store manager asks, "do you want me to call 911." I say "Yes." My friend Aurore Williams walked by right then and immediately not only asked what she could do, but also looked around and noticed Kylee was still riding the horse. So, she went and let Kylee finish and then brought her over to me. Where she then asked if there was something else she could do. I asked her to call Gaupo which she did and so he headed over. While all this was going on, I am trying to use paper towels to absorb the blood coming from Tia's head. She kept ripping them off and, so one time when I was looking at it I saw her skull. That is when I knew this was not good. So, Gaupo arrived slightly before the paramedics.
The paramedics were the worst part of this whole thing. They come in, and they don't even really look at it or make an evaluation. The guy just says "yeah, its bleeding. I don't really want to touch it." I was thinking really that is your JOB! Okay really I don't know exactly what they are suppose to do, but I am pretty sure it involves checking to see if a person needs to be rushed to the hospital, taken by ambulance, or just taken by car. No, they didn't give any of that advice. I got a better look at her head then any of them. Anyway, Tia of course didn't want to lay on the stretcher and we couldn't lay with her, because he couldn't secure her right. So, I carried her out to the ambulance (I told them I wanted a ride.) They put her on the stretch, but had this carseat like attachment for it. Then I sat on the seat next to her. I asked if we had to go to Longmont Hospital because I would like to go to Lafayette. They originally said okay. Well as we were leaving I ask the EMT that was with me in the back if he thought that the front of her head was okay. He looked at it, and said if you think it might be damaged then we should go to Longmont so you can get a scan fast. Well, I found out later if that bone in the front is broken it is pretty easy to tell by feel. The guy didn't even touch it! Anyway, we end up going to Longmont, which really is a blessing because then all of our friends are right here close by. Oh yeah, also no sirens on. Which is kind of weird, they apparently didn't think it was necessary to rush, believe it or not one really did. Anyway, we get there and we get Tia off the stretcher and one of the EMT says, "Oh man, blood every where. Augh, its on the straps." I wanted to say "Really, you didn't expect that to happen when you didn't bandage up her head. Did you not see the blood all over the store. Sorry to inconvenience you by getting blood where you put her." I didn't say any of that but boy I was pretty upset, because they really didn't seem to care. Dumb.
As we walk into the hospital though, those nurses all thought Tia was so cute and wanted to help us right away. So, we have like 8 people in our room to begin with. Tia gets in a little hospital gown, and they take a little peek at her head. They at first said it was like 3 inches. I personally was like no its bigger than that. Then they said Oh, its like 5. Which I thought was more accurate, but it wasn't until like they were getting ready to staple it closed did they realize it went from one side to the other. Anyway, they start getting the process rolling by putting numbing stuff on her head. That did help and she calmed down, but then she threw-up. A little bit on her and quite a bit on me. So now I am covered in blood and vomit. Luckily my jacket is what got the throw-up, so I took that off and continued to hold her. Shortly after that Gaupo got in. They left us alone while the meds kicked in. While we were waiting, I called my mom. Then Gaupo called Bro. Jeff Schroeder to see if he could come help with a blessing. Luckily he could and was able to get their before they wanted to do the procedure. Gaupo and Jeff gave Tia a blessing. Then the Schroeder's asked if they could do anything like food, or take Kylee. We asked Kylee if she wanted to go with them or stay with us. She opted to go with them. I am so glad. So, they walked out together and Gaupo and I were left with Tia.
I want to say it was round 6:30. I am not really sure they got to putting her scalp back together. They sedated her with Ketamine. Which they said puts you to sleep while keeping you awake. The good thing is it works fast, the bad part is coming out of it. Anyway, they give Tia the shot and it starts working. Oh my word, it is so hard to see your child like that. I can't even describe it. But there I was holding my sweet little Tia while they cut her hair, wash out 1/3 of the wound and staple it. Then repeat on the other side. Then I had to lay her down so they could get the rest of it all closed up. It took them longer than they thought because it was bigger than they thought, so they had to give her another dose. It was super painful to hear and watch as the drug started wearing off the first time. I mean Tia doesn't talk a whole ton, so to hear her little voice say ouch and then to have her body really mean it was so hard. I was so glad when they gave her another dose. Finally, now that I was soaked with the sodium chloride (think that is what the bottle said) they washed the wound with, and still had blood all over my shirt. They are finally done. Honestly, I couldn't stand for the last part. I was afraid I would pass out, but I couldn't leave either. They had my Tia. Luckily sitting down helped so I could stay. When they were all done, we had to wait for her to start coming out of it again. Oh it was awful. the waiting is so awful. She was so limp. Then when her muscles did come to you could tell they were so heavy and hard for to control it was so not her.
After she came too a little, not completely they tried washing everything up. They ended up having to cut a little more hair, because there was a huge mess of hair that they couldn't get undone. They didn't have a comb, or conditioner. Seriously, I was kind of surprised at what they didn't have on hand. Finally, we were able to move to a clean room and hold Tia completely, and wait for her to completely come around. Of course by this time it is way past her bedtime, so now she is really tired, so instead of popping awake she wants to go to sleep. She awakened pretty well, but we had to use a blow by (oxygen being blown in her mouth) for a little bit, but she finally got the hang of it and all was well. However, we did chose to have a CT scan just to make sure everything was good like we thought it was. Tia did really good at holding still for all of that. Then we waited for the results to come back. We were so happy to hear that there was no bruising, swelling, liquid, or breaks. Everything looked as it ought to. I was so grateful. So, then it was time to go home.
After getting our discharge instructions, we walked out. Well, while Gaupo went to go get the car Tia threw-up. So, we had to go back. Luckily we had already had the CT scan saying everything was okay, so we just got some nausea medicine and went home. I broke the law and I held Tia on the way home. I couldn't bear the thought of strapping her upright in her carseat with that cut being on the back of her head, plus with all the trauma. Oh I just couldn't. Finally at home, I went up and got Tia down. Calmed down and talked to Kylee for a bit. Gaupo went to get the other car and pick-up some hydrogen-peroxide. After the kids were down, we cleaned the blood as best we could from the clothes, made some last phone calls, and then went to bed.
Just as we were falling asleep, Tia starts fusing. So I leap from bed, and she is saying ouch again. I take her downstairs and get her some milk, cookie, and a cracker. Then after she has had just a little something I give her some Advil. She asked to go back to bed, so we took her and nobody except Kylee woke up till 7:30. Kylee woke up earlier, but I gave her the ipad and she played games until Tia woke up.
So, this all happened and really it does feel good to write it all down, but I also want to note the blessings of this event.
1. Gaupo was already at home. Not work Home.
2. Aurore was right there. Someone I knew walked by.
3. I was able to stay calm. I honestly didn't cry until we were waiting for CT scans to come back.
4. It happened in the evening so Tia was a little more worn out which allowed her to be more calm.
5. The Schroeders coming for the blessing and to take Kylee. (Kylee had a great time eating potatoes for dinner and watching Frozen. She was pretty much in heaven, until it was time to go to bed and no one was home but her and Laralee.)
6. It was just a giant nasty cut, and a bruise. There is no brain or skull damage.
7. Tia is a trooper. She held in there, really didn't freak out much (taking into account what happened.) She has been a trooper since too. As soon as she woke-up, she wanted milk and books. She has been wanting to go to the park. She has jumped on the tramp. Not thrown too big of a fit at the cleaning of her cut. I mean really she has done great.
8. Have medical help close.
I am sure there are probably more, but those are what I can think of right now. Anyway, here are a couple of pics.
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Tia with Gaupo. Before they stapled her head. |
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The staples. |
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Another view. |
Thanks for writing. It provided closure for me too. I saw a double horse at the store in Monday and thought, oh they'd love that! ...but then maybe they won't ride again.
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